Section 85: Chu Yun vs. Long Di (below)

Immortal sack The world is in full swing.

Chu Yun suddenly put the tribulation monster, the seven congenital monsters, and nearly nine thousand rainbow monsters into the battlefield, finally blocking the advancement of the Dragon Emperor.

This is a big fight.

Chu Yun spirit light rushed to the brightest, commanding the monsters, to break through the defense circle of the Ten Dragons, killing the Dragon Emperor of the Center. The Emperor of the Dragon broke out the emperor’s level of pressure, and he was thoroughly in the center of the battlefield. He was able to get the command of the Ten Dragons and the defense was dripping.

Zhu Xian, the wine king can not help but hold his breath, know the significance of this war.

This is the battle of life and death!

Dragon Emperor is determined to be the absolute grade immortal sack of Chu Yun. The contradictions between the two sides are irreconcilable. Only one party is completely down, which is the ending that the two sides are willing to accept.

“Hahaha, Chu Yun, you are defeated. Let you take a look at the real power of my ten battles – Yunlongtian lore!” Long Di slammed, suddenly ten dragons screamed.

The white sea-scale silver must-have cloud sea dragon, suddenly a real body exploded, turned into a cloud of the sky.

Baiyun, immediately covering the battlefield. The rest of the nine dragons danced in the clouds, and the dragon’s body burst from the inside out.

The radiance of snow is shining.

After the light dissipated, the 10,000-year-old Azure Dragon, Blue Sea Dragon, Polar Ice Dragon, Wanshen Shenlong, Cangwu Tulong, Xiangxuan Xuanlong, Lingshan Yinlong, Honglianyanlong, and Xuanming Guilong disappeared.

In the original place, it was actually Yunhai Tianlong with nine white scales and silver beards!

Kowloon is dancing wildly, catching the wind and catching the clouds. The original ten dragons, which belonged to different names, are now changed to Yunhai Tianlong. Various kinds of cloud systems are called, such as tsunami landslides, which are connected into one piece, and the layers of power are superimposed. It is simply unstoppable.

The first wheel of the spinning wheel was defeated, and when it was slammed, it was strangled by the Dafa and turned into a broken copper. Then it was turned into a bit of monster crystal fragments, which was swept in by the clouds and became the supply of the ten dragon cultivation base.

The sea of ​​clouds roars, overwhelming, and the time is more than three thousand red demon, turned into monster crystal. The stalemate of the original stalemate immediately lost control, and the balance of victory was seriously tilted to the Dragon Emperor.

Chu Yun secretly thought A bad voice, this cloud dragon days of lore changes, he was caught off guard. If he fights again, he will lose more and more, and he will lose more than he will lose. Chu Yun will resolutely retreat.


A muffled sound, after the break of the Kaiyang array of Blue Sea’s Life Tide Flute, was smacked back by the nine head Yunhai Tianlong. After the sea of ​​clouds violently tumbling, Blue Sea’s Life Tide Flute was besieged by Kowloon and could not withstand it, bursting into a tribulation monster crystal.

The sea of ​​clouds roared, the white waves rolled, and the tribulation monster crystal was inundated in an instant, and it was thoroughly digested. The ten dragons got this monster crystal to promote the cultivation base, and the ten dragons are even more powerful.

The Seven Stars battlefield has lost one eye, and it is not complete. Immortal sack The world shook, and the vast expanse of land on the edge of the land disintegrated, annihilated and re-classified into a dark void.

“The Emperor is in the world, God is blocking the killing of God, and the magic is blocking the killing of the devil. See who can stop me in the world?” Dragon Emperor laughed heartily, the momentum is fierce. Surrounded by the clouds and clouds, he continued to rush to the primordial chaos well.

“It’s no wonder that even the night emperor who has been in business for many years has lost to this dragon emperor.” Chu Yun’s face is dignified.

In this round of confrontation, he suffered heavy losses, the tribulation monster wheel, the innate monster Blue Sea’s Life Tide Flute, and the more than 7,000 heads of the demon, all died. The seven-star battlefield was also lacking in the eye, which led to the collapse of a small part of the immortal sack world.

