Section 16: Reappearance of White Emperor

“Great, young, it’s already a master of pill refining…”

“With Chen Yuqing sitting in the town, Chen Family is struggling to make a big show in Baijiadan.”

“Chen Family is a first-rate family. Although it has lost, A starved camel is still bigger than a horse. The essence is still there.”

In the voice of the crowd, Chen Family’s opponents lost in the gloom, leaving Chen Family’s pill refining team to occupy the No. 1 venue.

Chen Yuqing does have a lot of pill refining innate talent, although it is not comparable to the bliss, but it is also unusual. Her performance is eye-catching.

Zhao Wei’s strength is only one step away from the pill refining master, so he won the opponent without any suspense.

As for Chu Yun, even though it is not often pill refining, under the urging of the imperial spirit light, the wisdom is deep, the Wu surname is outstanding, and the school is now selling on the spot, which also wins the opponent.

After a few trips, the Chen Family team has won many battles and won’t have a defeat. It has become a well-deserved leader.

Of course, the biggest improvement is Chu Yun.

Under the explanation of the bliss fairy tales, anyone’s pill refining technique is thoroughly dissected and quintessential. Chu Yun’s pill refining technology is skyrocketing at a rapid pace.

At the beginning, he was only able to sell now and earned reluctance in every game. But the later he became more stable. At the end of the county test, he has grown to a level very close to the master of the pill refining, and is even more faint than the strength of Zhao Wei.

Of course, most of his strength is still hidden and not shown.

“This is the master of the Kamen, he will join us and participate in the next county test.” Chen Yuqing introduced to everyone.

Jiamen, quite old, full of vicissitudes. He is a master pill refining division, and he is tied with Chen Yuqing in the county test, but the team in his position is ultimately unable to advance to the county test because of the total score.

Chen Family recruited him and entered the team.

In the county test, each team has three main players and five backups. When I arrived at the county test, the lineup of the team will be expanded. The main force is four and the reserve is six.

Teams that are often promoted will recruit powerful pill refining divisions from the failed team. And those pill refining divisions, in order to continue to show up at the Baijiadan meeting, also tend to join the powerful team.

Such a system is very reasonable. It is necessary to examine the strength of each family, and not to bury the talents of loneliness.

“I have seen Master Gaming.”

“Master of the door, I have long been famous.”

“With the addition of the Master of the Gates, we will add more than ten times through the grasp of the county test.”

The team members expressed their warm welcome to the addition of the Master of the Gates. Chu Yun also smiled slightly. The stronger the Chen Family team, the more helpful he is for his plan.

Because of his victory in the county test, he is still the last one in the main force.

Eighteen days later, the bliss fairy sang gave a heart.

Using 18 pill refining masters, digital pill refining masters, and a large number of absolute grade herbs, the heart is naturally no different.

Its thumb size, round and crystal, like crystal is generally transparent. If there is nothing in Danxiang, Danguang is as white as snow, shining with a moving glow.

Although it is an absolute grade, it is just an 5% product. Therefore, it cannot be as good as a small bun, and it is tangible and invisible, like an embryo.

It certainly can’t adjust the balance between the body, the soul and the spirit light, but this is exactly what Chu Yun needs.

Chu Yun swallowed this heart, and Dan heart spins in the body. A wave of halo spread to every corner of his body, Chu Yun suddenly felt a very small force, added to his body.

He nodded with satisfaction. The hearts of the people who swallowed themselves in the past, without exception, could not stand the oppression of the innate body and turned into powder. But this Dan heart can not only resist, but also increase the influence of Chu Yun’s body.

Although this effect is completely negligible. But it also made Chu Yun feel that his investment has paid off and he has not lost money.

This heart is still waiting to grow. There is a glimpse of it, and it is possible to achieve the point of adjusting the balance of Chu Yun. Stepping from a fake single is true Dan.

Even if it does not reach the level of true Dan, Dan Xin can inherit. After Chu Yun had a bloodline, he could use this heart as a heirloom, and spread it to the next generation.

Of course, the biggest role at present is to hide the identity of Chu Yun. With this fake, Chu Yun has the ability to spit.

In the next county test, Chu Yun showed great strength and showed great strength, so that everyone could not help but look at it.

Even the Master of the Gates was very moved. One of the crickets personally found Chu Yun and wanted to accept him as a disciple. Chu Yun is a young man, and the pill refining innate talent is so deep, it is no wonder that the Master of the Gates will be heart-warming.

In this regard, Chu Yun naturally declined to say.

Zhao Wei is also awkward and hateful, he has been squeezed to the position of the last major force. Chen Yuqing changed her attitude and was very affectionate to Chu Yun. She invited Chu Yun several times and wanted him to join Chen Family. Of course, it was also rejected by Chu Yun.

In addition to these, Chu Yun has also received a lot of invitations from the major family teams. Baijiadan will be highly competitive, and the practice of digging corners is everywhere. Can you grow your strength and reduce your opponent’s strength? Why not?

In this regard, Chu Yun refused, but his attitude was not strong. In the event that the Chen Family team is defeated, he can also join other teams through these invitations to continue to participate in the Baijia Danhui.

