Section 24: Go in a hurry without taking a cloud!

Remember this domain name..

In the discussion of the pill refining project, after killing the opponent, Chu Yun rushed to the scene of the seal project.

“You are late.” The opponent is a woman, wearing a blue robe, and her eyebrows are like a blade. It makes people feel that facing her is like facing an iceberg.

“Trust me, I am more anxious than you. Start soon.” Chu Yun glanced at her and immediately urged the staff.

“You!” The woman was angry. Being late is a disrespect for others, especially in this honorable college.

“brat, you want bad luck. That is the master of the eyebrow knives of the Blue Mountains College. We are the authority of the seal world.” The staff of this school, although an old man, is not as old-fashioned as it is, but instead Chu Yun blinks, the character of the old urchin.

“Come on, hurry, old Senior, I am really in a hurry.” Chu Yun stunned, anxious.

The staff gathered their expressions. It seemed that Chu Yun was in a hurry. He coughed and then took out two seals and explained: “On the two reels, the same seal was laid out only the first one. The unraveler is the winner. The second solver enters the loser group. If you can’t solve it, you will lose your qualifications.”

After that, he handed the scrolls in his hand to Chu Yun and the eyebrow knives. Then point to the secret room on both sides and continue: “Please enter the secret room and crack it.”

“No.” Chu Yun took a look and saw the ice seal. Take out the Malty Snow Knife on the spot and spur the ice path. After a swipe, the seal will be cleaned.

“Give you, I will go first.” He threw the cracked scroll to the college staff and turned and left.

The college staff took the reel in a hurry, and in the process, the reel opened. There are no effects that trigger the seal.

“Of, actually untied?! Unbelievable!” The old gentleman of the College was so surprised that he could swallow two duck eggs at once.

“This is impossible!” The deputy dean from the Blue Mountains College, the famous authority eyebrow knives in the seal division, was also stunned.

You must know that if you want to crack a seal, you must carefully explore it, carefully try to figure it out, and then slash it and steadily. If the process is slightly careless, it will fall short, and it will endanger the sealed objects and even endanger the sealer’s own safety.

The moment the eyebrow knives took the reel, there was a score in the heart. This seal is obviously related to the ice system. It is one of the ice seals, but it is not so simple, and it is mixed with some fog-based handwriting. It is a composite seal, which is not difficult.

She was not surprised to get a letter of recommendation to attend the Academy meeting and learn from all the experts. If the questions in the conference are simple, it is an insult to the participants.

She secretly considered that she should first test with the water system, then use the electric system to cut it accurately, and finally use the fire method to bake. This process will take about half an hour.

In half a time, the composite seal was unraveled, and it was a lot of her years of experience and a keen sense of the seal.

If this result comes out, it will definitely surprise the seal world. To know that cracking seals is a time-testing project that tests patience and care. It takes about a few days for a normal sealer to break an unusual seal.

There is a saying in the seal world: “In a moment, a wave of it, it is not a sealer, but a fantasist.” This sentence sheds the peculiar pride of the sealers, whether it is the ear, or crack Seals are an engineering, fine art. It takes a long process and the accumulation of time.

A wave of sealers only exists in daydreams.

But what have I just seen? !

The same problem, filled with the hearts of the staff of the college and the master of the eyebrows, shocked their brains.

This is simply ridiculous!

It seems that Chu Yun just took the reel and then wrote it, and then the seal was completely cracked!

Have you made a mistake! !

The two people present, whether they are masters of eyebrow knives or the old man of the academy, are the authority of the seal world. They both looked at each other and felt that what had just happened was very unreal.

“I, no dreams?” For a long time, the master of the eyebrows slowly started talking.

“You also saw it? People are old, some dazzling. Old man thought…” The old man’s lips are mixed, and some are incoherent. Everything just happened, and they were deeply shocked by them. Subvert their perception of the seal. .

No one would have expected that Chu Yun could apply the method of the chemistry to the aspect of cracking the seal. The reason why Chu Yun can use it is also thanks to the mysterious scroll. In order to crack the numerous seals on the scroll, he worked hard and thoughtlessly, and applied the method of the Taoism to the supernatural. Compared with the real seal master, there is only a little experience.

In fact, the chemistry is indeed the seal of the nemesis. But few people think of this aspect.

Everyone knows the law of the Tao, but most people have only heard it and have never seen it. The Monster Controlling Master, which really masters the law of the road, is one of the few in Stellar Province. And the vast majority, just master one or two.

In the entire Stellar Province, it is more comprehensive than Chu Yun, and I am afraid that there is only the mysterious mathematician in Jiuyoucheng.

Chu Yun didn’t know much about the seal world. He didn’t know what he had just done. He had already deeply shocked the authority of the two seals, and almost both of them were scared.

He is in the heart of the other sixteen projects and rushes to the next place.

Pill refining, he has a small steamed buns, is the pill refining master of the quasi-prefecture, and laughs at Stellar Province. Seal, he has the blasphemy, is the killer of any seal. But in other aspects, such as refining, making, tasting, and looting, he will not grow up.

Fortunately, he has a blissful boat, and forty-eight cents are ready to go. Among them, countless masters of refining, masters of making sacs, masters of robbing, etc. are willing and willing to try.

