Supreme Lord

Chapter 1124

The Magical Powers is still flying, but it is much less than before.

Some people have to stop because of their spirit strength being exhausted because of their crazy use of fairy art.

More are scared.

I feel a kind of fear of have one’s hair stand on end.

The countless fairy art Magical Powers continuously swept away, and they can’t even shake Gu Qingfeng at all. They are really scared, it’s a kind of disheartened fear. It is also a kind of desperate fear, and it is an incredible fear.

This kind of fear makes them feel that they feel that these people are as small as ants in front of Gu Qingfeng, and they are not worth mentioning.

There are fewer and fewer magical powers in the sky, thousands of ways, hundreds of ways…ten ways, until no one dares to continue.

Everyone is scared.

The fairy clouded envoy is.

Liu Guangtao and other immortals are.

Four Great Families and Seven Great Sects’ Loose Immortal Old Ancestor are the same.

One by one, their faces are like ashes, gasping for breath, the brilliance of the whole body is faintly discernible, the spirit strength is also faintly discernable, the immortal spirit has long been overdrawn, and the spirit strength is close to exhaustion.

Even the arrogant Long Qianblade and Liu Guangque stopped doing their work, and their attitude was no longer as arrogant as just now, and the eyes didn’t have the arrogance they had just now, and some were just afraid.

The spirit strength of the two is almost exhausted, the best of the ninety-nine and eighty-one eleven layers of Liuguangque, the color spirit of nature has also become dim, and the little destiny, little nature, and little of Long Qianbian Xianzhao and even the Azure Dragon he has always been proud of, Ba Ri has no previous dominance, as weak as a plume of smoke.

The first time they did it, they were banned by unfathomable mystery.

I thought it was because I was not ready for a while, and followed Gu Qingfeng’s way.

Now when they are full of good fortune, they have tried their best but they have not been able to shake Gu Qingfeng at all. Only then did they realize that it was not careless, it was not unprepared, and it was not the way of Gu Qingfeng. , But Gu Qingfeng’s existence is really strong.

Proud and arrogant, in this brief moment, they finally realized that what Wan Huaiyu, Qin Hao, and Bei Changqing said before were not deliberately frightening them, but the existence of Gu Qingfeng. The power is beyond imagination.

“Do it! Don’t stop everyone! Keep doing it, we immortal dominates the world, he absolutely dare not resist!”

Cloud Leopard hissed, calling everyone to continue doing it.

It’s just that no matter how he screamed, no one did it anymore.

Do it?

More than ten thousand people joined forces to encircle and suppress the immortal art. Now the immortal spirit is weak, the spirit strength is overdrawn, and the dantian is even more exhausted. Even so, they have not been able to shake this Gu Qingfeng.

How to do it?

What to play?

Don’t dare.

Don’t dare anymore.

The time passed bit by bit, and the atmosphere in the venue became silent at some point.

What is even more puzzling is that the scorching sun was still in the sky just now, as if it hadn’t been long before, but now it’s setting sun.

When the dusk began to fall, the silence in the court gradually turned into dead silence.


No one dares to speak quietly.

This feeling is like rainstorm is about to come, and the terrifying darkness is eating away the light of the world bit by bit.

Gu Qingfeng is still standing there.

Just stand with hands behind.

Wearing clothes whiter than snow, the clothes never fly.

Three thousand black hair is like ink, and the hair has never been dancing.

He here, no longer has the leisurely and relaxedness he used to be, and there is no laziness and randomness, and some are just silence, a lonely silence.

He closed his eyes and raised his head slightly, as if he was feeling something.

Not far away.

Fei Kui has always been standing with his head down.

I never said a word from beginning to end, nor looked up, not even once.

Next to it.

Old Monster Tang, who has always laughed and scolded, has also become extremely serious, and his face is quite embarrassed. He looked at Gu Qingfeng carefully, looked at it with fear, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something. But he dared not speak, even the muscles at the corners of his mouth trembled twice.

“Old monster.”

Suddenly, Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, just like his people, full of silence, and the scared Old Monster Tang shivered fiercely. I didn’t dare to call the boy anymore, and tremblingly responded: “Heaven, Heavenly Wolf, you…you say, listen.”

“In the legend, if one person kills too much , Will be entered into the Eighteen Levels of Hell by God, do you believe it?”

“I don’t know…I don’t know.”

I don’t know if I feel something, Don’t blame Gu Qingfeng looked particularly panicked in front of him, shaking a little when he spoke.

“I believe it.”

Gu Qingfeng opened his eyes, and in a pair of gloomy eyes, it was still so calm, as calm as an abyss, which made Old stranger Tang It is somewhat relieved, but Gu Qingfeng’s next sentence came, and his heart rushed to his throat.

“Because I was beaten into hell by God, I don’t mind going to hell again.”

The voice fell, and there was a thump, and Old Monster suddenly sat down. On the ground, two words popped out of my mind: finished.

Gu Qingfeng’s meaning is very clear.

Old Monster Tang understands.

Everyone present can also hear that Gu Qingfeng is ready to do it, and may even kill.

Thinking of this, the fairy officials of the Xian Dynasty, the cabinet of Four Great Families and Seven Great Sects, Old Ancestor, all backed away in fear.

And this time.

An Elderly walked over, bowed his hands and said, “Your Excellency, I also hope you read in their ignorance, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, forgive them once. , I bow to you in Xun Nian!”

“hmph! Xun Nian, as the principal of the immensity, how can you bow to this person? What are you young and ignorant? What not knowing the immensity of Heaven And Earth, I, Long Qianbian, fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, how can I be afraid of him, why should he forgive me? What a joke!”

Long Qianbian took a step forward with a frantic face, the corner of his mouth With a sneer, his eyes were very disdainful, shouted: “My Dragon Thousand Blade is the Long Family Six Young Master on the cloud, the Yunjue who is enshrined in the fairy dynasty, has Azure Dragon as the guardian of the sun, and my father is the famous Long Zongsheng, I The Master is the Great Principle Golden Immortal Celestial Silkworm. Today, my Long Qianbian is standing here. If you dare to hurt me a bit, I will let you survive tomorrow!”


Long Qianbian also specially took out his Azure Dragon show off one’s military strength.

Suddenly a person appeared in front of him.

Is a white clothed man, a lonely white clothed man, Gu Qingfeng.

Gu Qingfeng appeared abruptly, and the frightened Long Qianbian was shocked, and he was also frightened there, not knowing what to do.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t say anything, the palm of his hand fell, and a slap clasped the top of the head of Long Qianbian, with a bang, the so-called Azure Dragon on Long Qianbian’s head suddenly disappeared. The three great good fortunes, Xiao Tianming, Xiaoxian Zhao, and Xiao Tianming, which entangled him, also collapsed and disappeared in an instant, but Long Qianbian himself did not even hum, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke between his fingers.

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