Section 3: Blasting

Just as Chu Yun and the blissful singers laughed, the battle situation in the distance also changed.

That grassy mountain bear beast, although expensive as absolute grade, cultivation base reached the peak of spirit monster, but after all, it was only the wild monster beast, without the command of Monster Controlling Master, and soon the group of Monster Controlling Master grasped the situation.

It was only a matter of time before the defeat of the Kusama Mountain Bear Beast, but I did not expect that, suddenly, two green grass hills rolled down from the ground.

“The hills that will move?” Chu Yun was amazed.

“Grasshopper! Oops, there are two grasshoppers and beasts, and they will soon be enemies!” The woman in yellow clothes has not finished, she will hear two loud noises and the earth will fly. The two hills rose from the ground, like a man curled up, and suddenly stretched out.


Among the unanimous giant pythons, the two grassy scorpions and the beasts stood up and slammed into the women’s party.

On the woman’s side of the yellow dress, she left the grass fire, and the one who had died was not talking. At this time, there were thirteen people in the field.

Among the thirteen people, almost all of them are Junjie’s first-class Monster Controlling Master. In the hands of every Monster Controlling Master, there is only one great monster in the hand. In addition, there is a middle-aged man who plays the main attacker. He should be a level of aliens. There are three spirit monsters in his hands. They are all demon objects that Chu Yun does not recognize. They are obviously Danzhou specialties.

The three-headed grass, the mountain and the beast are the spirit monster peaks, converging to one place, and immediately pulled back the situation, pushing the Monster Controlling Master side into the wind. The only one-of-a-kind Monster Controlling Master, although with three spirit monsters, is the spirit of the spirit monster’s junior high school, barely supporting the scene.

Seeing that the Monster Controlling Master was in jeopardy, the red-haired fairy smiled softly and said: “Young Master, the timing is just right. Go up and collect the three grasshoppers, and you can save the beauty.”

“Red skirt, you are more and more naughty.” Chu Yun shook his head and smiled. “The yellow woman, and the green shirt boy next to her, did not start. These people still have spare energy. Now go up, I am afraid It will be counterproductive. Let’s take a look at it and continue to observe it. The battle level of Danster’s Monster Controlling Master seems to be worse than Stellar Province.”

Zhu Xian smiled: “Young Master, you are too high-eyed. Old man travels to Stellar Province, this level of combat is already in the middle and upper reaches, very good. Young Master, you are very talented, since the debut, the battle is invincible No one can fight. The people who fight with you are heroes of a certain level. And Young Master, you are in the Star Islands, which is the longest war force in Stellar Province. All the stars are warriors. Natural fighting is tacit, with blood and cold, and the battle is full of murderous.”

“Zhu Xian is justified.” Chu Yun nodded. “But this Danzhou is not named after Dan. Just like this, I will see that they alternately remove the demon and heal them with various medicine pill. In their hands, there is a large stock of medicine pill. The efficacy of these medicine pill is really remarkable.”

“The three wild grasshoppers and mountain beasts, although they are the peak spirit monsters, but for a long time, they will be killed like this. Sooner or later, they will be killed.” Xia Fan Fairy looks at the battle.

This kind of war of attrition is indeed the resilience of the fight. With a variety of medicine pill healing, the Monster Controlling Master has an edge in this area. Therefore, as time goes by, the grasshoppers and beasts will become weaker and weaker, and the balance of victory will slowly shift to the Monster Controlling Master.


Just then, another change occurred.

The three-headed grass 莽 mountain bear beast suddenly and suddenly open the mouth, spewing out three green and dazzling grass fire.

The flames came together to form a jasper fire column that was more than three times thicker, and suddenly penetrated the defensive front of the demon. A spirit monster along the way, four great monsters were in the fire, and the grass was mad and finally turned into five. Different shapes of grass sculptures.

“Damn!” The young boy in the green shirt immediately became complexion changed. After the panic, he was furious and shouted. “What are you doing with this damn minion? This fire almost burns to Young Master!”

The girl in yellow clothes hurriedly said: “Fast, let me stop the three grasshoppers and beasts, they have to break through.”

However, the balance of strength between the two sides has changed.

Originally, the Monster Controlling Master was struggling to maintain the situation. Now the monster in his hand has died a little and half, how can it block the breakout of the grasshopper and the beast.

“Please also ask Sima Young Master and Miss Gongsun to shoot! I can’t stop it.” The two sides glued for a moment. The middle-aged man with the highest cultivation base saw that the two remaining spirit monsters in his hand were dangerous and screamed. Road.

“Miss and Young Master are all masters of the same level. As long as one person shoots, they can kill the three grasshoppers and bears. If the two are shot together, there is a possibility of capturing and catching!” Someone is yelled.

“impudent! You are a group of despicable slaves, dare to instruct the Young Master to do things?!” Sima Young Master suddenly sinks into a cold face and screams.