Fortunately, in order to keep some refining techniques, most of the projects are carried out in secret rooms. This gives Chu Yun a lot of opportunities.

In the morning round, he saw God killing God and seeing ghosts and ghosts.

He hurriedly came without taking a cloud. Going in a hurry, but involved a lot of sluggish, shocked eyes.

His lateness makes his opponent angry. His youth makes his opponent contempt. His performance made his opponent stunned. When he left, he hurried back, and made countless opponents crazy!


This very obvious pseudonym, at least 18 people are deeply engraved in the heart. I swear that I will never forget it.

Chu Yun will not forget this experience, he is even aggrieved!

Why do you have to be ridiculed by your opponent every time you participate in the discussion? Isn’t it late?

I am easy for me?

I have to catch 18 places!

However, he could not explain this reason. It would be too high-profile to say it. He estimated that within three days, his influence was limited to a certain extent. But after three days, it is hard to say.

He is deeply sighed in his heart. In fact, he would rather choose to participate in nothing, a low-key. This performance makes him too different and will attract the attention of the people.

The Stellar Province is too big. Will anyone speculate on the existence of the blissful ship from his performance? Chu Yun is not sure.

But the enemy is currently, he has to get rid of it in order to keep the stars. Otherwise, once the Star Islands are lost, not to mention that he is full of treasures, he said that the father, Yan Que, Hua Ying, etc., are hard to have a good end. For himself, for his family and friends, he must take up this responsibility.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

“Come on! Let me make a blockbuster and become the legend of this year’s House of Representatives!” Chu Yun’s heart is filled with infinite passion.

Fighting with the sky, fighting with people, is fun. This is the spirit of resistance that is unique to people. Unconsciously, his understanding of humanity has taken another big step forward.

However, after three rounds of noon in the morning, his passion has disappeared, and the whole body and mind are filled with exhaustion.

“It’s too tiring. There are a total of five rounds, a total of fifty-four games! I think there is a bit of awkwardness. The most important thing is that this situation will last for another nine days!” Chu Yun is too tired to vomit, completing all the items. After comparing with the test, he found the Wu Shuang girl again with the record of victory.

“It’s too tiring. It’s very unreasonable to discuss this arrangement! I strongly urge the College Assembly to make changes.” He protested to Wu Shuang.

The little girl couldn’t stand her face and finally couldn’t help but smile: “Of course it’s tired. In the first round of Senior, you have to participate in the entire 18 games, even if you enter the loser group, you have to carry out the ten in the second round of Senior. The discussion of the eight projects. Only in the evening round, this number will be sharply reduced. That is to say, this day, you have at least 36 games, and you have already made a record.” Little girl to Chu Yun The impression is very profound. In fact, the people around her are the name of “unparalleled”, like thunder piercing the ear.

Erdo said. These are the jade plates, you register, they are all winning. Chu Yun took a sigh of relief and took out eighteen jade plates and handed them over to each other.

Ok. “The little girl took the jade plate with a smile, then…

Then the action is fixed.

Then, she slowly raised her head slowly and looked at Chu Yun’s eyes. For a long time, I stuttered and asked: “Before, Senior.”

She swallowed a flat spit and brewed it, and then successfully said the following words, “What did Senior say?”

what. In the afternoon and afternoon, a total of three rounds, a total of 56 games, are winning. Little girl, if you are not sure, you can ask the relevant department to confirm. But I have a request, I hope you keep it secret. Chu Yun smiled at her.

“This is the case…” The little girl did not know what she was talking about. Her eyes were sluggish and her brain was a paste.

She can’t accept it completely!

In her thoughts, Chu Yun has a special project, otherwise it will not be eligible for a letter of recommendation. As for other projects, it is just a prank that he has been on the rise and feels fun. After all, it is a young man.

But without her absolutely not expected, it turned out to be the result.

Fifty-six games, still winning!

Arabian Nights? !

The little girl bit her tongue, and the clear pain clearly told her that it was not a dream.

“Hey! Be sure to keep it secret for me.” Chu Yun said again.

Ah, yes, yes, I understand. Well, this, I will register you with Senior first.

Then I will find the ancestral personnel to confirm. “The little girl with freckles unknowingly said the psychological words of the latter half of the sentence.”

“Well, okay. Then I will go first.” Chu Yun left.

Looking at the back of Chu Yun’s departure, the freckled little girl was also crazy.

“How is this possible? Senior Are you teasing me?!” She screamed in her heart and slammed her heart.

She wants to immediately throw away everything in her hand to determine the authenticity of Chu Yun’s results.

Coin 5: How can I let the readers who have supported me continue to be disappointed? Um… So it’s a little burst today. It feels okay and it is very smooth. The most important thing is to write, have the impulse to write. It is not like the previous one, like completing a task, full of a kind of boring and dead. I have been tired of writing for three years, and now I don’t know how to read a book. It is the dilemma of this. February has passed, and March has arrived again. It seems to be a matter of speed. Time flies very quickly and it is very slow. At least in the past few days, it made me feel very painful. Getting out of the trough is like redemption of the self, not so easy. In March of the Year of the Dragon, I plan to write and work hard. As for whether there will be more difficulties, there will be more breaks, and I am not too sure. But I promise, I will do my best! Thank you for your unwavering wait and support!


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