Section 25: Close cooperation

Section 25: Close cooperation

Ten years of little monster, centennial great monster, millennium spirit monster, million years tribulation monster.

A spirit monster, at least a thousand years of cultivation base. And Li Zheng has three spirit monsters, two main battles, one auxiliary, all of which are cultivation bases of more than 5,000 years.

Therefore, the monster crystal harvested by Chu Yun is enough to raise the spirit monster cultivation base on his hand again.

Although, as the creature’s cultivation base increases, their spirit light will grow, giving the Monster Controlling Master a great spirit light burden.

But Chu Yun’s spirit light is very abundant. After swallowing three rejuvenating Dan, he can add 4’s new spirit monster and a new great monster. This is based on the retention of all monsters in your hands.

Today is just the great monster in his hands, promoted to the spirit monster. Therefore, the spirit light in his body has plenty of room to support the growth base of the monster.

“There is no power to resist, and even the deputy leader of Li Zheng is unable to resist the flood of Dafa!”

“How could this be like this? This Chu Yun is simply not a human!”

The prisoners of the Iron League, one by one, his eyes are sluggish and his face is pale. Looking at Chu Yun from the sky, he landed on the ground, and they all trembled slightly.

Their hopes were shattered, and Chu Yun killed the levy in front of them with their mighty fighting power, so that they could no longer fight and be lucky.

“It seems that you are right. Stick to it and get the true inheritance of the Beastmaster!” Huamei looked at Chu Yun and sighed. “I knew this, I should stay. At least I won’t let Rouge fall into such a dilemma. “”

“What the hell is this happening? Why does the Iron League attack you? And where are the smokers and Feiyans?” Chu Yun couldn’t help but ask, there are only 20 people in this group of nvs. Not all members of this line of rouge.

“We ran into the Universiade and got the news that the Beastmaster passed on the wealth. I don’t know how it was leaked out. We just got out and fell into the encirclement and torture. We had to transfer and flee. We are divided into two ways. I am attracted by the route. One route is easy to smoke, Feiyan keeps the harvest, secretly steals, and saves the results.”

Huamei has no reservations and trusts Chu Yun. It will be related to the plan of rouge survival.

“Is the news missing?” Chu Yun hearing this ,frowned.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. From the perspective of Monster Controlling Master, it is not too difficult to have a reconnaissance monster.

The most famous, the demon of the news, is the rumor. It has the innate talent method, which is flourishing and can listen to information in wind and rain.

When the world talks, the voice will spread out. Scattered in the air, scattered into the ground, scattered into the water. These sounds are getting smaller and smaller, and humans will not hear more than a distance.

But the rumors of the wind and the vine are not the same, born to be different, can hear the news in the wind and rain.

“There are too many means to listen to the news. In addition to rumors, the teacher can count on divination and steal information from the future. This is prophecy. But in my heart, there is an intuition that this is very likely. It is related to white light. He has a thought of the Tao, and he can peek into the target every thousand miles. Feiyan used to be his goal…”

Chu Yun’s words suddenly changed Huamei’s face.

In this way, isn’t the situation of Yiyan and his party more dangerous than Huamei?

“Thinking and thinking, Beiguangguang actually has such a law…” Rao is calm and steady like Huamei, and at this time, there is also a panic in his eyes.

“Huazhu, I admire you as a person, and I am more at the same time as Yiyan. Feiyan girl is very innocent and very cute. Let me do my best to go with you to save people!” Chu Yun suddenly opened his mouth and took the initiative.

“Chu Yun Young Master…” Rouge Nv’s heart suddenly settled, and Chu Yun was around, letting them all see the light of hope.

For a time, many people have been moved by tears. Chu Yun met with them, but helped them repeatedly. It stands to reason that the cooperation between Chu Yun and Rouge is over. In the world of the cruel reality of the Ranger, it is quite normal to stand up and stand on the sidelines.

But Chu Yun did not do this.

He saw the injustice and helped him to see the rouge in danger, and he said nothing, even the two leaders of the Iron League. Put their arrogance and swear on hard.

Then he took the initiative to continue to help. This warmth, this derogatory, seems to be a layer of aura, covering the youngster who is famous and prosperous.

Holding the helm of Malty Snow Knife…

Wrapped in the enchanting of the demon, the emptiness of the emptiness…

In the face of the first-class forces such as the Iron League, there is no fear, and the majestic appearance of the outstanding leader…

Hearing the rouge crisis, without saying anything, the helplessness of helping the knife…

At this time, I will take the initiative to ask you for help.

“Hero! Hero!”

“This is the real young hero!”

“What is the levy, Xiao Xing, these people are only a few years old at best. Compared with Chu Yun Young Master, the gap will come out.”

