Section 33: Seven free exchanges


God hides the world.

The giant vines of the green se, such as the Azure Dragon, are entangled. In this vast and innocent world, you can stretch and show the ingenuity of this tens of years of cultivation base.

It is the rumor of the wind and the dragon king.

Although it was already the second time to meet, Chu Yun still couldn’t stop wondering. A monster, a tribulation monster that has grown to tens of millions of years, does not know how many bumps and tribulations have to go through. The cultivation base of the rumored phoenix dragon king is the top rank of the real monster. It is very likely that it is the demon plant of Stellar Province’s first cultivation base.

Especially when Chu Yun opened the eyes of the sky, he saw a sight that ordinary people could not see. The roots of the vines extend into the void and are entangled in the Stellar Province ** online. I always communicate with the French Open, and between the branches and leaves, it seems that the faint and the avenues echo the rationale.

Chu Yun is more and more mi, the spirit light is consumed violently, and all kinds of inspirations come to me. He was originally a high-level state of mind, and at this time he also grew rapidly, with a hint of perfection.

The god-hidden world, though unique, is a small world at the same level as the world of Longmen. The original master of the book, the same as the emperor, and the great existence of mutual beauty.

Chu Yun often realizes the Stellar Province ** network. In comparison, the French net of the hidden world is unique, but it is much sparse than the Stellar Province ** network. For example, Stellar Province ** net, like the history of Oracle. Compared with it, the god-hidden world is like a popular novel.

Chu Yun is used to the Stellar Province ** network, and now look at the laws of the gods in the world, there is a sense of ease and proof. In a short period of time, he would benefit a lot.

It is a pity that he does not have much time now, and there is a big enemy present, otherwise he will not want to stay here.

In addition, rumors and rumors of the Dragon King are not allowed, directly pointed out that if Chu Yun goes on like this, delaying each other’s time, it will cost him a free communication right.

After all, the French Open of the World is a supreme asset. Whoever can thoroughly penetrate, who has the realm of the Emperor of the year. Such value is much higher than the world of the gods themselves.

“It is a pity that the realm of the Emperor is too high. In my current situation, I can only reluctantly exaggerate the mystery of 1% in the Tibetan law network. This is still an optimistic estimate. But my biggest problem is not that Wu is not enough. It’s too little time to grow up. If you give me time, it’s the book king, the emperor, or the emperor.

Chu Yun heart secretly sighed a pity, close the eyes of the sky, and talk with the rumors of the language of the Dragon King. Seven times of unpaid communication rights, it seems a lot, in fact, he has been carefully calculating a few times, can not wait for another ten times.

Although the law of the Emperor is comprehensible, the value is quite high. But in comparison, Chu Yun’s plan is more conducive to today’s situation. Therefore, he will not give up an innocent communication right.

“I want to use two unpaid communication rights in exchange for the first and second choices.” Chu Yun said first.

The rumored phoenix phoenix king remembers Chu Yun especially, and of course remembers the so-called first choice, and the second choice.

Its magnificent voice, like Huang Zhongda Lu, lingering back to dang in a vast space: “A tribulation monster sword, a magical knife, is this the case?”

“Yes,” Chu Yun confirmed.

Even in the world of the gods, there are only three tribulation monster swords. After all, the monsters that have grown to this level are very rare, and most Monster Controlling Masters will choose to use them. Few people will go to the world of the gods and exchange them for a paid exchange.

Three handle tribulation monster sword, one handle is Lei Yuan, Jin and Lei are both xing, the blade is slender, and the cultivation base is 1.8 million years. A glacial, ice, gold genus, two-handed sword, cultivation base 900,000 years. A black prison, the cultivation base is the highest, reaching eight million years. The blade is dark and exudes a terrifying breath that is as deep as hell.

Chu Yun is secretly considered.

Among the three swords, it is naturally Lei Yuanjian, the attack power is the strongest. After all, Jin and Lei are the two genus, and they are the best at attacking.

The black prison has the highest cultivation base and has the corrosion effect of dark xing. The first big advantage of choosing it is that you don’t have to let Chu Yun spend any more money to upgrade the cultivation base of the tribulation monster with the ownerless monster crystal.

In the end, however, Chu Yun abandoned the two and chose the lowest tribulation monster sword glacial.

The glacial sword is a two-handed sword style. The whole body is like an ice crystal. The blade is wide and long. The entire blade is translucent, and the other side can be seen from one side of the sword.

It weighs more than three hundred kilograms, but this is not a problem. With Chu Yun’s current physical fitness, this weight is also somewhat light. .

Although the cultivation base is the lowest, it is not a problem. Chu Yun can be supplemented with a masterless monster crystal. Chu Yun’s fancy is its genus xing one ice and gold. It is paired with the snow and gold genus of Malty Snow Knife.

The Glacier Sword and Malty Snow Knife are indeed complementary.

There are four pieces of magical knife. It is the king of Level 20 in the history of Stellar Province, who understands the peak and condenses the channel of God.

After considering it for a long time, Chu Yun chose a magical knife called “Tianling”.

