Section 47: Psychic!

The ability of the psychic snake made Chu Yun very shocked. ..: This absolute grade monster beast, which was extinct in ancient times, can communicate with the spirit light, swallow the spirit light, and feedback its owner!

What is the effect?

The biggest factor that has constrained the development of the Monster Controlling Master has been the spirit light.

If the body’s spirit light is insufficient, it will not be able to carry more monsters.

What does the psychic snake mean, Chu Yun has a clear judgment in an instant. In other words, with the psychic snake, the problem of its own spirit light will get a perfect solution.

It can improve the spirit light in the body. In this Stellar Province, there are only four kinds of spirits, one day, the spirit of the heart, the refinement of Dan, the yin and yang, and the Nirvana.

Now Chu Yun has taken the first two, and the body has developed a lot of resistance. If you encounter the problem of insufficient spirit light in the future, you can only find the latter two medicine pill to solve the problem.

But now, the emergence of the psychic snake gives Chu Yun a more clever way to break through the bottleneck.

“It’s no wonder that the Beastmaster will pay such attention to this monster beast egg. But the heavens and the earth are equal, the balance of everything, and the monster beast that is so bad, should also be flawed.” This jade book student must have no words. . ”

Think of it here, Chu Yun complexion sank, screaming and screaming: “Do you dare to hide it? Don’t see the coffin without tears.”

His eyes showed that the cool version of Chu Yun, which was made by Malty Snow Knife, immediately reached for the other shoulder of Yu Shusheng.

The cold chill was immediately irritating to Yushu’s body.

“How does he know that I am hiding?!” He was very scared in his heart, and he was yelled in his mouth. “I, I haven’t finished yet, and the psychic snake is also flawed. The psychic snake is weak and easy to be killed. It though It can swallow the spirit light of everything, but only by swallowing the human spirit light, it can increase the effect of the spirit light on the Monster Controlling Master.

“Go ahead and say…” Chu Yun’s eyes are like a deep pool, with a tone of indifference, and there is no emotion in his expression.

In the face of such Chu Yun, Yu Shusheng felt a huge psychological pressure, as if he had become a cowardly white rabbit is facing the torture of the tiger.

“Also, there is, the cultivation base of the psychic snake is lifted, except for the normal sucking essence qi, which cannot absorb the monster crystal. It can only swallow the soul crystal. It can only be swallowed by the soul crystal, so that it can be raised very quickly. Cultivation base.” Yu Shusheng resisted the pain of the shoulder injury, and gasped and screamed.

“Soul Crystal?” Chu Yun hearing this, the brow is a wrinkle.

The psychic snake has three major flaws. Although the first defense is weak and invisible, it is easy to be killed.

This determines it and cannot be used as a frontal battle. Can only be used as a pure auxiliary monster beast. This is not like turning a Dan Yuan tree. The transfer of Dan Yuanshu can be pill refining, and it can also be used as a combat force in the case of insufficient combat power.

The psychic snake can’t do it, and there is no ability to fight in front.

The second drawback is that only the spin light of the swallow can improve the cloud light of Chu Yun.

This can also be understood.

After all, the soul is not the same as the soul of other species. Therefore, the spirit light between different species is different.

But the third flaw is cumbersome.

Soul crystal, this is a very rare heaven and earth treasure. Long-term wear on the body, there is nourishment of the soul to increase the soul of the growth of the effect. At the same time, it is also a very important ingredient in all kinds of medicinal herbs.

Soul crystal, almost no price. Because to some extent, it is equivalent to the heart and wine is also the quality of the soul. However, the heart and the wine drink too much, and people have no effect after having drug resistance.

However, the soul crystal is not. It is not a medicine pill, but a pure natural crystallization. People can not only use it repeatedly, but even pass on to future generations.

In other words, Chu Yun only has a soul crystal, with the dragon’s eye, to improve the quality of the soul and body, can also indirectly increase the body’s spirit light.

“The soul crystal is very rare, and Senior must know it. I am willing to sell another secret in exchange for freedom. I know where there is a soul crystal!” At this moment, Yu Shusheng called again.

“I know that among the new generation’s masters, there is a small arrow god, and his body is carrying a soul jade pendant. It is full of palms and is the treasure that has been passed down from the kings of the Yuan Dynasty!”

“Hey! Your mind is moving very well, actually want to provoke dissension, killing people by knife?” Chu Yun eyes flashed, coldly snorted and said.

“Senior understands that there is no way for junior. Junior is defeated by Senior’s hand, and the five-headed monsters that are cultivated have three heads fallen. Only two of them are left, and only the turtles are shrunk in a short time, and then save. So, let The little arrow god is the only one who leads the situation and the Senior also needs the soul crystal. Isn’t it?” Yu Shusheng’s face is pale and his face is miserable. He was kneeling on the ground and his upper body was shaking with the wind, which was caused by excessive bleeding. .

But this is the state, and he does not forget to count opponents. Visible in the temperament of the temperament and haze.

His cautious thoughts were exposed by Chu Yun, and they did not deny it. Instead, they were blunt and confessed. Because he has seen through Chu Yun’s eyes, Chu Yun is the kind of person who is lawless, unruly and willing to be the enemy of the world.

