Supreme Lord

Chapter 1105

Many people in the Xian Dynasty know that Qianhe is an extraordinary fairy. At least, her identity background is not as simple as the surface. Liu Guangtao knew that Qianhe’s previous life was a nine-day fairy.

As for the fairy of Jiutian, he doesn’t know, but one thing is certain, as long as the word Jiutian is attached, even if it is just an ordinary True Immortal, it is not something other immortals can mention on equal terms. For example, Yun Leopard, although his previous life was canonized as the Huwei Supreme Immortal, he was only the Huwei Supreme Immortal of this world. At best, he was only a world immortal, and his status was no higher than the Nine Heavens Immortal.

The difference is as big as the difference between the local officials of Yanluo Kingdom and the ministers of the Imperial court, incomparable.

Because of Qianhe’s extraordinary identity, Liu Guangtao had to think carefully about what she said. After thinking for a moment, she said: “I don’t know what advice Qianhe can advise?”

“I don’t dare to teach, and I am not qualified to teach you, even more how, if I can, I would like to appoint me by some of the Purple Golden Immortal Lords here.”

Qianhe The voice of Xianchao in the venue was all puzzled. For some reason Qianhe would suddenly mention several Purple Golden Immortal nobles.

Purple Golden Immortal is known as the Xianjue of the Immortal.

As far as this title is, without exception, it is a person of great status and background.

This time the immortal dynasty has come to six Purple Golden Immortal Lords.

One of them is named Qingyan, who is a samsara reincarnation power. It is said that his identity in the previous life was nine heavens above, and his identity is not noble.

Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao, two Purple Golden Immortal lords, have heard that their previous identities are deeper and stronger than Qingyan. What identity they are is still a mystery.

There is also a Bei Changqing. Although he is not a samsara reincarnation, he is rumored to be from a mysterious place outside the world.

When everyone looked over, they suddenly discovered something incredible.

Na Qingyan frowned, wondering what he was thinking.

He is fine.

But when everyone looked towards Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao, the two Purple Golden Immortal Lords, they found that their faces were ugly, their expressions were extremely unnatural, and they lost one’s head out of The appearance of fear is like facing a big enemy, more like seeing Death God coming, and there is some panic.

That’s right!

It’s panic!

Beijing Changqing, who comes from a place outside the world, is even more unbelievable. He didn’t know when he actually sat on the ground, holding his head in his hands, holding his hair fiercely, as if he had a terrible headache. Things.

Looking at this scene, everyone in Xian Chao was shocked.

They have been talking about Gu Qingfeng just now, and they didn’t pay attention to other people at all. At the moment they saw the three Purple Golden Immortal Lords look panicked. Everyone couldn’t figure it out. What happened to their three people ?

What can cause the two masters, Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao, who are more powerful than nine heavens above, to be so alarmed?

What made Bei Changqing, a mysterious person from a place outside the world, slumped on the ground in pain?

“Evergreen Golden Lord, what’s wrong with you?”

An immortal official just wanted to ask the reason, but Bei Changqing didn’t even look up, shouted furiously: “fuck” Off! Worry! Leave me alone!”


What happened?

What is bothering about Evergreen Golden Lord?

Everyone looked towards Luo Lao again, they all know that Luo Lao is the follower of the Evergreen Golden Jubilee side, and they also hope to get answers from Luo Lao.

Luo Lao’s face is also ugly, and his expression is full of worries. He shook his head, sighed then said, and said nothing.

This time is even more curious.

What is going on here?

Since Bei Changqing and Luo Lao refused to speak, everyone had to ask Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao. However, what made them depressed was whether it was Wan Huaiyu or Qin Hao, who He didn’t say a word either, just shook his head, and didn’t know if he didn’t want to say it or what.

The people of Xianchao in the field know that the identity of the three immortal lords is not what they can imagine. The three purple Golden Immortal lords did not speak, and they are not good to continue to ask, they are anxious, no Method.

“What’s the matter with the three Golden Immortal?”

Xun Nian’s attention has been on Gu Qingfeng just now, and he didn’t notice the strangeness of the three Purple Golden Immortal. He looked towards Qianhe and asked: “Master Qianhe, do you know the reason?”

Qianhe shook his head, also frowns, and said, “I don’t know the reason, I only know when that When Gu Qingfeng appeared, the three golden lords had already started something wrong.”

Qianhe’s voice was not loud, but it spread to everyone’s ears, really like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, deafening.

When that Gu Qingfeng appeared?

What is wrong with the three golden lords?

What do you mean?

It is difficult to say that Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao, the two Purple Golden Immortal Lords, panic because of Gu Qingfeng? Evergreen Jinjue’s suffering is also because of Gu Qingfeng?


Gu Qingfeng, what is worth their panic?

If you say that other people panic, that’s all, but Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao’s identities in their previous lives are better than the nine heavens above. The cultivation base in this world is even more profound. Mystery, if it weren’t for this, Xianchao wouldn’t let them be responsible for the safety of the princes of Xianchao, and their strength might be more terrifying than imagined.

That’s it.

What is there to panic?

Then Gu Qingfeng is nothing more than mysterious, weird, apart from this, what else can there be, no matter how mysterious or weird, without cultivation base, without good fortune, where can it be so powerful? Let’s not talk about whether he has really merged with the stubborn knowledge of Emperor Chixiao, even if it is really integrated, what can be done, not to mention integration, even if he is Emperor Chixiao himself, as Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao. The status and the strength of the cultivation base are impossible to panic!


No one knows this question, no one can imagine it.

Qianhe didn’t know, nor did Cloud Leopard, who was the messenger of the Immortal Dynasty.

Like Qianhe, from the very beginning, he noticed the strangeness of the three immortal princes, Wan Huaiyu, Qin Hao, and Beichangqing, and found that the cause of the panic of the three was the same as Gu Qingfeng Related, because of this, he has been silent, staring at Gu Qingfeng in the pavilion, just looking at it, no matter how you look at it, he still can’t tell, what is there in Gu Qingfeng that makes Wanhuai? The Purple Golden Immortal Lord Jade was so panicked.

“Huaiyu Jinjue, Qin Hao Jinjue, Evergreen Jinjue, what is going on with you?”


Clouded Leopard couldn’t bear the surprise in his heart and asked.

And people from the immortal dynasty such as Liu Guangtao and Xun Nian also asked about the reason. Even a former fairy heavens above Qingyan couldn’t help asking, because he really couldn’t tell. There is something in Gu Qingfeng that makes Wan Huaiyu and the three people panic like this.

Bei Changqing still squatted on the ground, holding his head in his hands, as if he hadn’t heard it, he didn’t pay attention.

Qin Hao lowered his head, his brows wrinkled, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Wan Huaiyu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if trying to calm down his panicked heart. After a long time, he said, “If you don’t want to die, what are you today? Don’t ask, let alone act rashly, stand here obediently and honestly, and leave Yanluo quickly after the temple fair. The sooner the better!”

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