Section 31: rumors and rhymes

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Here is a boundless white void. Name plus watch the latest chapter

God hides the world!

There is no day here, no land. There is no concept of up, down, left and right, in all directions. The reason is due to the different laws in the world of the gods.

Chu Yun walks in this world with the sacred wind. According to the guidance of the college, he slammed his hand and the spiral light in his body fluctuated, and then spread out a hundred thousand miles.

In the next moment, the entire sence of the world of the gods is boiling. It seems to be boiling hot water, and it seems to be a tidal tsunami that is rolling up waves.

吼 吼 one by one!

The thunderous dragon humming sound suddenly sizzled in the ear of Chu Yun, and the voice was loud and loud, shocking people.

Essence qi rushing, reaching the peak at this moment. The tide is rolling, the vastness, the winds and waves, the world is discolored.

Rao is the strength of Chu Yun, steadily increasing, and now it is close to the strength of the middle class. But at this time, the figure also shook slightly, the ears creaked, the black hair danced, and the foot was unstable.

Then, he felt a majestic giant monster gas, the mountain’s pressure is getting stronger and stronger, as if the behemoth gradually wakes up from the slumber, gradually gradually full of heaven, such as the demon!

“This level of Monster Qi is worthy of the former master of the book, the rumor of the rumors of the rumors of the dragon. This is a congenital monster of tens of millions of grades!” Chu Yun secretly shocked.

Hōng lóng lóng !

The huge roar, the mighty, sweeping in all directions. At this moment, the entire world of the gods is shaking.

In Chu Yun’s field of vision, I saw a touch of green, suddenly appearing in a blank void. Then, in a twinkling of an eye, the green mans skyrocketed, violently swelled, and filled the world with unparalleled speed.

The congenital demon planted a first-class rhetoric.

It has a huge and unimaginable body, and each vine is as thick as a mountain, stretching beyond the limits of Chu Yun’s field of vision. The smoky vines are entangled with each other to form a dense and holistic whole, like a mountain range that stretches for miles.

Chu Yun is in front of it, like a person facing a mountain.

“Wake me from sleep, young people, what do you have to ask, say it.” A huge vine, slowly explored. It is all dark green, vicissitudes and heavy. Name plus watch the latest chapter

It is not a simple branch, but a faucet. The quaint dragon horn, the jade-like longan, the dragon must fly, but there is no dragon scale. In the rushing Monster Qi, there is no Longwei, only the fresh and natural, life-long breath.

Because it is not True Dragon, it is just a similar rumor.

Chu Yun presses the shock of his heart, and asks: “Tenglongwang, I have three free exchange rights. I want to use one of them to exchange for a message. The East China Sea, headed by the Whale King, their strength how is it?”

How to make full use of the three unpaid communication rights in the hands of Chu Yun, as early as during the daytime study, has been well thought out.

In any case, the East China Sea faction inhabits the development of the land whales, and the information is not known to outsiders. Chu Yun Although there is help from sleeping seniors, but the calculation is not possible, because the secret machine has been covered by the mysterious dreamer.

He had to take this question to ask about this congenital demon plant.

“Donghai faction…” The voice of Tenglongwang is endless, and reverberates throughout the vast white void. Its body exudes a ray of jade, and the light extends out, straight into the net.

“The rumor is very powerful, as the King of Wine said, it has been rooted in the Stellar Province ** net.” Chu Yun opened the eyes, and saw the numerous vines, broken voids, and Stellar The Province ** network is entangled and draws the nutrition of Heavenly Dao.

Today, Tenglong Wang is urging his own strength, relying on the time rules in the Stellar Province ** network, to look back on the history of the river, to go to the ordinary truth about the East China Sea faction.

After a while, the glory of the Dragon King dissipated, and it opened the dragon’s mouth and spit out a green ball of light.

The light ball crashed into the body of Chu Yun in a lightning-fast manner. Immediately, Chu Yun’s mind revealed detailed information about the East China Sea faction.

“Donghai sect master Lu Whale King, king-level powerhouse… smashing the military squad, the middle of the Hou class, the master of the military squad… the two kings are powerful, the nine sacred goddess, the black Turtle is true… In addition, Coral soldiers, snake algae soldiers, tiger shark soldiers, etc… really powerful!”

Chu Yun was shocked in the heart, and the information from Tenglongwang showed the strength of the East China Sea faction. There is no doubt that this is a powerful force that can wrestle with the Shu family. With such a strong foundation, it is no wonder that the Lu Whale King is so domineering and declares war directly to the Shu family. .

“If you simply follow the combat power, my Shu family and the Donghai faction are half a catty to eight. The elite army is half the time stronger than the East China Sea sentimental forces. But the competition is still worse. The key is the Zhuxing Islands for many years. The internal friction is too serious to cause sequelae. It is not enough to recuperate the gaps in these years. Fortunately, after the guidance of the sleeping old man, the five elements of Destiny formed a cycle of endless life. When the founding ceremony was held, Destiny should It is stronger than the East China Sea.” Chu Yun is dark.

