Section 58: The Secret of Parents

The ephemeris 756 10 month 10 day, the Shu family successfully established the country, the Zhuxing Islands since then unified into a star country.

On the same day, the news that the two emperors were present, fighting each other, and losing both sides also spread. And in the shortest possible time, triggered the vibration of the entire Stellar Province.

The rumors in the major colleges are almost all related rumors, and all kinds of news are flying all over the sky. The past case of the mad dragon king was re-introduced and fired up.

As for the night emperor, it is still mysterious, and the real news about him is very pitiful. But it is precisely because of this, giving people a broad imagination, all kinds of gossips on the dust.

The crowd in the world was excited and quarreled. The two emperors who were the parties were simply missing, and no news came.

“It has been two months since the time has passed. With the arrogant temper of the Dragon Emperor, there is still no sound. It seems that it is really hurting with the Emperor of the Night. It is really hurt and is still recuperating. He is so, that night. The situation of the emperor will certainly not be good.”

After reading the information in his hand, Chu Yun spit out a sigh of gas and walked out of the study.

Outside the house, the sun is warm, the blue sky and white clouds, the birds are singing. A lively, quiet and peaceful weather.

This is not his young lord, but the city lord.

Since Shu Tianhao was seriously injured, Chu Yun took over the authority to deal with all the things of the stars. For the sake of convenience, I moved directly into the city lord.

It is December and it is already winter. But in the city of Fire, I can’t feel the cold. The heat of the underground magma is extracted from the city of Fire, and it has the function of regulating the temperature. What is the simplicity of the city that Yu Ya master personally supervised?

No matter what the season, Huide City is a pleasant climate with four seasons like spring.

Walking through the garden, I saw only a hundred flowers, red bricks and green grass, clear springs, beautiful pavilions, classical buildings. A beautiful scene, peaceful and peaceful, let Chu Yun feel relaxed for two months, and gradually relaxed.

“In this way, the two emperors are still secretly accumulating strength, leaving me with more time than I thought. In two months, the stars have stabilized, and all aspects are on the right track. I should also consider how to improve my combat effectiveness…” He was indulged in his heart.

After two months of life and death, he can be said to be a life of nine deaths, extremely thrilling, and the losses are quite heavy.

The large Lei Ze Xuan Jin Yu from Overlord Chu has been completely destroyed. The round mirror was examined by the bliss and found that it could no longer be restored to the peak state. The cultivation base can only be stuck in the 130,000-year tribulation monster. If you really want to repair it, you can build a brand new demon soldier. The most important thing is that even if it is repaired, the revolving mirror is unrecognizable and becomes another demon.

The cultivation base of Jianmu fell from the original 1.2 million years to 570,000 years. The cultivation base of Wanli’s singularity also plunged to 700,000 years.

The white-eyed wolf that kills the greedy wolf king is directly the battlefield.

There is also a major loss, which is the destruction of a fine immortal sack.

In order to ask the immortal sack king, Chu Yun used the immortal sack and the Stellar Sea Dragon Palace immortal sack in exchange for the two superior immortal sacks in the hands of the immortal sack king. However, in the fierce battle with the Whale King, the land whale king directly destroyed one.

Now in the hands of Chu Yun, there are only immortal sacks on the plains of the blood, and immortal sacks from the swallowing bags of the Wolf King.

However, there are losses and gains.

The biggest gain is Chu Yun’s first demon introspection Malty Snow Knife. It does not have the innate quality, from the beginning of the battle, has been firm until the end of the battle, causing tremendous trauma to the demon in the hands of the king of the whale.

After Chu Yun cleaned the battlefield, he collected dozens of huge tribulation monster crystals. Let Malty Snow Knife absorb the monster crystal part it can absorb, and the cultivation base of Malty Snow Knife has skyrocketed from the original 7.2 million years to 13.8 million years…

Million years of tribulation monster soldiers

This is the first time Chu Yun has seen it, and it is also the first time that it has tremendous power.

In the realm of the king, only one million years of monsters can be mastered. But Chu Yun has a variety of spirit light contracts and can also control thousands of years of tribulation monsters. And he has the two god channel methods of “day silence” and “hegemony”. Malty Snow Knife’s combat power has been terrifying to Chu Yun and dare not experiment in the Star Islands.

In addition to Malty Snow Knife, Heavenly Fox, Colorless Rainbow, Six Desire Heart Demon, and other cultivation bases have greatly improved.

Heavenly Fox was promoted directly to nine million years. Six Desire Heart Demon came to the top and swallowed its own monster crystal, achieving a cultivation base of 8.9 million years.

Then, in turn, the psychic snake, the moon rabbit and the colorless rainbow demon, all of which have more than five million years of cultivation base.

Finally, from the peak of the Spirit monster, the Longshan flower branch of the Lushan Mountain, which was promoted to the top, is only the cultivation base of 180,000 years, but it is the hero of Chu Yun.

These are the main monsters of Chu Yun. They grew up with Chu Yun and signed the master and servant contract. The contact is very close.