“This jade book student is really the son of Jiang Han, with a 20% political skill of his father. It seems that I must meet with the little arrow god.” Chu Yun moved in the heart and looked at Yu Shusheng. Smile is not a smile.

“Senior, why are you looking at me like this? You, you are not saying, as long as I am out, will you spare me? Ask Senior to let me go! Junior swears, must forget all the things today…” Chu Yun saw the hair in his heart and made a swearing oath.

This is completely two people with him. When he saw his poor appearance, he would never think of the pre-war spirit and arrogance.

This performance has made Chu Yun even more violent.

The weeds do not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows again. In particular, the insidious figure of Yu Shusheng has a set of faces. The other set of mouths behind him is that he is not like Jiang Han, but he has only trained a layer of skin and has not learned the essence.

Jiang Han, the master is the real hero.

On the spot at Heavenly Song Academy, Chu Yun refused his offer without hesitation. He still smiled and gave Chu Yun a bottle of medicine pill to treat the injury of Chu Yun computer ~ visit.

“Mother and son are connected to each other, father and son are instinct. In time, you will become a character like Jiang Hanguo. I just promised to lie to you. Of course, you can’t leave your life.” Chu Yun smiled started talking.

Yu Shusheng was completely shocked!

What he was astonished was not that Chu Yun was in the opposite direction. In fact, he also expected this possibility. What is shocking to him is that when Chu Yun admits, he smiles so calmly and without any embarrassment.

“I looked away! I really looked at my eyes. I thought he was a sentimental, light-hearted, and a stalwart. But he didn’t think that he was a worldly hero!” Realizing this After a little, a cold air rose from the deepest part of Yu Shusheng’s heart and quickly spread his whole body.

Between the two, he actually felt a little shadow of his father from Chu Yun. His father, too often, smiles kindly and uses bloody means to eradicate dissidents.

This does not blame Yu Shusheng. The key is the image of Chu Yun, with a great deceptive nature.

His muscles are tangled, his body is sturdy and sturdy, and he is as simple as a stone-stained but bright-eyed person. You can see its introverted domineering. People can’t help but create an intuition, and think that he is the kind of heroic, brave, and unintentional figure.

But in fact, this is not the case.

Chu Yun has embarked on the road of the Beastmaster, but he is still Chu Yun and has always been himself.

He is the inheritor of the Beastmaster, the small bully of the Star Islands, but in the bones, it is still a visitor to the past. At the juncture of life and death, in countless secrets, he can curl up and not eat or drink for a whole month. He can move motionless, monitor a certain area, forget the time until the target appears. He can eat the leftovers, grab the mice, crush their bodies, and drink blood to quench their thirst.

No matter what path he walks, what changes he has in appearance, and what kind of adventures he has, he has always been himself.

Chu Yun has always been Chu Yun. His temperament is gritty, with an extreme very ruthless. Being jealous of others is even more embarrassing to yourself.

All this is to survive.

This is the past life, and this life is even more. He could not let the jade scholars pass. He is the emperor of Jiang Hanguo and has a great relationship. Only by killing can we avoid the revenge of Jiang Hanguo to the greatest extent.

In his previous life, he lived only for himself. His responsibility in this life is even greater, and he is responsible for the expectations and happiness of many people.

“You are already dead, but before you die, you can contribute to me.” Chu Yun was not touched by the poisonous oath of Yushusheng. He grabbed the head of Yushusheng and called out the psychic snake, stimulating innate. Talent Road “Psychic.”

Although he couldn’t see it, he could feel that the psychic snake suddenly got into the body of Yushusheng. But soon, Chu Yun frowned again.

The psychic snake sent a helpless emotion, and it encountered the obstruction of the soul of the jade book. The soul is like a protective layer that protects the spirit light. The cultivation base is too low, and you want to swallow the spirit light, but you can’t break through the “turtle shell” of the soul. .

“You can’t do this to me! Can’t do this! The spirit light swallowed by the psychic snake will never come back. Senior, you let me go. You must have noticed that the soul protects the spirit light. But I have the pressure The soul of the soul! It is the ancient tribal altar, can oppress the soul of the people, revealing the spirit light. You let me pass, I will pass the letter, the construction method of this altar, tell you truthfully!” Cried and called.

“You really still have reservations. Oppress the soul, hey, you really can’t I have a way?” Chu Yun sacrificed the ancient whip.

For a moment, his soul confronted the soul of Yushusheng.

In the strange space constructed by this whip, he first saw the shape of the psychic snake.

This snake is very cute. A pair of eyes, not a snake that stands up, but a crystal that is crystal clear. Its body is like jasper, shining with Huaguang. Its body is still very delicate, and wanders around the soul of the jade book. It seems to have smelled the deliciousness of the other party’s spirit light, but it is very helpless to the soul of the eyes.

However, when Chu Yun offered a whip, everything was different.

The soul of Yu Shusheng, under the pressure of Chu Yun’s soul, could not be supported for a moment and completely collapsed. Expose the included spirit light. His spirit light is about half the size of Chu Yun.

The psychic snake screamed and threw it up, like a child saw a huge candy.

The psychic law is officially motivated.

To be continued, please read the latest chapter:


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