Section 82: Trap, unexpected reunion

This is a humanoid bronze plaque.

It is a seamless one, the whole body is made of bronze, the face is a bronze mask, and the body is bronze armor. Although unarmed, it is a powerful demon.

Tribulation monster soldiers!

For the first time, Chu Yun saw the tribulation monster above the spirit monster in the Sky City.

“It’s a bit interesting. You are a tribulation monster. You didn’t get to the door. How did you do it?” Chu Yun asked with interest. He can see at a glance that this bronze cymbal is not a congenital demon, but its cultivation base is a genuine 120,000-year tribulation monster level.

The bronze gong shook his head: “This is the secret of the city of the sky. Only the inheritor can have the right to know all the news about the city of the sky. Are the two warriors ready for the test?”

Chu Yun and the wine king looked at each other, and the latter asked: “The inheritance of the city of the sky… What is the test, can you say a little more?”

The bronze cymbals shook his head again: “You have also seen that the city of the sky has fallen. It needs a new master to inherit the glory and gain new glory. The test of the inheritance of the city of the sky cannot be revealed. The owner of the city of the sky, There can only be one unique one. Have you decided, who will accept the test of inheritance?”

… the battlefield of the two emperors, the battle space.


The dragon snarls, such as the landslide tsunami. Various roads confronted each other and burst into a gorgeous stream.

The dragon emperor is at the top, overlooking the two opponents in front of him, he has already occupied the absolute advantage: “Night Emperor, you actually only left two avatars to contain me, you are too small to see me, you have to pay for your stupid choices The price of pain.”

His voice echoed in the sky like a thunder.

As his enemy, after leaving behind, the Dragon King and the Giant King, who were holding down the Dragon Emperor, were all bloody and panting.

Around them, the ten dragons circling, the flames are raging, the ice is overflowing, Ghost Qi is lingering, and the flying rocks are rolling.

“You know a fart!” Looking at the dragon emperor in front of him, Juye Wang sneered with disdain.

The dragon emperor embraced his arms in his arms, his clothes fluttering, and he hunted in the wind: “Night Emperor, how can I not know your abacus? You can hold me down, you can’t want to fight for time, get the city of the sky. The right to escape. But what is the use? A broken city of the sky, not an absolute grade immortal sack, how can we change the gap between our forces? The Emperor will count, just kill your two corps. You have no hope of surviving.”

Ghost Wang blame: “Dragon Emperor, you are too young after all. How long have you been an emperor? I don’t bother telling you the truth. We both didn’t think about going out alive, you want to kill us, you have to pay a heavy price!”

Clearly feeling the death of the ghost king and the giant king, the dragon’s heart suddenly passed a trace of uneasiness.

“Then you will die!” He was loudly shouted, the ten dragons danced, and a tsunami-like Dafa attack erupted in an instant, sweeping the defensive line composed of the two kings.

…… “It’s here.” The bronze scorpion that led the way stopped. “This is the assessment site. Please come with me to enter the Chamber.”

Although it is a secret room, it is better to say that it is an all around sealed large square. Since the Yunying boulder itself is a kind of weak light source, even if it is dense and airtight, it is deep inside the castle, and it is also white light, and the field of vision is extremely clear.

“Please come with me to the center of the secret room.” Bronze gongs lead the way in front.

However, in the next moment, the change suddenly occurred.

As if from the daytime, into the midnight, the surrounding is suddenly black, followed by slaps, countless chains from the dark. However, he was not close, and he was resisted by the great wine tanks of the winery king.

“Well? It’s not right!” The chain was blocked, but it didn’t disintegrate, but it was wrapped around the tank like a snake. The wine king wants to continue to push, but suddenly found that his spirit light actually plunged halfway down.

As soon as the spirit light fell, his escapement to the mountains and rivers was suddenly weakened to the lowest point. Not only him, Chu Yun is also affected. The king’s spirit light was weakened to the level of the king.


In the darkness, there are huge chains that come round.

Chu Yun coldly snorted, pat the waist immortal sack. The power of the world that suddenly became overbearing, spewing out, sucking in everything around the hundred steps.

Hōng lóng lóng …… The sound is huge, as if the Chamber of Secrets collapsed in an instant.

Soon, there is no longer a chain of attacks. There was still a darkness around me, and I couldn’t reach my fingers.

The wine king took out the demon and carried out the lighting.

The light penetrates the darkness and shines the surrounding scene.

“Where is this?” Chu Yun frowned slightly, and the huge grave in front of him was obviously not the same place as the secret room. Just a moment ago, they were moved to a strange place.

“It’s the bronze cockroach who is making a ghost. No wonder I always feel that something is wrong.” The wine king said as he looked around and looked around. The tombs all around are dense holes, and the black iron chains extend from the holes.

Most of the chains nowadays have been defeated by Chu Yun. One root was torn off, and the broken pieces were scattered on the ground. But there is also a small part because it is not involved in the attack, but remains.

These residual chains are twisted on a black scorpion. The chain is straight and hangs one by one in the air. Chu Yun counted, and the number of black scorpions hanging was also quite large, more than one hundred.

What is black cockroach?