The next step is to sign the monster of the Allies’ contract.

The cloud-winged tiger, the venomous gecko, the ferocious purplish, the blue-necked scorpion, the nine colored deer, the nightmare threaded shell, the riots, the anger, the king, and the scorpion, their cultivation bases have all risen.

In particular, the riots, the enemy, and the largest increase, have become the tribulation monster of nearly 50 million years.

In addition, Chu Yun has two huge gains.

One is the monster beast primordial chaos, which fell into the sea by the primordial chaos and fainted. After Chu Yun saved it, he signed a master servant contract with it. The power of this monster beast is the main monster beast of the land whale king. The performance runs through the whole battle. It has been insisted until late, and Chu Yun is very impressed with it.

At the other end is the innate tribulation monster that the Whale King is famous for – the land whale. The land whale is extremely gentle, and the body is the world’s largest monster beast in the Stellar Province. Almost the entire battlefield, on its back, it has been warm and unresponsive.

Its beast, as its name suggests, is like a continent, silently bearing itself, silently recovering itself.

After the death of the King Whale, it did not swim, and stayed in the same place, letting Chu Yun use the allies’ contract and easily accept it.

In general, Chu Yun’s benefits are far greater than his losses.

After this battle, he not only broke through to the early stage of the king, but his own lineup of monsters was also huge, and the cultivation base of the monster was almost skyrocketing. Coupled with the realm of his middle class, several major channels of the gods, his combat power has been able to fully compete with the king of the peak.

Even if he is a land whale king again, he can suppress it positively and win.

“Even if the cultivation base is skyrocketing, the burden of the spiral light is aggravated. The spirit light in my body is still at the king level because of the breakthrough, and there is still some spare capacity. I can sign a master servant contract with two million years of tribulation monster. When it comes to the wind, I have to grow as quickly as possible. At least one defensive armor is a must.”

Just as Chu Yun strolled through the garden and thought about it, the old housekeeper rushed over: “The younger man, the lord has woke up and called you to the past. Say it is to tell you the thing you want to know the most.” ”

“Oh?” Chu Yun hearing this, can not help but brow. There is only one thing that I want to know the most, and that is the secret about my parents.

He took a forehead and slammed it: When he asked the righteous father for a secret, the righteous father said to himself that he would be qualified to know the truth until he was promoted to the king.

Now that he has achieved the king, the righteous father Shu Tianhao will naturally fulfill his original promise.

“The two emperors are fighting for too much pressure. I have been busy with business and management all these days. At the same time, I want to improve my strength. If I don’t mention this, I almost forget it.” ….

Shu Tianhao was arranged by Chu Yun to be rehabilitated in the backyard of the city lord. Chu Yun crossed the garden, walked through a small cloister, crossed the circular arch, and arrived at the destination.

Shu Tianhao’s temperament has already improved significantly. The face also showed the blood of a normal person, which was much better than the white face when I first moved into it.

However, his injury was too heavy after all, his limbs were vain and he could only rest in bed for a long time.

Seeing the arrival of Chu Yun, Shu Tianhao showed a happy color and pointed to the seat on the bedside: “I am coming, come, sit here.”

After Chu Yun sat down, he chuckled again: “You have done a good job these days, and you are highly praised in the middle and the middle. You are actually more suitable for the position of the head of the country than the old lady. However, it is time for you to leave. It is.”

Speaking of this, Shu Tianhao is deeply sighed.

“Leaving? Is it related to my parents?” Chu Yun looked condensed.

“Yes, your father is the king of Gudan, your mother is the moon cream king. You must feel that their name is very strange, this is inevitable. Because they are not in the Stellar Province, but from Danzhou.” Shu Tianhao spits out amazing secrets.

“Dan Zhou?” Chu Yun’s eyes showed amazement. He knows Nine Provinces in the world. Because the earliest statement was passed down from the mouth of the star. According to ancient records, the words of the Stars are followed, and every sentence is truth. Even if he lie, it will be true because he is a saint.

The words of Xingsheng are naturally not wrong.

But within Nine Provinces, there is no way to travel. In addition to the Stellar Province, Chu Yun has never heard of anyone coming to other continents. The world only knows that there is such a saying.

“No wonder I couldn’t find a parent in Stellar Province. My parents were not from Stellar Province, but from Danzhou.” Chu Yun suddenly realized that he even suspected that Overlord Chu was suddenly laughing.

The problem of long-term confusion is solved. But the new doubts are followed by the heart of Chu Yun.

Since their parents are king-level powerhouses, why not take them with you and bring them back to Danzhou?

Since they are the king of Danzhou, how come to Stellar Province?

“This jade slip records a mystery, where there is an ancient heavenly gate, a passage through the Stellar Province and Danzhou. You already have the power of the king and are qualified to cross the secret door. Go to Danzhou, go find your parents and say hello to them on my behalf.” Shutianhao took a jade slip from his arms and handed it to Chu Yun.



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