Chu Yun didn’t have time to feel these losses, secretly gritted his teeth and sent troops.

[***] Battlefield!

Skyscraper and the blue sky are flying together, beaten the striker, rioted and stood on the shoulders of the little moon rabbit, and the longan flower branch of the mountain.

With a big mouth, the sky is suddenly sucked into the abdomen. Jiutou Yunhai Tianlong played a wave of law offensive, and was slowed by the moon rabbit. The dragon eye of the Lushan Mountain is twinkling, and the dense light rain is used to open the road.

The riot roared, tearing open the clouds, taking the lead. The sky and the blue sky and the blue sky are surrounded by the dragons.

“It’s a bit interesting.” Long Di’s eyes flashed, knowing that Yunhaitian’s lore had already stopped her, and slammed it, “Azure Dragon wood!”

The change happens again.

The real Azure Dragon, which turned into a jade-like light, dilutes the sea of ​​clouds and shines on the rest of Kowloon. Kowloon has turned into Azure Dragon, which is connected end to end, forming a round array, and the Dragon Emperor is firmly guarded.

Yunlongtian is absolutely killing, ethereal and agile, and the sky attack is instantly made, which makes people unprepared. The Azure Dragon wood is alive and killing. The Azure Dragon itself is a monster beast that is good at manipulating warfare. Now the nine-headed Azure Dragon is flying, blocking the attack of Chu Yun [***].

The riots roared again and again, and there was a fierce offensive. The nine-headed Azure Dragon was beaten by the blood, and the dragons fluttered and the screams continued.

The Dragon Emperor repeatedly faced a critical situation, and the Kowloon defensive round was almost broken. However, with the sturdy surname of the monster beast of the wooden line, after all, it is the continuation of the dangers, so that the riots will return without success.

Chu Yun frowned and looked at the situation. In the scene, although he has the upper hand, the entire situation has always been in the hands of the Dragon Emperor.

Sure enough, after a few moments of riots and other monster beast offensive, the Dragon Emperor’s nine Azure Dragon, the situation gradually came back to the floor, the more fierce the Vietnam War.

This is the typical defensive counterattack situation.

“Come on again, this round of confrontation will be defeated. Could it be that I want to sacrifice these six monsters, and consume it against the ten dragons? This ten dragons cooperate with each other, if they can concentrate firepower, kill At one end, I can get rid of the Ten Dragons and let me gain the upper hand.” Chu Yun Tiger eyes are condensed, and the eyes are flickering.

But in the end, he issued an order to retreat. Six monsters retired at the same time and evacuated from the battlefield.

“Well?” Longdi’s heart snorted, and the decisive retreat of the six-headed demon made him feel a sense of depression in the air.

He also rushed to the primordial chaos well regardless of the six monsters.

Finally, he broke into the site of the five-line battle.

Yijin washing marrow Ding, Jianmu, Yunyihu, angry Mingwang, Jinshaqi books are all showing resistance.

The dragon emperor changed again, and the display of Xuanlong’s clutch was killed. The clutching of Xuanguang was shot at the same time, aiming at the weakest short board in the five-line battle. After several fights, the Jinshaqi book was immediately shot down.

The Jinshaqi book itself is not a combat-type demon soldier. Nowadays, he is seriously injured and immediately makes the five elements battle.

The Dragon Emperor immediately seized this fighter and commanded the Ten Dragons to break out and no matter what other monsters.

He knows that as long as he breaks the primordial chaos well, the immortal sack world collapses, and the demons that suppress the eye will be subjected to a powerful backlash, and each will be seriously injured. It’s much easier to go back and pack them up now than to work hard now.

The Dragon Emperor has an imperial spirit light, and his wisdom is deep and deep, and he has been ignorant of the entire battle.

He knows his greatest strength, nothing else, it is his own cultivation base. He is an imperial powerhouse with an imperial spirit light, and the commanding monster beast battle is far more perfect than the king-level Chu Yun.

as predicted.

