Section 30: Heart whip

Section 30: Heart whip

“The absolute grade of the thunder system?” Chu Yun raised his brow and his eyes brightened. This book comes from. This is definitely an unexpected joy.

In general, the monster is turned into a monster crystal. When other monsters are captured, they can not only absorb the cultivation base, but also absorb some of the Tao.

These roads are the most sacred, most used, and the deepest understanding of the demon.

Every law is the understanding of the heavens and the earth.

Chu Yun also wants to ask more details about this law, but sees that the big-range Ranger has already rushed up, he had to put the question in his heart.

“Assault formation, as I rushed”, when the distance between the two sides was ten steps, Huamei snorted and slammed the winter frost with a proud gun, and took the lead and rushed forward.

“Killing” Chu Yun is on the same page, although he can’t provoke the Taoism on this grassy hill, but his knives are still invincible.

The two formed the sharpest arrows, such as the tiger down the mountain, nowhere

“What do they want to break through?” The other party lost all the braveness of a group of nvs on the rouge, and they were shocked.


Chu Yun’s knife is like a snow, breaking into the crowd, setting off a storm. Huamei is also a hero of the robes, and Dacheng’s shooting method sweeps everything.

Behind them, following the rouge nv, formed a close impact formation, jing Cheng cooperation, such as a whole, broke out a strong fighting force.

The tigers that have gone down the mountain are already unstoppable, not to mention a group of tigresses.

The momentum is rampant, rushing to the enemies who come up, such as being banged, and suddenly stunned.

“Blocked, surrounded them.” Someone shouted and reacted.

Suddenly, I saw a bright light, and Chu Yun’s sword smashed him.

The tactical thinking of breaking through is correct. Chu Yun killed the other party by surprise, and one person turned over. It quickly broke through and broke the scope of the grass mound.

“They are actually moving toward us.” Sleeping Sisters eyes, amazed at the courage shown by Chu Yun and others.

“哼 范围 范围 哼 , 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼 哼The old eyes smashed into a gap, the tone yin measured very ruthless, he has already had a heart of killing.

Chu Yun and Huamei joined forces and ran into yin and sleepy.

Yin old hand-held demon soldiers nine sorrows, between the shadows of the shadows, yin wind bursts. The Sleeping Monster calls out the Shadow Dragon, which is a rare dragon beast. It has no form and can only be attached to the shadow of the person.

“Nine secluded life” yin old loudly shouted, Suo Ying like a snake, and Huamei battle to a place.

“A nightmare lingering” sleep dreams yin laughed, and the shadow dragon launched a law. The shadow behind him suddenly stood up and turned into a dark dragon shadow with wings, snoring and screaming to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun Malty Snow Knife meets, but passes by the shadow dragon.

“Ia, you counted.” Sleeping sages are smug, and the real goal of the Shadow Dragon is actually the shadow of Chu Yun.

The shadow of Chu Yun in the shadow dragon suddenly made Chu Yun’s heart suddenly, and the scene series in front of him changed and was pulled into a dark space.

“This is the nightmare of the shadow dragon. Here, I am the god ia overlord, dying in fear in the nightmare.” The sleeping sorcerer appeared in the darkness, this is not his true body, but the soul incarnation. In this dream, he can control everything and play the strongman above his strength in applause.

“Is it?” Chu Yun sneered, a whip appeared on his body.

This is the great monster.

In the present world, only the handle of the whip can be seen. Only in this similar special environment can you see its slender black and bright whip.

“This?” Just a smug dreamer, seeing the whip, his face stiffened. His voice was full of incredulity, pointing at the whip, exclaimed, “This you actually have a demon of the heart”

In this world, Jinmu Shuihuo is a basic genus, extending a lot of other genus types such as wind, thunder and light.

In addition to this, there are three quite rare genuses that represent the space genus, representing the time of the genus, representing the heart of the jing god.

The monsters with these three genera are quite rare, and the qualifiers are rare.

The dreamer did not expect that Chu Yun had a demon in his hand. This is the nemesis of his combat mode.


The next moment, the nightmare suddenly collapsed. Chu Yun has this demon to protect the soul, and return to God in the battlefield. .

“Dream of the Lord, you come to life” Chu Yun eyes jing Mang, surrounded by six spirit monster, all turned into human form.

Heavenly Fox, is a dress less nv, white as blue, cute and lovely.

Lushan longan ua branch, is the dragon robe emperor, the robe is embroidered with dragon eyes.

Swinging Dan Yuanshu, is azure robe thin, the golden ring on the clothes dazzling.

Malty Snow Knife is a white-haired, white-eyed image of Chu Yun. It is as cold as ice.

No è rainbow demon, is a nearly illusory human form, looks like a male like nv.

The hurricane bow is a flowing man with long hair dancing, surrounded by a whirlwind of blue ink.

These six spirit monsters, such as the stars, are centered around Chu Yun.

“Chufa torrent” Chu Yun Divine Beast One finger, a bang, the world is playing. More than five times stronger than the original Dao, jia merged into a gorgeous color of the river, with a strong state of mind, to go crazy to sleep dreams.

