Section 81: Three Destiny Monsters!

Section 81: Three Destiny Monsters!

“Chu Yun brat, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you!” A member of the water family, the heroic body, the imposing manner, riding a spirit monster wolf, holding two rods of spirit monster short gun, rushed to Chu Yun . This book is from.

“Come on!” Chu Yun brushed a knife, Long Bin screamed, was split in two, blood shot, internal organs splashed.

“It’s so arrogant! I am not Longbin, and I am fighting for 300 rounds!” Then, a warrior wearing a gold armor, holding a square painting, riding a bull, rushed to Chu Yun .

This is definitely a general, the trinity of armor, painting, and bull, has formed a mature tactical system.


Chu Yun only used Malty Snow Knife to fight three things with him.

“You are just that!” The general has the upper hand, laughed heartily.

Chu Yun suddenly slammed the knife, and the blade slammed, making an incredible killing.

The general’s laughter stopped and his movements stagnated. He stood on the mount, licked his lips, and then reached for his neck.

He looked at the palm of his hand, and the pupil suddenly shrank into a needle tip and laughed, and the palm of his hand was full of blood!

“How come?!” Ton barely fell, his head slammed, his head fell, and the blood at the neck was like a fountain, bursting out!

“This is so powerful!”

“This is impossible. The three generals, such as Feng Baixing and Long Bin, actually died in Chu Yun’s knife!”

Chu Yun Lien Shui’s three-member generals, but also so crisp and neat, suddenly let the water home soldiers who saw this scene have rounded their eyes and felt unacceptable.

“Ingenuity, he actually promoted to the realm of supernatural! This is simply the same state, singled out invincible. Siege him, besieged him! Let his skills useless, let him fatigue, monster essence is dead!” The Confucian generals waved the battle flag again and again, and hated and hated Chu Yun.

He has never had such a desire to kill someone.

The realm of ecstasy, even he did not reach. This kind of realm is not based on hard work, diligence, and time. Need opportunities and need understanding.

“This kind of talent, coupled with the endless Destiny, he was so 15 years old, he must not let him grow up! I want to kill this genius here!!”

Chu Yun suddenly increased pressure, and the generals of the Confucian Confucianism mobilized thousands of warships, nearly ten generals, and even two elite soldiers in order to deal with him. Only the remaining three were angry and thundering.

This lineup, even if he has a superb knife, there is no way. The strength of the individual, facing the army of tens of thousands of people, seems very small.

“Young lord don’t panic, old Hong Qiang came to help you!” At the critical moment, the old Hong Qiang led a fleet to arrive, resisting a soldier, two generals.

“I want to bully people and be mean!” Old Fish King commanded a team of sea spider cavalry, rushing to block another soldier, a general.

“I want to besiege my young lord, first cross the body of my old monkey Qiao!” The three Shu family veterans, even if they arrived, shared pressure for Chu Yun.

“Thunder and hell, the bully will be smashed into coke!” The three angry thunder buildings were filled with roaring sounds.

Suddenly, however, a vine of vines spread quickly on three ships, and the branches and leaves were lush in the blink of an eye, forming a special cage that trapped three angry buildings.

“The rear of the young lord is guarded by my Yan Que!” Yan Que is dressed in Tsing Yi, wearing a clear crown and standing upright between the branches of Lightning Vine. The sea breeze blew his clothes, and there was no jade tree.

“A Lightning Vine of a spirit monster series can trap us? I don’t know the power of the guy, you are too small to anger the power of the thunderbolt!” The boat officers were roaring.

“So how about this?” Yan Que smiled in the eyes and gently patted the immortal sack at the waist. Xuanguang picked up and banged, and the electric awning tree fell from the sky.

This electric awning hair tree is transferred from the endless forest by relying on the giant gemstone. Its cultivation base is already the peak of the spirit monster, and it is most promising as the electric tribe of the next tribulation monster.

Yan Que had a swaying Danyuan tree in his previous life, but in this life Chu Yun took the lead and got his hands. In order not to let Yan Que’s pill refining talent annihilate, Chu Yun transferred the tree to Yan Que.

Yan Que owns Lightning Vine, which is good at Ray’s way. This electric awning hair tree is not only a thunder attribute, but also a pill refining. More suitable for Yan Que than to transfer to Danyuan.

“Although it is not easy to destroy you like the young lord. But you can still do it if you are trapped.” Yan Que stands between the vines.

“Damn, it was actually targeted!” The three giants of the Angry Thunder House were jointly suppressed by Lightning Vine and Electric Manly. The lightning channel method they issued became a component that nourished two demon plants. .

“Everyone…” Chu Yun startled, a moment of warmth in his heart. I am not alone, and my comrades are fighting alongside myself!

“This battle will win!” He screamed and waved Malty Snow Knife, pouring a radiant glow. He stepped on the sneakers and sneakers, striding across the squad and slamming into the enemy.

The blade is like a gusty wind, Heavenly Fox is roaring, the hurricane bow and arrow are like rain, the dragon eye is blasting, Chu Yun is full of fire, killing the square, no one can stop!

One, two, three, I still remember when I first started, but gradually no one can count. Countless enemies fell to his feet.

He was immersed in blood, killing the heavy encirclement, such as the tiger that started the gate, the momentum is like a rainbow, no one can be enemies.

