Supreme Lord

Chapter 1107

“I tell you, he has an infinite number of color spirits.”

“Do you know what an infinite number is? It is countless, infinite, know?”


What Wan Huaiyu said just now is unbelievable.

What Bei Changqing said at this moment is even more exaggerated, more outrageous, and even more incredible.

The endless color spirit?

Is it possible?

The answer is yes.

Imagine with your toes and know that this is an impossible thing. No one can have an endless number of colorful spirits of nature, unless it is the mother of nature, and the mother of nature is like a Spiritual God. , Then will Gu Qingfeng be a Spiritual God? Know the answer without thinking.

Especially when Bei Changqing was insane when he said this, it made people feel that he was telling a joke.

“Evergreen Golden Lord, I hope you won’t make such boring jokes again!”

Liu Guangtao reprimanded.

“Are you kidding? You actually thought I was joking with you…hehe…hehe!” Bei Changqing laughed, smiling and looking like she was scared and aggrieved: “You know? Any of you hope that I am joking…really…but…but I am not at all!”

“If you weren’t joking, how could you say the endless colorful spirit? “Is it outrageous? Hehe…Is this outrageous?”

“Nonsense! The old man couldn’t detect a color spirit from Gu Qingfeng at all, and Where can there be so much!”

“If you can’t detect it, it’s right. If you can detect it, it’s wrong. Do you know why it can’t be detected? Because…hehe…because He used endless colorful spirits to conceive a Tai Chi… Tai Chi Vientiane… The Buddha of Life… He he he…”

Tai Chi Vientiane?

The Buddhas of Life?

What is this again?

Don’t understand!

No one understands.

Whether it is Clouded Leopard, Liu Guangtao, Xun Nian, Qianhe and Qingyan, the great abilities of samsara reincarnation like Qianhe and Qingyan can’t understand, but both of them can see that Beichangqing is not at all spirit. The abnormality does not seem to be joking, and it does not seem that Wan Huaiyu is deliberately scaring them.

If what they say is true, neither Qingyan nor Qianhe can believe it.

“What is Tai Chi Vientiane? Do you know?”

“What are the Buddhas? Do you know?”

“You don’t know, You don’t know anything…”

Beijing Changqing seemed to be really insane. His pale face was tranced and complicated. There was fear, fear, worry, regret, and loss. , He shook his head and said intermittently: “You don’t know anything about him, but that’s fine, if you can, I don’t want to know everything about him, I believe… the same is true for both of you. Think about it?”

Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao looked at Bei Changqing, although neither of them responded, but Deep in one’s heart also extremely agreed with Bei Changqing’s words.

If you can.

They don’t want to know.

If you can go back in time.

They will never join in the excitement of the Great Northwest nine years ago.

Ignorance is fearless.

Fearless can maintain a normal heart.

Only by maintaining a normal mind, cultivation will be all right.


Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao can no longer maintain a normal, deep in one’s heart can no longer be as calm as before.

It’s not that Heavenly Dao is unfair.

It’s not envious or jealous.

But really scared.

A Tai Chi Wanxiang, a Buddha Buddha, an Absolute Body, an Ancient Taboo, and a Blood of Original Sin.

Any one of these five existences can change the situation of Heaven and Earth in modern and ancient times.

Now all the five kinds of terrifying exist in him.

How can this make them feel at ease and cultivation, and why are they not afraid?


Who can guarantee that there are only these five kinds of terrifying in him?

When I think of this, Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao have a gloomy feeling of Heaven and Earth.

They still do.

What about Beichangqing?

Her Heaven and Earth is even darker.

And she herself has already been desperate, the spirit of despair may really be a bit regular.

Perhaps because I said so much just now that I was a little thirsty, Bei Changqing sat in a chair, drinking with each minding their own business, and said: “And I can tell You guys, he has never merged with the king’s incomplete knowledge. He doesn’t need it, and he doesn’t need it, because he overthrew your fairy dynasty Gu Tianlang in Ancient Era!”

The language is not amazing. Endless death!

The words of Bei Changqing once again shocked thousands of people in the fairy dynasty in the field!


More people think that Bei Changqing may have some demon or some evil, and the spirit is stimulated, so it talks nonsense like this.


The clouded leopards, Liu Guangtao, Xun Nian and other immortals in the field can all see it, especially Qianhe. She is sure that Bei Changqing is neither possessed nor evil.

As for what happened to Beichangqing, she really didn’t know what happened, and then looked towards Wan Huaiyu and asked: “He really is the King of Chixiao Gu Tianlang?”

Wan Huaiyu looked at her, and after a while, she was nodded.

It doesn’t matter that he is nodded, he really scared the more than 30 immortals and hundreds of immortals in the field.

If you say that Bei Changqing is insane and nonsense, but Wan Huaiyu is not at all. On the contrary, it seems to be more sensible than anyone, and with Wan Huaiyu as a person, he is also impossible at This time to make such a boring joke with everyone.

Is the man who stumped really is the King of Scarlet Heaven?

Is it really scarier than expected, as Wan Huaiyu said?

If Gu Qingfeng only incorporates a touch of consciousness of the emperor, perhaps everyone will not believe what Wan Huaiyu said just now.

But if Gu Qingfeng is Ancient Era’s Chi Xiao King Gu Tianlang, then it’s another matter.

The Emperor Chixiao itself is already terrifying.

Many people have witnessed the scattered ashes and smoke dispersed when he was tried by immortal dao, but now he is alive again. Not only is he alive, but there is neither samsara reincarnation nor Seize Body For Rebirth. Explain what? It shows that his ability is so great that he has been integrated into Heaven and Earth, transcending life and death.

If so.

Then his existence is definitely more terrifying than imagined.


Before this, they also doubted whether the new king of Yanluo was the real one. After all, it could make the Blood Fiend Dragon Elephant awe, and no one dared to say it was fake.

However, with the appearance of Gu Qingfeng, everyone discovered that he was the one who claimed to have merged with the emperor’s broken knowledge of the Great Northwest nine years ago, and the stone hanging in his heart gradually fell. Since he is not the King of Chixiao There is nothing to be afraid of.

But now.

Wan Huaiyu said that he is the Emperor Chixiao himself, and his existence is more terrifying than imagined.

This caused the fallen stone in their hearts to rise again, and it was higher, more suspended, more restless, and more frightened than the previous one.

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