After Shi Hao and Zijin Rats left, they broke out from the talents of Anmin and others.

“The instructor is actually Asura!”

“Oh my God, if this news spreads, what a great shock will it cause?”

“I believe that like the ancestors of the family, they will definitely fall out of their eyes.”

“Ha ha ha!”

They all laughed. Anyway, their elders and teachers did not complain to Shi Hao, so they naturally didn’t have to worry.

“Hey, Asura Lord had deducted our cultivation resources before, wouldn’t it be used by myself?” Someone suddenly said.

For a while, look at me, I look at you, all are weird.

I used to think that Shi Hao is the Heavenly Foundation Stairway. Naturally, it is not rare to grab their resources. But now it is proved that Shi Hao has just stepped into the sky, and it has always been Ascending Saint Throne.

So where did the resources he was detained go?

No doubt, he must have been used by him.

Everyone is fangs, and they are so naive before, thinking that Shi Hao is to motivate themselves.

However, none of them are resentful because Shi Hao has helped them too much, far beyond those of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Of course they know how to be grateful.


Shi Hao took the rules of heaven and earth while walking, some of whom were enlightened by him, and some were included in the Small Universe, advancing the perfection of this small world.

“Small stones, you are not afraid to deduct the exposure of those people, do they make your opposite?” The purple rat sits on his shoulder and asks for the Spirit Fruit while asking.

“Oh, it’s as if you have nothing to share.” Shi Hao sneered.

“What is the relationship with the Lord?” The Purple Rat patted his paw and licked it clean.

At the beginning, it was proposed, and a large part of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures entered its stomach. Now it is pretending to be innocent?

Shi Hao didn’t pay attention to it. This mouse was a pit. When it was cheap, it was desperate to squeeze forward. When it was responsible, it fled quickly.

He came to the transmission array. Although the ghosts are now raging, the ghosts have no physical bodies. They can’t destroy pure matter. Therefore, although the stars die almost the same, they can be preserved in completeness, whether they are buildings or rocks or rivers.

Of course, the transmission array is also the same. The monsters occupied by the ghosts only know the killing, but they are embarrassed by the destruction of the building and so on.

However, there are countless ghosts here. After discovering Shi Hao, they naturally flew out, and the creature monsters also appeared. Some have five arms, and some have three heads. Staring at Shi Hao, murderous.

The souls and the ghosts are irreconcilable contradictions, and will not change because they occupy the flesh of the living beings.

Shi Hao opened the Small Universe, the bang, the sun shining, releasing the burning light.

Suddenly, the ghost that rushed over like a mud cow into the sea, immediately melted clean.

The Sun in Small Universe is not as good as his ten-yang sac in the power, but it is enough in number, and even if it is destroyed, it can be regenerated and has unlimited space for growth.

Seeing that Shi Hao is so powerful, those parasitic monsters are all smashed out, and the evil light is shot in both eyes, murderous.

Shi Hao smiled a little: “Since it hits, it will kill you all. After all, I am also a part of mankind!”

Hey, those monsters rushed out and launched an attack on Shi Hao.

“It’s really boring.” Shi Hao said with a sigh of relief, he reached out and banged, and a shock wave poured out. Hey, these monsters burst into flames, and the ghosts flew out of the broken body, screaming toward Shi Hao rushed to capture his body.

Unfortunately, they are facing Shi Hao!

The sun is burning, and these ghosts are burnt into smoke.


Shi Hao shook his head, and he had a congenital advantage for the ghost. Whether it was Shiyang Physique or the Sun Law, it had great restraint effect on the ghost. The ghost encountered him, and it was definitely the realm of the realm.

Now he has the strength of the Heavenly Foundation Stairway. The Heavenly Foundation Stairway can only play the role of the heavenly road. How could it be his opponent?

There is no more quantity!

Shi Hao cleaned the ghost here, then started the transmission array, came to the next star, and after destroying the ghost here, he started the transmission again.

So, after nine consecutive transmissions, he came to the next star, only to see that there is no ghost.

However, there is no powerhouse on this star.

— All ran away, leaving only the existence under Great Heaven Offering, because starting a transmission array requires a lot of Spirit Stone, and there is no certain body to use.

The end of the day may come at any time. Under such a state of mind, it is clear that the ghost has not yet been killed, but here it has become a human purgatory.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, Shi Hao can’t believe that human beings can be so bad.

kill? That is already the lightest evil.

Shi Hao originally had a sad heart, and thought about it. Is there any way to send the people of this star away from the group and leave a fire, but now he has changed his mind.

It is still alive now.

Said that the beasts are carrying them up, it is the devil in the human skin!

Shi Hao leaves the transmission array directly, and such a demon makes them self-defeating.

Next, several stars are repeating this picture, until after five transmissions, the world is too flat.

As far as Shi Hao knows, the scope of the black disaster is less than one ten-thousandth of the entire universe. However, it has caused catastrophe in the world of two-tenths of a mile. Therefore, human beings are fierce and the degree of damage is not Weak than the ghost.

After dozens of transmissions, Shi Hao finally came to the Flying Tiger Star.

Double flower sage, I am coming!

Why is the first goal to choose the double flower sage?

Not only because it is the first Heavenly Foundation Stairway with his first enemies, but also because the Double Flower is one of the weakest Heavenly Foundation Stairway.

Persimmons have to be picked up softly. After all, he has just stepped into the sky, and his combat power has only touched the side of the Heavenly Foundation Stairway. Even if it is full of power, it is estimated that it will be tenth-order. It must be provoked from the weakest.

He took the path of warfare and warfare – taking the resources of others to grow himself.

“Loading forced me to be happy!” The purple golden rat couldn’t help but jump up. “Small stone, how do you say we want to make it debut? You can easily become another person, first go to the double flower field to apprentice, After being rejected by the other party, the violent mode was opened again, sweeping all the way until it was invincible?”

Shi Hao gave it a blank look: “Can’t be so water – can’t waste time, we are killing us in the right way.”

“Hey, that will reduce the thrill of loading!” The purple gold rat spread the hand, a very helpless look.

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