Section 36: Yu Wen’s child, recruiting pro-conference


Yu Wenfei, 16 years old this year.

On Merpeople Island, the age of sixteen is not small, it is the age of marriage. If you are older than this age, you will not be married for life. This is a tradition that has been inherited by merpeople for tens of thousands of years.

This tradition has gradually been abandoned, but for decades, merpeople has ruled and issued a decree that has revived this tradition and even carried it forward. Now on Merpeople Island, 14- and 15-year-old girls have begun to plan marriage. The sixteen-year-old girl is already an old girl in the opinion of the merpeople nationals.

This is not the tyranny of the merpeople king, but the special national conditions of Merpeople Island.

Merpeople Island yin is in decline and the population is not good. Among the newborns, the ten are all baby girls, and only one or two are boys. In the early years, the population of Merpeople Island even experienced negative growth. For a long time, the population is bound to die, the country will be out of the country, and the consequences are very serious.

Merpeople Wang encourages this tradition and there is no way to do it. Every year, she holds a national wedding ceremony to attract young talents from different places to come and marry the girls in the merpeople country.

The woman of the merpeople country is quite famous in the Stellar Province. And the woman of the Anding country, known as the Stellar Province double wall, each has its own merits. Every year, there are a large number of young people who come to Merpeople Island to showcase their talents and marry the beauty of Merpeople Island.

Mermann Wang has issued a number of decrees to encourage young people from other places to live on Merpeople Island.

Of course, if you want to go abroad with your wife, the merpeople country does not insist. However, it is required to have at least two children born and be handed over to the merpeople.

This national policy has been in operation for decades and the population of Merpeople Island has grown exponentially. But even so, after all, because the merpeople country is weak, it is still a lot of people.

Don’t do it to others, merpeople Wang has been strictly demanding, even if it is his own bloodline family, you must follow this national policy, otherwise how to serve the public?

It is Yuwen, although it is a royal family, but now it is sixteen years old, still have to participate in recruiting.

“I am going to marry this match today? From then on, live with a completely strange man? Or be a white-headed old man, or a respectful person, or a fellow traveler…” Walking in the palace cloister, Yu Wen’s heart is a sigh of the future.

She wore a silk blue se silk dress, delicate and pretty, and it was like Jiangnan Mingyue. It was like walking from the beautiful picture of Xinghua Chunyu.

The black hair at that end is like a spring, and it is a simple hairpin. Even if it is to participate in the recruitment, there is no decoration on the hairpin, which reveals the simple style of the owner.

Her eyebrows are like pale willows, and her eyes are like the clear and delicate nose of the moon, and the powder is full of luster. Her skin is like a gel, and her blows can be broken. Under the sunshine, the jade body shines, such as Luo 11 fairy.

She is exquisite, elegant and elegant, exuding a scent of books, and there is also a glimpse of glimpses that can’t be caught.

An unexpected encounter three years ago made her avoid the poisonous king. Wan Hong Wang was amazed at her appearance, which was so similar to her own youth. After some dark investigation, I realized that she was her own granddaughter.

This is an adventure. Yu Wen’s child also learned about her own life, and her life has quietly changed. The king of poisonous kings who are coming to the limit will pour the boundless love on her.

In response to this move, Wang Duo Wang has persuaded countless times, but Yu Wen’s child insisted on this.

She has her own reasons and she believes that she wants to repay her, and she is blessed by the merpeople king’s tradition. In fact, her true intention is that she does not want to be confronted by herself and the merpeople king. The merpeople king raised her up, and the poisonous king and her blood relationship, she was caught in it, preferring to sacrifice herself, and would not want to see the two injured or died.

Like the sigh of the poisonous king, she is so kind.

“I heard that, this time, I participated in the recruitment of relatives, but I have come to a lot of young talents.” “Well, I heard that the next generation of the Yanwang Swords House is cold and inexplicable Young Master, the successor of Jiuyou City.” Young Master, the little Prince Mengg of the Meng Yuanguo, and Sun Yan, the gang of the lava gang, all came to participate in the royal family.”

“The four Young Masters are the four hotspots of this year. If you can make a good relationship with one of them, I will be willing to die if I am dead.”

“Oh, let’s think about the strength of us. Don’t think about it. In the process of recruiting, not only the young people will try each other, but we also have to show our talents. By then, the three princesses, six princesses, and ten The three princesses and so on will surely be among the best, and the style is beautiful. Four Great Young Master, how can we share it?”

