Section 28: message from mother

The appearance of Yunxiao’s love is beyond the expectations of Chu Yun, and it is beyond the imagination of everyone in the temple.

In the dating of the past, the man came to the woman’s side, never had the woman left, and took the initiative to go to the man.

There is no doubt that Yun Xiaoai broke the convention and created a small record.

For a time, countless eyes were cast on Chu Yun. There are jealousy, envy, curiosity, doubts, and all kinds of things.

Feel the eyes of everyone, Yun Xiao love smiled, very proud: “Who stipulates that women must sit in the same place, waiting for the boys to come over? This is not fair, I must take the initiative in my own hands. Hehe Oh, everyone is dumbfounded!”

She smiled and bent her eyes like a moon, and there was a cute thief.

Chu Yun’s expression is still dull, quietly drinking tea, just looking at the eyes of Yun Xiaoai, with a slight warmth.

On Chu Yun’s acquaintances in Yun Family, Yun Baishen and Yun Xiaoai are among the best. The main thing is that Yunbaishen is also a researcher. In his spare time, Chu Yun and he often learn about pill refining. I have been getting along for a long time, and this baby younger sister of nature and Yunbaishen is familiar with it.

For this eccentric cloud love, Chu Yun also likes it. Of course, this kind of love, not mixed with desire, is simply treated as a small younger sister.

The same is true of Yun Xiaoai, who uses Chu Yun as a big brother.

She just sat down and put out a delicate little hand, throwing the crystal grapes placed on the Chu Yun table, one by one into their mouths. Behave in a manner, with the arbitrariness and freedom of acquaintances.

She ate and complained: “Hey, it’s really annoying. There are always a bunch of people, around me, and my head is big. Or you are here, quiet!”

Yun Xiaoai’s mouth is bulging, but he speaks clearly. This set of things in the mouth chewing something to talk about is very personal.

Chu Yun smiled and didn’t talk, still drinking tea quietly.

Yun Xiaoai has become accustomed to the silence of Chu Yun. She knows that Chu Yun does not like to speak, just like her pro big brother. However, once they open their mouths, they will become the focus of the crowd. They will speak out like mountains, and they will be fascinated.

She did not ask why Chu Yun was sitting all the time, not going to the main hall on the right. She knows why, her big brother Yun Baishen is still single.

Genius is always too high-spirited, so it is often lonely.

So in the eyes of everyone, it shows such a strange scene. Yun Xiao love throws fruit into his mouth, muttering in his mouth, very unfair, but cute. Chu Yun is a light tea, not a word. And other men’s efforts to express their behavior are completely two extremes.

Yun Xiaoai complained about a big pass, and he would criticize the evil and the blind traditions. After a worthless money, he finally turned a little deflation and turned to the topic: “Hey, please do something for you.”

Chu Yun did not care, and casually returned a sentence: “Well, you said.”

Yun Xiao loves his mouth and drums. It is almost full of fruit, and the mouth is overflowing with juice. The sound is very clear: “It is the kind of pill refining medicine that can cure the heart disease. I have to cure my elder.”

“Heart disease?” Chu Yun raised his eyebrows slightly. “What kind of heart disease? Acacia disease can be used to break the love of Dan, dreams of Dan. Over-worry, can be used to solve worry. Happy, mad, can use meditation Dan. But you want me to develop medicine pill, If it weren’t for the refinement of medicine pill, it would mean that the usual medicine pill has lost its effectiveness. I need to know the details of the condition before I can pill refining.”

“It’s my aunt, she usually hurts me the most. Unfortunately, she is very unhappy. The coward is our Yun Family’s death, and there is no solution to the reverse scale poison. She died in front of her. She used to have a child, but It has been missing for more than 40 years, and there has been no news. Hey, every day at a certain time, my aunt will spit out the blood essence. Even if she has a king cultivation base, she can’t suppress it, and the injury is very heavy.”

“Our Yun Family has been trying hard to treat, but the effect is not good. Heart disease is not like other injuries, it is not fixed. Find the key point, maybe a lower medicine pill, can heal well. If you find No, even the absolute grade medicine pill has no effect. The heart disease is the most unremarkable, the name big brother You are so young, you have entered the research institute, may wish to give it a try, help me this busy. Anyway, I and the big brother I will be grateful to you.”

After Yun Xiaoai finished speaking, he cast his eyes on Chu Yun.

Chu Yun’s face is unchanged, but the heart is over the river. The spirit of the heart tells him that the aunt of Yunxiaoai should be his own mother.

He lowered his eyes and covered the flickering divine glow in the depths of his eyes. Depressed the voice, so calmly asked: “Oh? King’s cultivation base, can not suppress the heart disease, every day to vomit a bloody heart? Heart disease to such a point, it is rare. I can try hard, but to Symptomatic pill refining, it is best for me to see the patient in person.”