“This power” Rao is Chu Yun, and he was shocked.

For a time, the entire battlefield was shocked by the torrent of this law.

People’s movements are slow, and they look up to this torrent, scouring everything, and sweeping in the sleepy monarchs who are not able to retire.

The light of the è, such as the dream bubble, reflects the green, yellow and green of everyone’s face.

The shocked look all came to everyone’s face.

Today, Heavenly Fox’s cultivation base has risen to more than 8,000 years, and a new spirit monster hurricane bow has been added. The torrent of Dafa has become a real river, the Yangtze River. It passed by the sky and washed away everything, as if it was a ruthless flood, sweeping all the souls.

The torrent of power is extremely terrifying, and it is a few miles away, and the periphery of the endless forest is washed into a red land. The original dense trees have completely disappeared, and even the dense and dense mist of the world has dissipated. A blank area of ​​a barrel is formed.

The entire space was completely washed away by the Dafa torrent. The only thing left is not the other, it is a huge monster crystal. After the death of the demon in the hands of the Supreme Master, the monster crystal is formed.

The torrents swept the sleeping dreams, and the countless rangers within range. As for them, they have already been swallowed up by the torrents, and there is no residue left.

“How could this be”

“Dream of the Supreme Master is a famous veteran of the Ranger, and he can’t stop such an attack.”

“How can this kind of attack be blocked? Chu Yun is really a monster. Is he really only 15?”

“Six head spirit monsters, together with the attacking method, indiscriminately bombarded. This kind of attack is simply arrogant, unreasonable who is his opponent of ia overlord?”

Woke up from the shock, the morale of the Rangers has dropped to freezing point. Chu Yun’s attack is a simple and powerful force, and it can shock people’s hearts.

“Scorpio help the public, withdraw” can not see things, yin old shouting loudly, with the slightest hesitation turned and ran.

In the face of such an attack, he is also uncertain. Where is the inheritance of the Beastmaster, where is it important to have one’s own life? He is the old fritter of the game industry, and he knows how to choose.

“Want to go?” Huamei sneered, pulled out the Ziwei, and volleyed.

This Ziwei scorpion, this is a very rare genus with the qualification to learn the space method. Also with the space method, and the six gods ban, it is a perfect complement, it is impossible to prevent.

Yin has always been wary of Chu Yun here, cold and not guarding Huamei’s means of display. He was originally flying in the sky, was smashed, and the spirit light was sealed, and he lost contact with all his monsters. Suddenly, he slammed and fell to the ground.

“Look at the gun” Huamei catches up, the gun head is stabbed, and immediately will fall into the yin old, and pierced the heart.

“Yin old” is roaring.

“Escape, escape” more people are screaming in horror.

The thousands of rangers who had been besieging rouge were first stunned by the stunned slashing grass, and were partially washed away by Chu Yun’s Dafa torrent, and then smashed by rouge. At this time, there were only less than 500 in the field.

Each is scared of courage, anxious dog, and fled.

“Where to go?”

“Don’t you want to snatch our treasures?

Rouge all nv, are people who have lived on the knife for a long time. They have already developed the rivers and lakes, and have not let go of this great opportunity to kill the enemy.

They are scattered, chasing and killing, killing countless enemies, and harvesting is rich.

“This battle, the overall strength of your strength, will be on a new grade. Here again I want to congratulate the Lord.” Chu Yun has already closed his hand, seeing Huamei coming, he is standing in the ground, slightly Said with a smile.

Fighting has always been the most risky and most rewarding way of cultivation. It’s like Chu Yun’s battle, the harvest of many monster crystals, enough to raise the cultivation base in the hands to a new level. .

“Monster crystal is no more, it can’t be used.” Huamei took a look at the nine slings in her hand and looked at the sixspiring monsters around Chu Yun with a look of a smile. “But this time, really.” It’s so rich. Just digesting for a while, then recruiting and buying, becoming a first-class force, just around the corner.”

“hehe huh…” Chu Yun laughed. He knows the meaning of implied in Huamei’s words, and immediately said, “I don’t care. I got the Danfang of Danhua.” With the refinement of Dan, you can improve the quality of Monster Controlling Master and absorb the monster. Crystal , raising the cultivation base of the monster beast, and not burdening the spirit light.”

Huamei’s eyes suddenly brightened and she looked at Chu Yun and was surprised and happy: “Chu Shao Island Lord, it seems that you really want to cooperate with us. With the Dan Fang of Huanhua Dan, the rise of our rouge, Shu The rise of Family Island is only a matter of time.”

“Oh… I didn’t get it wrong? It’s good to make a good Dan. It’s very good. I didn’t think that you really got the inheritance of the Beastmaster. It’s really lucky. I will give it to Dan, in exchange for the life of Feiyan girl. what do you think?”

At this moment, the voice of Beiguangguang suddenly passed.

When the “Feiyan ia heart” is easy to smoke, it is not enough.

A powder è big hand, suddenly emerged from the ground, one can not hold back the ia Feiyan a



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