“Rush, follow the Less Island Lord, rush! Kill!” More and more Shu family are in the big fight.

Chu Yun has truly become a leader, with a strong fighting power, shouldering the burden of breaking through the enemy and developing the rush.

As an unbeaten god of war, he is more and more violent, and he is present in the field.

“My sea tactics, it doesn’t work!” The ruthless general was sinking in the water, watching Chu Yun on the battlefield like the Flood Dragon, the face muscles, gnashing teeth.

He really wants to take it out himself, but he can’t walk away. The pressure of Huang Xiao can’t be underestimated. I want to release my own tribulation monster, but I am worried about the lack of defense after the defense. He had a lot of spirit monsters, but he had only gotten through the tribulation monster. Moreover, the existence of the tribulation monster has a great burden on the spirit light. So in his hands, there are only two spirit monsters and three great monsters.

In fact, the human tactics are not in use.

But Chu Yun is not a person who is isolated, and his side is always assisted by his comrades. When the enemy exceeds his limit, there will always be someone who will come forward and share the pressure for him. When his monster essence is scarce and his physical strength needs to be recuperated, there will always be someone to take him aside and let him take a breath.

Among them, there are Hua Ying, Yan Que, Big Headed Wu, Wang Zelong, and so on, and even Tie Ao.

“I don’t think we have a day to fight side by side.” Tie Ao said at the top of the town’s demon tower, blocking Chu Yun’s two generals.

“After today’s victory, you can have a good time!” Chu Yun rested and said to him when he took the knife.

The scene gradually became chaotic, and Huang Xiao and the ruling generals were even more commanding. There is battle in almost every sea area on the battlefield.

Both sides will encounter good materials, and the opponents of the opponents will fight so hard. No one can do anything, which will eventually lead to a situation of big war.

The water frog’s ice frog elite, the coalition forces with the influence of Chu Yun as an arrow, is like two daggers, being held in the hands of two giants, move towards each other.

The key is to see who will stab the other party first!

“I don’t think of the area of ​​the Star Islands, there is a hidden Dragon!” The ruling generals are so arrogant, but also have to admit Huang Xiao’s talent at this moment.

On the battlefield command, Huang Xiao even has to be higher than himself. Because of their strong military strength, they are more than twice as high as the other side, but they are still being beaten into a melee situation.

“But it’s time to end. The Guards are out!” The ruthless generals threw their biggest card and tried to win.

Thirty members of the spirit monster, each guard, is equivalent to a general. With such tremendous power, bet on it and immediately suppress the balance of the balance.

“There is still such a hidden power. Fortunately, the young lord got the support of the red-haired fairy. Play!” Eighteen fairy tales, each beautiful and beautiful, beautiful face, forming the most unique landscape on the battlefield.

“What? Actually, this card is still hidden.” The general of Confucianism was startled, but his face smiled. “It’s useless, it’s just eighteen. It’s final struggle, it’s just slower. “”

“You can be arrogant to the present, brat, you should be satisfied! Return to the altar!” A garrison army screamed, killing will come. He held a demon soldier in his hands, shaped like a white jade’s deep altar, flowing a different kind of Huaguang, spewing out the infinite water element from the mouth of the mouth, as if it was a big river.

“As soon as we shot, your failure is doomed. Flying to the peak!” Another garrison, suddenly handed a hand, throwing a mountain model. This flying peak was originally only the size of the palm, but it ignited a special way. When the wind rose, it quickly expanded into a small mountain peak, and opened countless intercepted monsters, shrouded Chu Yun.

“Now surrender, leave your whole body! Taoyuan tree!” The third garrison army, with a dense old tree on its head, dense foliage, black light, and blooming flowers. The trunk slowly rotates, and various wooden walkways, such as gorgeous fireworks, are swept over the sky. .

The Huitan, Feilaifeng and Taoyuan trees are the three waters, mountains and forests. The Destiny demons, which are inherited from the water, the soil and the Mudewang, are all absolute grade qualifications, and the spirit monster peak cultivation base has an infinite mystery.

These three Guards are the leaders of the military. Everyone has a hundred years of age. The combat experience is extremely rich. Everyone has the power to compete with Chu Yun. At this time, the siege came over, and no one could stop it. Chu Yun immediately felt the pressure increased!

Chu Yun wants to form a gossip battle, but the three guards have long known that he has this card, no chance at all. It is always possible to temporarily encircle the actions of one or two spirit monsters.

“Under the wood!” Chu Yun helpless, offering the ninth peak of the spirit monster. This demon plant that grows in the heart-burning cave has also been robbed by the sky, and is now the cultivation base of the peak of the spirit monster. Chu Yun was on the top of his head, and the fire path was broken.

Rao is so, Chu Yun is struggling with one enemy and three.

“Who dares to bully my son!” A dragon, Shu Tianhao stepped on the Blue Sea Dragon, descending from the sky, the battle group.

“Daddy!” Chu Yun spirited, and moved Malty Snow Knife and Shu Tianhao to fight side by side.

Fight the tiger pro brother, play the father and son soldiers!

The three garrison chiefs were beaten and defeated.

“How is it possible? Two slick swords!” One of them, shocked and screamed. Io! ~!



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