This reversal made Chen Yuqing nervous and sullen, and secretly regretted that he did not follow the intuition and took goodwill actions.

Between people and people, I am afraid of comparison.

Chu Yun’s strength is only a line away from the master of the pill refining. As long as it is not blind, you can see that Chu Yun is a personal talent, and the future is vast.

More critically, he is just a seclusion of seclusion. Master Gamen is too old compared to him. Zhao Wei is a person of Zhao Family. Naturally, it is impossible to contribute to Chen Family.

If Chu Yun is recruited into Chen Family, the improvement of Chen Family’s strength will be obvious to all.

Chen Yuqing made a big effort for this, and repeatedly asked Chu Yun to talk about it separately. At the beginning, Xiao Xiaoqian, soft and soft, but Chu Yun is not Zhao Wei. Later, it was weeping beauty, mourning and crying, trying to win the sympathy of Chu Yun. Power, wealth, she promised countless. Even transferred four beautiful, like Xiaoju, stuffed around Chu Yun, hoping to show the success of the beauty.

Chu Yun does not move, the oil does not enter. His impression of Chen Yuqing was flat. Although she understood her actions, she did not agree.

The situation in his previous life was so bad, and he never whispered, and he swallowed to ask others. Instead, they work hard. Even though the past life was so hard, I regretted my choice. I have been persisting, and finally ushered in a real turn under the Long Wish Tree, and this has a flying sky in this life.

Although there is a role in the layout of the Stars, but there is no such strength, how can there be achievements today? Without Chu Yun, Xingsheng also has various reserve pieces for Chen Yun, Wei Yun and Hu Yun. But of these pieces, only Chu Yun succeeded.

Ning Tianwang is so innate talent, Xing Sheng is even more willing to sacrifice him for the extraterrestrial star for him to kill, this is Chu Yun has never had the treatment, but he failed.

This is a very telling question.

Xingsheng brings only opportunities, and Chu Yun firmly grasps this opportunity. It’s by no means other people’s help, but purely their own efforts.

Relying on others, it is difficult to succeed. I don’t have the ability to do it, but I want to look forward to a better treatment. I hope that others will go around and ask for Buddha. The result is often unsatisfactory – this is the source of pain for most people.

This is also the source of sadness of Chen Yuqing and Chen Family. If there is not enough information, it should be lurking, working hard, and accumulating. What is the significance of vying for the title of a “first-class family”? Vanity is gone.

In fact, according to the power of Chu Yun today and now, helping Chen Family is nothing but a breeze. But what can you do if you help them? The roots will not change, and sooner or later, they will be defeated.

Chu Yun is walking the way of human beings, and is deeply immersed in human understanding.

The word human is very interesting, like a pair of legs. One should be like this in life, walking with his own two legs. Stand tall and step forward.

Even if it is “the public,” there is a “person” on the top and two “people” on the go. They all walk with their own two legs.

Walking on your own legs, this is the human spirit and the human will. It is also the dignity of human beings.

Despicable, it is called a slave. It is a pet, such as a cat or a dog, that depends entirely on others.

Relying on yourself, this should be “people”!

After the county test, it is a provincial test. Danzhou is divided into 20 provinces. If you can get to this step, you will not be a man, you will have a stunt. Even Chu Yun clearly felt a sharp increase in pressure.

Fortunately, in the Chen Family team, there are two masters, Chen Yuqing and Jiamen, as the pillars. Chu Yun is also “extraordinary” from time to time. After a fierce competition, the Chen Family team won a place to participate in the continent test.

There are only one hundred teams participating in the continent test. Regardless of the victory or defeat, Chen Family can achieve the expected goal and rush into the top 100.

Chu Yun is also sighed in relief, and the plan has already reached half. As long as he performs well on the continent, he can mix into the hidden family.

However, when he wanted to go along with the team and went to Dansheng Mountain to participate in the Zhou test, Bai Di came to the door again.

“Chu Laodi, you have been promoted to the emperor, great!” As soon as he met, Bai Di’s eyes brightened and his face was amazed.

Chu Yun’s progress is so fast that he is beyond his expectations.

“This has to be many thanks to the emperor’s enlightenment stone, but the enlightenment stone is destroyed.” Chu Yun sighed.

“What is this?”

Chu Yun will explain things a bit.

Bai Di listened to great shocks, his eyes were rounded up, and he looked at Chu Yun with amazement. He said: “Chu brother, what is your way, even the stone is destroyed? You know, this situation Only nine great sages have appeared. It is said that they often destroy Gou Shishi because of enlightenment.”

“There is such a thing?” Chu Yun said for the first time. “In any case, Enlightenment is indeed a good thing. It can greatly increase the spirit light, and it is very helpful to the comprehend theory. Unfortunately, there is no star on the card. Gospel Stone is sold, otherwise I have to buy a few.”

“Hahaha, Chu Laodi, if you want to acquire Wudao Stone, there is no place. Come here, I will take you to a place.” Baidi laughed.

(To be continued)

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