After learning the detailed information of the East China Sea faction, his heart inevitably caused a pressure. “Young people, do you still have to use the remaining communication rights?” At this time, Tenglong Wang asked.

“Yes. Please ask Tenglong Wang to teach me the most suitable tactical system.” Chu Yun replied tempted.

“I can’t satisfy you at this point.” The Dragon King smashed the 眨碧玉 longan and continued. “My true knowledge comes from the Stellar Province legal network. I can only check the French Open. It can’t be used for you. It’s a tactical system that suits you. You The road, you have to go.”

Chu Yun nodded, secretly thought, and sure enough.

The rumor is the phoenix king, although it is a congenital demon plant, the cultivation base reaches the terrifying level of ten thousand years, but it also has its own shortcomings. It can only refer to the records in the French network, which is equivalent to an intelligence collector, and can not carry out the measurement and deduction of related aspects.

Chu Yun If you ask it, the tactical system of any king in history, it is very likely to answer. But let it calculate a new tactical system for Chu Yun, it is not enough.

Chu Yun had long guessed about this, didn’t get an answer, and didn’t disappoint, but continued to ask. This time, the problem is straightforward to the mysterious dreamer who wants to dig out his true identity.

“Sorry, I can’t find any of the calculators. I have a Destiny monster to cover myself, or to hide my own secrets. The calculator is the most taboo existence of Heaven and Earth Avenue. Once it is detected, The heavens and the earth will drop the thunder and destroy the threat. The calculators that can be found in the French Open are all dead.”

After asking two questions in a row, but did not get the answer, Chu Yun is not discouraged. In fact, he still has a lot of doubts and needs to explain it.

For example, Long wish tree, mysterious blue pottery bowl, the secret of Long wish tree, the mystery of parents bloodline and so on. However, now that the enemy is currently, the right to exchange free of charge is very rare. Chu Yun has to adopt a strategy, and secondly asks: “Is there any way to greatly enhance my strength in the shortest possible time.”

After the silence of the Dragon King, the whole body once again emitted the jasper glow, and the idea shuttled through the Stellar Province legal network to understand the situation of Chu Yun, which gave Chu Yun three choices.

The first option is to master a tribulation monster-level demon sword.

The second option is a superb method of knives.

The third option is the unowned monster crystal in the world of the gods.

Chu Yun listened to the first option and nodded to understand the meaning of the Dragon King. This is to let the tribulation monster sword and Chu Yun’s sword system channel method “Dajian Waterfall”.

The god channel method can only be driven by the tribulation monster. If it is forcibly used, even the sword of the spirit monster will not be able to withstand the power of the channel of God, and will eventually blew itself.

The tribulation monster sword, matched with the Dajian Waterfall, does meet the requirements of Chu Yun.

The same is true for the principle of the second option. Chu Yun has a contrived monster Malty Snow Knife in his hand. If he is equipped with a knives of the god channel method, the power will be greater than the first option.

“Is it only that the channel of God can only be passed down through the bloodline of the king?” Chu Yun asked in confusion. “Of course, it can only be passed down through the bloodline of the king. But once the king reaches the peak, then he will seduce the line of the line, and will take the lead to the French net. When the king is degraded, this line will be completely integrated into the French Open. Be a part of it. After reading this line of lines, you will be able to comprehend the king’s channel of the gods. “Tenglong Wang won a meal and then continued. “Of course, I can’t understand the channel of God. It can only It’s in the spirit light of your Monster Controlling Master. I’m just a transitional channel that injects information from the line into your spirit light.”

“It turns out that.” Chu Yun thought of the plot of the wine king Wang Wudao, suddenly realized.

However, he immediately asked: “So no master monster crystal, what is going on?”.

Wang Tengwang said: “This is a better understanding. The laws of the world of the gods are unique. Most of the time, the time inside is static. This is why many Monster Controlling Masters store treasures here. No. The main monster crystal can be absorbed by any monster, but after a short period of time, it will dissipate between the heavens and the earth. But once the time is still, there is no possibility to store the masterless monster crystal.”

“Since the time of the ancient times, the world of monsters has been stored in the world of the gods. Although the masterless monster crystal is difficult to obtain, after so long accumulation, the stock is very impressive. You can use these unmanned monster crystals to enhance you. The cultivation base of the monster in the hand.”

“It’s like this!” Chu Yun has a big eye-opener. The particularity of the hidden world, it has become a storage base for the ownerless monster crystal.

After knowing the reserves, Chu Yun is also jaw-dropping. Immediately, he decided to choose the third option.

“Although you have the right to exchange freely, each communication right has a value limit. You can’t take it indefinitely. You need to understand this. So, you can only exchange half of the spar in the world. Young people, you I used the right to exchange and asked about the intelligence of the East China Sea. I used the second right of communication and asked about the strong law. Now, you have to use the last communication right to exchange for the main spar. Are you sure?”

“OK.” Chu Yun without the slightest hesitation replied.

(To be continued)


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