At this moment, Chu Yun’s image in the eyes of the public, suddenly infinitely high, bright, standing on the ground, giving people unlimited security.

“Chu Yun Young Master…” Huamei whispered and said, God is very complicated.

“Hahaha, Huazhu, I am not unreasonably dedicated, but also have an attempt. Your jing color match, good sentimental atmosphere, and rigorous organizational structure have opened my eyes. I don’t care, I represent Shu family, I hope very much. I will hope to become a spokesperson for my Shu family in the Ranger world!” Chu Yun smiled and started talking.


In the Stellar Province, the sea is the main one, and the national islands are the biggest forces, competing in each other’s wrestling. The Rangers, but regardless of the country, a variety of gangs, alliances, castles, entangled together, sturdy grass, dragons and snakes mixed.

Every country island is a giant. The competition between them has become increasingly fierce and has already penetrated into the ranger. On almost every national island, there will be endorsements of the Rangers, fighting for the interests of the islands.

The Ranger School is a must.

For example, the inheritance of the Beastmaster is located in the territory of Yaoshan. Other national islands cannot always send troops to the brink and explore. This is a taboo and will lead to war between countries.

Therefore, it is necessary to support the Ranger. Take the hand of the Ranger to extend the reach of the power to other national islands.

Many of the first-class forces in the field of the knights are the spokesmen of the power of the island. For example, the Iron League is the spokesperson of the Iron Rock Kingdom in the Ranger. Back to Mengge, is the endorsement of Yuanmeng Pavilion.

“What? The spokesperson of the Shu family?” Huamei’s eyes startedled, and then she smiled bitterly and asked, “We’re a little genre of Rouge, and I’m so popular with Chu Yun Young Master. It’s a little scary… There are a lot of first-rate powers, but why should we choose one of us, the unknown rouge?”

Chu Yun laughed loudly: “Our Shu family is not a national power. The first-class faction is already comparable to our Shu family. Of course, we have land, manpower, and a variety of resources to produce continuously. It is rarely owned by the Rangers. It is not impossible to recruit them. But in my opinion, Rouge is a better choice than the top class! I believe this, the Chinese Master knows more than me, more confident?”

“This young man will definitely become the hegemon of one party and set up a great cause!” At this moment, Huamei’s heart completely shakes!

The juvenile Junjie she has seen is no longer a minority, but most of them are young and frivolous, and even seemingly innocent, taking God’s care for themselves as a matter of course.

No one like Chu Yun, who has a strong power to surpass ordinary people, but is gentle and modest, modest and close to others. More importantly, he is far-sighted and has a lofty goal to look up.

Shu family Currently, it is just a force similar to the first-class ranger. However, Chu Yun has already begun to unify the Zhuxing Islands in the future, and after the establishment of the National Island, lay the chess pieces ahead of the Rangers!

This kind of forward-looking vision, the heroic figure!

“Good, good, good.” Huamei’s beautiful eyes flickered, staring at Chu Yun deeply, and said three good words.

Chu Yun smiles right.

“I never doubt that rouge has become a day of power. The treasure of the beastmaster is just to make this date a little ahead of time. But if you can’t unify the islands in the future, there is no country power to back up as a rouge, dragging us down. Don’t blame me when Huamei looks down on you!” At this moment, Huamei shows the pride of not losing to the man.

“Hahaha…” Chu Yun smiled and raised his palm. “So?”

“A word is fixed!” Huamei extended a single hand.


In this case, the two men’s squad, in this case, finalized the covenant that changed the pattern of Stellar Province in the future.


“Easy smoke sister, what should we do? We are surrounded, can not get out of this battle!” On a hill, another team of rouge, occupying the dangerous peak.

At the foot of the hills, it is densely packed with thousands of people. Among them, the two first-class forces, such as Huimeng Pavilion and Tianzhu, are the leading players. The rest of the people have a lot of sources. There are some second- and third-rate members, and there are a lot of single-handed players. .

“If you hang out the secret of the Beastmaster, you will not die!”

“A small three-class genre wants to swallow such a big fortune, not afraid to eat and die?”

“What are you talking about with them? Go straight to attack, killing people and winning the treasure!”

There was a lot of noise, but there was no one to do it. Rouge is on the basis of danger, with Jing Liang, the besieged person has already suffered a big loss, and now he has to attack.

“Found it! Oh, it was really trapped.” The news of killing rouge and robbing the beast of the beastmaster has spread. Huamei and others have found it easily.

“No problem, there is no danger at present. But it is not easy to save the people. It still needs to be considered.” Chu Yun lurks aside, his face is awe.

Among the besieged teams, there are five or six, all of whom are the same as the blood axe and the same levy. Chu Yun is not afraid. But they can’t resist their joint offensive. a

[…25 Section: Close Cooperation]


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