This secret atmosphere made the wine kings frown.

“If we can’t resist, will it be hanged by chains, black cover, and sealed like this?” Chu Yun whispered.

“Hey, look, you know. Go!” The winery king raised his hand and flew out a flying monster of the spirit monster series. The weakening effect of spirit light still exists. So with his current spirit light, he can only use the spirit of the spirit monster series.

The flying hammer slammed and smashed the nearest black scorpion. A white skeleton fell from the inside, apparently the body of a Monster Controlling Master.

The corpse fell to the ground and immediately fell apart. His immortal sack is thus highlighted.

This turned out to be a superior immortal sack.

The Monster Controlling Master, which has the best immortal sack, must be a strong.

The wine lord eyes condensed and recognized the immortal sack: “This is the Fengyun sac, the immortal sack of Feng Yunhou. Feng Yunhou is good at flying demon soldiers, mysteriously disappeared three hundred years ago. Unexpectedly, he died here.”

Say, the wine king handed the immortal sack to Chu Yun: “Decompose this superior immortal sack, and you will add more than a dozen rules to your immortal sack world.”

Chu Yun was also welcome. He nodded and took a look. He found that there were few things inside. Some change of clothes, a lot of rotten food. Feng Yunhou’s demon has no left, but there are still more than a dozen jade slips.

In jade slip, most of the methods are described. However, there are also unexpected surprises.

“Hey? This jade slip records the topographic map of the Sky City. Although it is not complete, it is twice as good as our topographic map.” Chu Yun left the map jade slip, and everything else is gone. Pour into the primordial chaos of the absolute grade immortal sack.

Primordial chaos The sea can swallow everything and transform into a primordial chaos current. Chu Yun has a good means of using this waste.

Pēng pēng 砰.

The wine king continued to spur the flying hammer and opened the black scorpion. Among these black scorpions, the bones are so tired that they must be the monster controlling strongs of the city of the sky, intentionally or unintentionally, after years of the fall of the city of the sky.

Nearly a hundred pieces of black scorpion down, there are superior or even absolute grades of monster beast eggs, demon seeds, weird demon soldiers, recorded jade slip of various contents, maps, tokens, and so on. Whether it is the wine king or Chu Yun, they have won a lot of unexpected windfalls.


At this time, an accident occurred.

After the wine king opened the last black scorpion, he fell out of a ragged living person.

Of course, this is not the Dragon Emperor, or the four emperors of the Night Emperor. Chu Yun took a closer look and found out that he actually knew this person.

This person was the old man that Chu Yun met at the sea market. Chu Yun has exchanged drunk jade for his celestial ice crystals from his hands.

Of course, after Chu Yun got the sleep of the old man, he already knows the true identity of the old man.

He is the friend of the sleeping old man, the master of Longdao, and the existence of one of the four great mathematicians of Stellar Province, who is full of drunken life and star females.

“Zhu Xian, how is he here?” Jiuhao Wang also recognized the old man.

After a rush to check, Chu Yun took a sigh of relief, and Zhu Xian did not die, but just passed out.

After feeding some Danshui, Zhu Xian woke up. His eyes were half-closed and half-closed. He only saw the shadows of the two cockroaches in front of him. He was weak and sad with a smile: “The two were also cheated by the bronze?”

“Zhu Xian, how can you be trapped here?” asked the wine king, laughed.

Zhu Xian heard his voice, and his vision was clear at this time: “The wine king, it is you. No wonder you can break this trap and save the old man. Hey Chu Yun Young Master, you are promoted to the king.” , incredible!”

Many years ago, Chu Yun and Zhu Xian had a side. After many years, Chu Yun was re-raised by the aura, and the image changed a lot, but the gaze as if a torch was still recognized at a glance.

After a conversation, Chu Yun learned that it was a year and a half ago that Zhu Xian had already entered the city of the sky in order to break through the peaks of the Hou Dynasty and reach the realm of the king.

Over the past year or so, he has been constantly exploring the city alone, and a large number of guards and soldiers in the city of the sky to fight.

A week ago, Zhu Xian met a bronze gong. Bronze 傀儡 to defeat himself, you can get the key, in order to inherit the lie of the city of the sky, to start a fierce battle with the celestial.

In the battle, the bronze scorpion deliberately fled, and Yin Xianxian came here. Under the great intention of Zhu Xian, the trap that was lost to this place was sealed in the black scorpion.

If it is not Chu Yun and the wine king, he will die in the coffin for a long time.

“The bronze gong is indeed one of the three key guardians. It is not simple, it can interfere with the celestial plane and affect the hearts of the people. I was also stunned at the time, thinking that after a hard work for a year and a half, I finally ushered in a turn. It opens the gap between the soul and leads to this trap.”

“This trap is also very popular. The chain is a forbidden lock, and the black scorpion is a light-sucking shackle. Just one kind can make the spirit light of the Monster Controlling Master weaken to half. The two stacks can make Monster Controlling Master The spirit light weakened to the bottom. In this way, the cultivation base high monster I could not command, the cultivation base low monster could not stop the chain attack. Finally I was trapped in the black box.”

(To be continued)

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