Shi Hao spread his hand: “What does it have to do with me?”

“You have killed the double flower sage, the Martial Venerable, the whole two Heavenly Foundation Stairway, you said, to be your enemy, is it difficult to sleep?”

Hey, has this news spread throughout the stars?

Sure enough, different forces have different degrees of emphasis on Void Realm. Like the double flower field and the family, they don’t pay much attention to Void Realm, so they think that Shi Hao still stays at Great Heaven Offering or Ascending Saint Throne. Stage.

Of course, this should be a black-and-black relationship, and everyone is not in the mood to pay attention.

But the Fire Silk Palace and the Ice Wheel Palace are different. They pay close attention to the news in the Void Realm, and they first learned the fact that the Double Flower and the Martial Venerable were killed.

As the enemy of Shi Hao, after confirming the authenticity of these two major events, the Fire Silkworms chose to flee with important people in the first place.

There is no war in the Ming Dynasty. Why do you want to swear?


As everyone knows, Heavenly Foundation Stairway wants to kill Heavenly Foundation Stairway, which is hard to climb, but Shi Hao not only kills, but also kills two.

This makes people have to doubt that Shi Hao not only has the strength of the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, but even more than the absolute, otherwise it can be so powerful, so that the double flower sage, the ancestors of the family can not even run.

With this in mind, does the Fireworm Zunner dare to fight?

Besides, the black disaster is now expanding rapidly. He can be said to avoid the black disaster. He is not afraid to lose face.

Therefore, the savage savage sprinted off the ground and did not have the opportunity to avenge Shi Hao.

“I didn’t think of it!” Shi Hao murmured.

In fact, it is not easy for him to kill the double-flowered sages and his ancestors. Under the full force, his combat power can be rushed to the 20th level.

Can be successfully killed twice, but people have to doubt that Shi Hao’s strength is already comparable.

So, as long as you pay attention to Void Realm, Shi Hao’s Heavenly Foundation Stairway enemies, the average level has already ran, and only the great power has remained. In the view of such a powerhouse, there is no existence under the sun. Kill them.

After talking with the Frost Supreme, Shi Hao had to accept the fact that the Silkworm Slayer had already ran away.

Moreover, the sorcerer of the frost does not know where the savage savage went.

– Since it is an escape, naturally there is no reason to preach where you are going.

Next, Shi Hao went to find some big enemies, but they all ran.


There is no running at the top level, but the question is, has Shi Hao played?

Soon, Shi Hao received the news from the Sao Lun in Void Realm. The general public has formed a consensus and agreed to come up with all the resources to help Shi Hao break through the Heavenly Foundation Stairway as soon as possible.

Of course, among these great powers, there are not many enemies including Shi Hao, not many, and only three.

Shi Hao asked if anyone had proposed additional conditions.

The answer is no.

Shi Hao nodded. After all, the power is absolutely powerful, and the mind is quite broad. I know that in the current situation, the black disaster is the most urgent problem to be solved.

Waiting for Immortal World to get it?

Hehe, when the last black disaster occurred, there was a fault in history. What does it mean?

People are almost dead.

So, even if it is absolutely powerful, is it safe to say that they can stick to the Immortal World powerhouse?

It is better to rely on others than to rely on oneself. Shi Hao is also a real person.

Shi Hao went to Weng Nanqing first, and after getting back the immortal mansion, he went to see Gan Luo Zun.

The heart of the defense is indispensable, and Shi Hao will not bet on the goodness of others by his own life.

Seven days later, Shi Hao saw the Gan Luo Zun, and the other party took out a Spatial Spirit Tool to him, filled with heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which is a heart for the Heavenly Foundation Stairway powerhouse. Wealth.

“I am trying to break through the Heavenly Foundation Stairway within ten years,” Shi Hao said.

Gan Luo Zun nodded, but his heart was sentimental. He just entered the road, but he had the confidence to enter the Heavenly Foundation Stairway within ten years. It is estimated that Shi Hao is one in the past.

When others say this, he absolutely believes that the other party is talking about it.

Just look at him, it can be a perfect, natural talent is amazing, but he also spent more than four hundred years, which crossed the Heavenly Foundation Stairway.

Who can surpass him forty times?

However, Shi Hao is really possible.

This kid is really enchanting. Although he has not seen Shi Hao several times, in the Void Realm, Shi Hao’s growth trajectory is very obvious. Anyone can do it with a little research, and the speed of promotion is too fast.

So, ten years, he believes!

“Asura, the future of the world will be handed over to you!” Gan Luo Zun, watching Shi Hao, said in an incomparable tone.

Shi Hao also seriously nodded: “Please rest assured!”

He left with so many resources and found a place to start mad cultivation.

However, the location he chose was unexpected.

– In the area where the ghosts are raging.

Why choose here?

Because you can also understand the rules of the Asura world.

Although Shi Hao’s Small Universe also incorporates some rules of the Asura world, these rules can only be realized by himself, and others cannot get the benefits.

Therefore, Shi Hao will choose the cultivation place here, so that Weng Nanqing, from Anmin and others can also understand the rules of Asura.

Time passed by, everyone was grasping this rare ease time, enlightened the rules, and promoted the promotion base.

It’s just half a year later, everyone is making progress, and Shi Hao is definitely the fastest.

He has now repaired more than 300 steps on the road, and at least half a year, he can reach the great accomplishment.

With his enchanting, the five hundred steps of the general situation and the five hundred steps of the great accomplishment will not make any difference. Therefore, if he is given another year, he can rush to the peak of the sky.

Then, even if he accumulates for a year or two, then for up to three or four years, he can complete the leap from the Tiantian Road to the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, which is half the time compared to his commitment to the Zang Luo Zun.

At that time, even if it is super, can it be his opponent?

Then the Dark Queen can fight against him?

However, everything went so smoothly.

On this day, Shi Hao is still practicing, but Zhao Tiefeng suddenly came to report, and there was a great change in the dark empire!

— Shi Hao is very important about intelligence, so he took turns to arrange people to enter Void Realm every day to collect first-hand intelligence.

It’s just the turn of Zhao Tiefeng today.

Being able to alarm Shi Hao, it must be a big event.

“What happened?” Shi Hao asked.

“Just a moment ago, there was a memory image of the power in the depths of the Dark Empire.” Zhao Tiefeng took a deep breath, “Asura Lord, something big!”

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