Under his command, the Ten Dragons burst out of terrifying power, and the damage was evenly spread. The Vietnam War was stronger. In contrast, Chu Yun, without the wisdom of the emperor, can not see through the flaws of the ten dragons. The entire battlefield has been in the hands of his Dragon Emperor. Chu Yun wants to sacrifice the demon, concentrate the firepower to kill a demon dragon, and the first time will be noticed by the dragon emperor, it is impossible.

Taking advantage of his own strengths and shortcomings, this tactical concept has made the Dragon Emperor invincible, and Chu Yun has been forced into a desperate situation.

“Can’t stop! How can this offensive be blocked?” Yan Xian sighed.

“You can’t block it!” The wine king is coldly snorted, looking at Chu Yun.

“No hurry.” Chu Yun waved his hand, he knew the meaning of the wine king, but now is not the time he played.

The ten dragons danced, and the dragon emperor broke into the four-phase array at this time.

Among the four-phase array, only the Heavenly Fox of the Western Phase, the glacial sword of the North Phase is a fighting monster, and it is only a matter of time before the Dragon Emperor breaks.

In fact, the strongest part of Chu Yun’s battle is the [***] battle.

The monsters in this battle are all fighting monsters. The rest of the seven stars, five rows, and four phases are not doped with Destiny monsters, or have auxiliary monsters.

[***] The battlefield was broken, and the number of monsters in the remaining battlefields was getting smaller and smaller, and it was almost impossible to resist the Dragon Warrior.

“The king is defeated, here is one move!” Chu Yun has been keeping a close eye on the battlefield. At this time, he suddenly sighed softly, and his eyes burst into a compelling light.

He made an amazing move and directly lifted the [***] battle array and the five elements battle.

Immortal sack The world suddenly collapsed and eleven demon objects were liberated. Chu Yun mobilized the remaining six monsters of the previous Seven Stars battlefield to form the largest wave of offensives in history and rushed to the Dragon Emperor.

This is a blow to all efforts.

put all one’s eggs in one basket.

The monsters are like a meteor falling into the ground, and they are easily smashing into the ten dragons. The riots took the lead and issued an attack of suicide.

The mysterious ghost dragon was caught off guard and was hugged by the riots.

The Dragon Emperor did not laugh and laughed: “You finally have to endure it. You did not expect it to be the Emperor! The Emperor’s Ten Dragons, the most fearless thing is to set fire. Ghost Dragon Xuan Ming!”

Xuan Ming Ghost Dragon suddenly turned into a ghost of Ghost Qi, Ghost Qi Sensen, was swallowed by the rest of the Kowloon mouth. In an instant, the nine-headed ghosts appeared in the field.

The riots were swept back by the ghost dragons, and they suddenly became scarred.

Chu Yun did not withdraw the riots, but still left it on the battlefield. He squats and orders, almost all the monsters are forgotten, aiming at a dragon, giving up all defenses, bursting out a strong offensive frenzy.

Yanlong Red Lotus kills! Sea Dragon Indigo Kill! Ice dragons kill!

The Dragon Emperor changed in succession. Every change, Chu Yun’s offensive frenzy was resolved and counterattacked. After a few rounds, Heavenly Fox, riots, and blues are all gone!

All kinds of roads and tsunami-like spewing, blood flying, white bones dripping, the fierce battle of the battle makes the wine king look at the cracks, and the heart is shaken.

“The overall situation has been set!” Long Di heart laughed. The ten dragons in their hands, despite serious injuries, have made great achievements. Chu Yun actually abandoned all battles, and there was no slap in the face. This is simply self-destruction!

“At this moment, the psychic snake!” Chu Yun tiger eye bursting divine glow, while in the hands of the beast to control the secrets of the wild.

This print is from the Beastmaster, able to effectively communicate the monster beast and convince itself. Nowadays, it is accompanied by a congenital demon, a spirited snake, and instantly, the seriously injured Wanshou is a dragon!

The ten permanent dragons suddenly broke.

Chu Yun hurriedly transferred the Wanshen to the battlefield, and then burst into the heart: “Moon Rabbit, time back!”

Heavenly Fox, rioted, and blue-scared by the dragons, suddenly reverted from the monster crystal state to the innate monster beast.


Not only that, except for the far-off Wanshen Shenlong, all the monsters in the range, the seriously injured, became a minor injury. The slightly injured monster is restored to a state of full prosperity.