“It’s just confusing.” The yellow shirt woman is coldly snorted. “Bai Jiadan will be there soon. If our spirit monster is broken here, can you afford it? Explosive Dan, give me a blast! You are It is time for the main family to contribute to life.”


“Well? What are you still honing? It is your glory to sacrifice for the Lord. Your family will take good care of it.” Huang Yi woman screamed.

The rest of the people, the look is a bit of a change. Finally, someone sighed and gnawed a handkerchief. Suddenly his face was flushed and his eyes were bright. At the same time, the gray monster that he had indulged, also screamed, his eyes filled with blood red, his body swelled by three points, and his speed was three points faster.

The rest of the people followed suit, and for a time, Junjie’s first-class Monster Controlling Master showed a different style. At the same time, the fighting power of the great monster has soared to the quasi spirit monster series.

Immediately, the battlefield changed dramatically. The three-headed grass, the mountain, the beast and the beast broke out, and was trapped by the group, and they could not lift their heads.

“Well? What is this means? So powerful!”

“Broken Dan? It seems that you have to sacrifice your life. This is simply unheard of…”

“But we didn’t see what medicine pill they took. It just swayed a handcuff, weird, weird.”

Seeing this situation, the bliss fairy whispered indiscriminately.

“Live catch, live catch! We want to extract the heart of the grass, the dead grass, the mountain bears and beasts can not do, have to live.” Seeing the situation changed dramatically, the young master of the green shirt shouted ecstatically.

“Yes, Sima Young Master!” The middle-aged man had to grit his teeth and responded.

It’s easy to kill, but it’s hard to catch. The Monster Controlling Master, the cultivation base of the siege, skyrocketed, but it was unable to adapt to the sudden change of this strength for a while, but the cooperation was even more overlooked.

After a while, the two grasshoppers and beasts were seriously injured and caught, and the remaining one was bursting out and rushing away.

“Catch up with it, you have to live!” Huang Yi woman yelled.

A servant is waiting to be chased, and suddenly one fell down and died. Their monsters are also succumbing to each other, becoming wild monsters and fleeing.

Only the middle-aged man was left alone, his face was extremely pale. He was the only Monster Controlling Master who had no blast, except for Sima Young Master and Miss Gongsun.

“Fast chase, what are you honing? You can’t catch up with you!” Sima Young Master shouted.

The middle-aged man had to grit his teeth, his footsteps, and the two sharp monsters with serious injuries, chasing him along the direction of the grasshoppers and the beasts.

“Chu Yun Young Master, that grassy mountain bear beast actually came to us!” Xia Fan fairy surprised.

The grasshoppers and beasts that rushed to death ran away all the way, panic-stricken, and headed straight toward Chu Yun.

“I am coming.” Chu Yun took a few steps forward, and the more out of the crowd, secretly mobilized the spirit light, condensed into a bundle, only for the rushing grasshopper mountain bear beast, violently erupted.

The grasshopper mountain bear beast is now seriously injured, even if it is the perfect peak of the spirit monster, under the pressure of Chu Yun’s king, as if the mouse touched the cat, impudent.

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“Someone is coming, let’s first enter the immortal sack.” Seeing the middle-aged man chasing it, the blissful singers mobilized the joyous ship, carrying the celestial beings, and hid in the world of immortal sack.

After all, a group of flowers like a jade woman, plus a one-armed ordinary person, in this wild monster environment, too much eye-catching.

Joe was a medium servant of the Sun Family. He was raised and raised by the Sun Family since he was a child. It is now a 48-year-old Monster Controlling Master, but the cultivation base has been stuck here for more than a decade. Maybe not for a lifetime.

“Be sure to catch this grassy mountain bear beast!” His heart was full of anxiety, and he thought that the subordinates who broke the victory of Dan was even more distressed. These flats and his smiles, the brothers who share the difficulties, the one who died today is not left.

“Well? Is it dead?” Seeing that the grassy mountain bears suddenly stopped moving forward, and squatting on the ground, Joe suddenly took a sudden sink.

Miss Gongsun wants to collect the heart of the grass, this cherished medicinal material must be extracted from the living grass mountain beast. If the grasshopper is dead, what does he take to recover?

“The three grasses and the beasts of the mountain are exchanged for the dozens of lives of the brothers. No, they must not die.” Joe screamed in his heart, his face was pale, his eyes were full of blood, and his eyes were full of blood. There is a crazy meaning.

“This is…” He stopped suddenly and his face stunned.

He saw Chu Yun.

Chu Yun is in white, jade tree is in the wind, and the drow is not outstanding. At this time, standing in front of the grass beast, the bear beast, staring at the wild beast in front of him.

This fierce beast was originally more crazy because of the crisis of death. At this moment, but squatting on the ground, the big eyes of the lanterns showed great fear. It glared at Chu Yun with a whimper in his mouth. Like a cat and a dog are asking for mercy to the owner.

Joe took dumbstruck.

(To be continued)

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