“Next, I will use the third yuan to reconcile the exchange rights, in exchange for all the remaining monster crystals in the world of the gods. With the fourth exchange right, in exchange for the Sen Hai Shen channel method.” Chu Yun again.

The rumors of the wind and the vines are naturally satisfied.

As a result, Chu Yun has used four free communication rights in a row, leaving only half of it.

He went on to say: “I need a group of the most powerful battlefield defensive soldiers, who can help the army, and hammer the sound in the cruel battlefield….

There are more choices for this blow. There is a strong dragon king roaring, a spring rain backing flag with excellent therapeutic effect, and a ship with 30 thundering warships…

“Take this set of mirrors.” Chu Yun finally said his choice.

This set of demon soldiers has a total of one hundred and eight pieces, each of which is the peak spirit monster. It is used to guard the 108 islands in the Star Islands. These mirrors are capable of urging light beams and ejecting each other to form an optical network. Under the coverage of the optical network, the army can be increased, and its strength, agility and wisdom are enhanced to some extent.

At the same time, the mirrors can be transmitted to each other. It is equal to one hundred and eight jewels.

However, unlike gemstones, it is not easy to destroy and can be delivered in time. In addition to the distance, the transmission efficiency is not comparable to large gemstones. However, there is no weakness. Once opened, the consumption ence qi will be very large, not as economical as a gemstone.

Every time you use it, beside the mirror, pile up a bunch of Scorpio stone coin to supplement the essence qi. Otherwise, the surrounding essence qi is consumed, and the power of the mirror is greatly reduced. For the surrounding friendly forces, it is even more a disaster. Because the essence qi is thin, it will make the monster essence of the monster difficult to replenish, resulting in a significant weakening of the combat power.

The biggest weakness of the Zhuxing Islands is that they are all islands and cannot be connected to form a unified defense line. I don’t know which direction the Whale King is attacking. Every island has to be divided and defended. Choosing a mirror of truth can greatly compensate for this weakness.

“I don’t know if there is a blissful boat component made by Tang Jinguo in the world of the gods. In some cases, I am willing to consume a free communication right to exchange these demon soldiers.” Chu Yun asked with expectation.

Without the help of the blissful monks, Chu Yun would not have received these seven unsolicited exchanges. Therefore, Chu Yun reciprocated to help the fairy to find a sister.

Fujino’s answer did not disappoint Chu Yun and the bliss. The gods of the world are not only known as “the gods”, but there are several treasures.

Chu Yun is overjoyed, but this time, Tenglong Wang is rarely “difficult”: “The right to exchange freely has a value limit. The value of the fairy squad is higher than the imagination of ordinary people. If you open one, you will most likely get it.” A master’s assistant. So a free communication right can only be exchanged for three such demon soldiers.”

In the world of the gods, there are five sacred demon soldiers. Chu Yun has only two free exchanges.

I am planning to use up these two communication rights. At this time, Chu Yun’s heart, but the words of the red-haired fairy: “The grace of Chu Yun Young Master, our sisters are all in mind. We just discussed it, this time In exchange for three fairy squad soldiers, the rest of the communication rights, I hope that Chu Yun, you can choose the undead phoenix.”

“Don’t die phoenix?”

“Not bad.” This time it was not a red dress, but a change to the voice of Feiyang Fairy. “The undead phoenix feather was originally made by the Sect Master of Feiyang. It was collected by Phoenix’s eight thousand tail feathers, mixed with Tianmu. Shenjing, interest soil, incomplete wood branches and other materials, spent three years and three months to create a special demon soldier.”

She is barely fell, and the red-haired fairy is also attached: “Chu Yun, you must not underestimate the Sect Master. Although Feiyangzong was destroyed by Tang Jinguo, it was because Tang Jinguo used the most elite of Stellar Province. Tianma Jingbing. Feiyang Sect Master is a master of refining, surpassing the existence of the master. You don’t want to buy a life-saving prop, this undead phoenix should be the most suitable demon.”

Feiyang Fairy continues to explain, Chu Yun knows that this undead phoenix has come to the fore. After the Monster Controlling Master is motivated, Phoenix can be fired to protect the body and mind. Even if the body is completely broken, it can be reborn. As long as the undead fire in the phoenix is ​​not exhausted, its owner is equivalent to having unlimited physical recovery.

At the beginning of the Feiyang Sect Master, a total of three undead phoenix feathers were refining. It was given to Feiyang Fairy, one of them, and the other one was placed in the world of the gods, in exchange for a large part of the refinery.

Later, Tang Jinguo greeted the beauty and talent of Feiyang Fairy, and used the most powerful Tianma soldiers in Stellar Province. Although Feiyangzong was at the time, it was a super-first-class ranger, but after all, it did not resist the yin and wei of Tang Jinguo.

“Well, this undead phoenix is ​​in line with my intentions. I want this one. You are assured of Feiyang and Hongshang. One day we will come here again and take the remaining two pieces away.”

Chu Yun is a decisive person, no longer hesitate to consume the last free exchange of communication, in exchange for this undead phoenix.



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