“Three talents!” Chu Yun gave another one.

Immortal sack The world is falling. Malty Snow Knife, the mysterious robes, and the six Desire Heart Demon are all on the battlefield!

In an instant, the situation in the field reversed.

The dragon emperor was stunned, and the nine dragons in his hands were affected by the retrospective of time. The injury was restored to the state of the [***] battle.

But he didn’t have to be a dragon. Ten must-have dragons can no longer be organized.

Chu Yun took a wave of crazy suicide surnames and let the Dragon Emperor struggle to cope with it. Then use the real killing trick, taking away the only recovery power in the other’s hands – Wanshou Shenlong. Then use the moon rabbit to trace back the time and resurrect the three monster beasts that have been killed. In the end, regardless of the immortal sack world, directly unlock the three battles.

The dragon emperor was surrounded by a bunch of congenital monsters, silently speechless.

Zhu Xian looked stunned.

“Hahaha, good change!” The wine king screamed and sighed.

This is a terrible reversal.

Fighting to such a degree, Chu Yun first gained the upper hand.

Longdi’s face was dignified, and the immortal sack was taken continuously. The horn of the dragon was taken out, and the three-headed dragon turtle, the two-headed dragon, the five-headed yellow mud dragon, and the eight dead bone dragons were all called the dragon beast.

At the same time, Lushan flew out, covered in the top of his head, thousands of plants and longan branches swaying.

Chu Yun is not in a hurry, first call back the moon rabbit. It has just combined the power of the immortal sack world, using time backtracking, and paid a heavy price. The original tribulation monster cultivation base, which has been plunged for millions of years, has fallen to the great monster.

Then, he urged the double snake. The psychic snake communicates with the spirit light of the mountain, and the snake eats Destiny from the mountain.

“The junior dare!” The Dragon Emperor was furious and the mountain on his head was crumbling. He blew the horn of the dragon and launched a comprehensive counterattack.

Another big fight!

Chu Yun asked the surname to leave everything, regardless of the battlefield, urging all the spirit light to snatch Lushan.

Lushan is the Destiny demon of the Dragon Emperor. There are countless Lushan longan flower branches growing on the mountain. The attack power is absolutely terrifying and must be contained.

Without the command of Chu Yun, the monsters under his command were pressed by the Dragon Emperor. However, because they are all innate monsters, wisdom has improved a lot, but it has not collapsed.

For a time, the scene was glued and the two sides were deadlocked.

Chu Yun gritted his teeth and used both minds to teach the spirit light rental contract on the spot. And rent the monster in the hand, lend it to the wine king.

The commander of the wine king, the balance of the original balance, gradually tilted to the Chu Yun side. In the end, the blissful monks also followed suit, and they were at high altitudes. The accumulation of less and more, constantly black hands, cut the cultivation base of the Dragon Emperor.

The Dragon Emperor gradually fell into a disadvantage. After fighting for a hundred rounds, he resolutely broke the wrist, leaving a group of demon objects, only with Lushan, Yunhai Tianlong, Polar Ice Dragon, and the clutch Xuanlong, retiring backwards and leaving the battlefield.

Chu Yun sees this, not worried about it. With one hand, lower the boundless robbery. I have not used it before, but I am worried that I have accidentally injured my monster, but now it is suitable for use.

After the robbery was over, the Dragon Emperor had to push out the Lushan and Sanlong. Then take out a space demon from his arms, trying to break open the space and escape the world of immortal sack.

However, this immortal sack world, but the absolute grade, the law is as many as a thousand, the French network is rigorous. The difficulty of breaking the space is much more difficult than the immortal sack and the battle space.

Adding Destiny to Lushan, he has been sucked by snakes. Long Di Destiny was not good, and failed six times in a row. By the seventh time, he finally succeeded and broke open the space.

However, his Lushan and Sanlong have been left behind.

Not in the same world, absolute grade immortal sack immediately isolated the dragon’s spirit light contact. In an instant, all the dragons, the monsters left in the absolute grade immortal sack, became Chu Yun’s “bags.”

(To be continued)

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