“Hey, this is not the elder sister in the front. It’s so smart, I met you here.” A group of girls, screaming in the swallows from behind.

Yu Wen’s nephew turned back, Wen Xiao smiled, suddenly like a pear hua bloom, fresh and refined, the corridor will shine. She replied softly in a special soft tone! “I have seen younger sisters. In fact, the encounter is also inevitable. I am also going to participate in this recruitment.” Seeing the bright smile of Yu Wen’s children, the eyes of the girls all flashed together a sly god.

“Āiyā, I remember it. Dear sister is 16 years old this year, no wonder I have to come to participate in the recruitment.” “Speaking, how is the elder sister a normal dress. This is the annual royal family. It’s good to recruit relatives, even if you wear some pearls or jade.”

“Although we say that we will wear masks to cover our faces, but those costumes are covered by masks. This is the main channel for us to show charm!”

If the election is lost, the consequences will be unimaginable. ”

The girls are screaming.

Yu Wen’s child shook his head slightly, shallow said with a smile: “I don’t use those things all the year round, not to mention even if I lose the election, there is nothing. Yu Wen’s children are still Yu Wen’s children, but life is stable and 10% is unchanged. “hehe, oh, elder sister, let’s take a step forward. Before taking part in the recruitment, we must make up the makeup again.”

“Yes, yes, dear sister, hurry up, it’s a major event.”

The eyes of the women said with each other.

“Well, I will see you later.” Yu Wenxi nodded.

The girls quickly quit, like a gust of wind, and took a walk from her side.

“I can’t think of Yu Wen’s children, but also come to participate in this recruitment! This time, she is very proficient in her chess and calligraphy. This is a master of cultivation. Fortunately, I have to wear a mask to cover the truth. Otherwise, I am afraid that the three princesses will be taken away by her.”

“The three princesses, the six princesses, the thirteen princesses are only three people, but the popular Young Master has four.

There was still some extravagant hope, and the rest of the Young Master. Oh, my luck is really bad. This time, Yu Wen’s child appeared, and we have no chance. ”

“This is a real person who is not Lu. I thought it was her weak Xingzi who had no competition with the world. I didn’t think that my mind was so deep, I was specifically arrested for this opportunity.” “Hey, you listened to her just proud and Arrogant’s answer. She is talking about it, pointing out how ridiculous we are in the mind.”

In the wind, the voices of the ladies were heard, and Yu Wen’s children listened to their ears, and a bitter smile appeared in the corners of their mouths.

Why do you really have such misunderstandings? However, forget it. All along, my own side is not full of misunderstandings like this…

Why bother to argue? That’s just the opinion of others. I only live my own.

I really prefer to lose the election, not marrying for life, and hua grass for a lifetime, serving shi grandma is a very happy thing.

For love, the fear and sorrow in the heart of the child must go beyond expectations.

“Come in, you are the last one. This is your mask. Once you wear it, you can only take it off by your own wishful lord. If you are elected, Yuwen, you have to wear this pair for life. Mask. The consequences are very serious, so show yourself well.”

When he came to the hall, Yu Wenyu took the mask nose from the relevant personnel.

Beautiful eyes swept away and found that the position was almost filled, leaving only the most inconspicuous seat in the corner.

She suddenly understood why she had just said goodbye to the girls. It turned out that I had to come in early and seize a prominent position.

She is not angry and laughs. She can’t wait for the neglect of everyone, and she finally lost her election.

Although it is necessary to repay the merpeople’s kindness and obey the tradition of the merpeople country. But if it is not elected, you can’t blame her.

In the unpredictable future, she still likes the calm and peaceful life.

Sit down to the corner of the corner, she hides the exquisite body in the darkness. The heart is secretly sighed for good luck and the whole body is relaxed.

The recruitment meeting began.

For a time, all the teenagers, or elegant and handsome, or hero is mighty, or the glamour is bright, or the sun is shining, and competing to appear.

Every time they test a question, they compete with each other. Sometimes on the spot, poetry and calligraphy, full of economics: sometimes awkward and ill-fated, eloquent: sometimes highlighting various skills, refining paw refining sac is not enough: sometimes swords and swords, showing the force of the wind.

Of course, the royal Princess who is present will not be idle.

After the men’s test questions, the women’s test questions are the same, and the content is equally versatile, involving astronomical geography. The princesses are equally competitive.

The hall was in full swing, and Yuwen’s children disappeared as if they had disappeared.

She is not at all worried, staying out of the way, holding the gang to think about some cultivation problems and pass the time. @.


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