Yunxiao loves great joy: “So, the anonymous big brother, you promised, great. But…”

There was a distressed look on her face, and she shook her head and sighed: “But it is very difficult for you to see your aunt. She is very uncomfortable with the people of Yun Family. She usually lives alone in the blue sky and can’t live in it. Ze is a superior immortal sack world. After being completely opened, it merges with the small hole formed by Danzhou. Only by holding her token can I enter there. However, although I have a pass token, I can only use it myself. The production requires the blood essence of the parties. That is, the Yun Family patriarch has no tokens.”

“Heavenly Lanze!” Chu Yun’s heart was shocked, almost impossible.

That’s right, it’s mother!

The opportunity to wait for it, suddenly did not think that it was here at this time.

Chu Yun is both uplifting and sad. The excitement is that I finally waited for a good opportunity and did not hesitate to wait for his hard work. Sadly, mother suffers from heart disease, and every day at a certain time, he must spit out his blood.

This is the symptom of “sorrow is greater than death.”

At the thought of this, Chu Yun’s heart could not help but rise up a strong impulse, and I can’t wait to see Mother directly, and rescue the mother.

But he eventually pressed the impulse.

Can’t be reckless.

Although he is an emperor, he is only junior. In Yun Family, Yundi is behind the scenes, although his strength can be self-protected, but once wrapped up by Yundi, he can’t get away.

Immortal sack The battle between the world is hard to get out of. Forcibly getting out of the car is to abandon the car to protect the handsome, the strong man breaks the wrist, the consequences are very serious. This was the case with the White Emperor. He was entangled in the Iron Emperor and the Qing Emperor. He was unwilling to forcibly flee, but chose Star Card for help.

More crucially, Yundi is not the main resistance. The real behind-the-scenes is the sage of Danzhou.

At that time, he and Xingsheng, Ghost St. and others competed for the King of Gudan and the King of the Frost. As a result, Dan Sheng recovered the Moon Frost King. Ghost St. got the soul of the ancient king, while Xing Sheng grabbed Chu Yun.

Now, Chu Yun wants to save the Moon Frost King, will Dan Sheng agree? Obviously impossible.

Perhaps he already knows Chu Yun’s plan and is behind the scenes.

However, it is impossible for the saint to personally deal with Chu Yun. The most likely move is the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in Danzhou.

Once the reckless act, direct attack, Chu Yun is likely to face more than just Yundi.

Therefore, Chu Yun lurks in, hopes that one strike will win, lightning strikes, when Danzhou’s Three Emperors and Five Emperors did not react, they have already succeeded.

The surging tide has calmed down again.

A puzzle is now in front of Chu Yun.

As a child of Yun Family, he found the location of the mother moon cream king. But at the same time, because of this identity, you can’t see the mother side in person.

To enter the blue sky, you must have a special pass token. Passing tokens require the user’s mind to be successful in refining.

In the capacity of Chu Yun at this time, Moon Frost King naturally does not go to the expense of a Yun Family who has never seen one side.

In a concealed way, do you blew your identity?

Chu Yun shook his head, this method is like playing a riddle. Perhaps Moon Frost King has not yet guessed his identity and was known by others.

This method is very dangerous.

Chu Yun is used to being thrilled, adventurous, and not getting into the tiger’s den. But now that he is involved in his own mother, Chu Yun doesn’t want to take unnecessary risks. He wants to be safer, more secure, and safer.

“If you don’t expose yourself, there is only one way left, that is, to show amazing talent. Let mother have an interest and want to see me personally.”

Chu Yun eyes flashed in the eyes.

In Danzhou, what kind of talent is the most concerned?

Pill refining.

Just now, Yun Xiaoai is not going to Chu Yun to help pill refining?

Refining a Dan who healed the heart!

“Must develop a successful medicine pill!” Chu Yun licked his lips and made up his mind.

“I need to know that you have built the medicine pill and all the Dans.” He sorted out the idea and he made a request to Yun Xiaoai.

“There can be more than 3,000 Dan Fang.” Yun Xiaoai raised his brow and was really startled.

Chu Yun shook his head: “Failure is the mother of success. I need to know which methods have failed, and I can avoid repeating the same mistakes. This is very helpful for the development of the excellent medicine pill.”

“A good failure is the mother of success!” Yun Xiaoai doubled his palm and stared at Chu Yun with a sparkling gaze. He felt that Chu Yun was very pleasing.

She turned to Chu Yun, but she discussed it with Yunbai, and she thought that there might be some surnames. After all, Yun Family has so many people up and down, it has failed. Chu Yun’s success may be low.

But it may not be possible to have a very low surname. Running with a slight possibility, Yun Xiaoai came to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun agreed to come down and asked her for Dan Dan.

It is necessary to know that studying a Danfang requires a lot of energy and needs to be rectified by hand to truly understand the micro.

A Dan Fang is enough for people. Chu Yun does not have the slightest hesitation, but asks for it directly.

That is more than 3,000 Dan Fang!

In fact, Yunxiao love does not know the inside story, it is related to mother, let alone more than three thousand Dan Fang! It is 30,000 yuan, 300,000 Dan Fang, Chu Yun must study one by one thoroughly.

(To be continued)

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