“Dare to talk to the local, I really want to die!” Shi Hao said, “Squeaky too?”

“Yes, Shaojun!” The snoring was too busy.

“No matter what you do, how do you use it, you should see this guy die!” Shi Hao ordered, since these guys have made themselves a descendant of Immortal King, it might be useful.

“Follow!” the snoring said too loudly.

Not only him, but other Immortal World people also shouted, one by one is very exciting.

That is the descendant of Immortal King. If you deal with Shi Hao, then can you traverse it at Immortal World?

Before you move yourself, think about it. What does it mean to offend Immortal King?

Immortal King, the king of Immortal World, is so unimaginable.

The knifeman looked at Shi Hao and could not help but frown.

This person… can actually direct Immortal World people?

No, he has chased Shi Hao, but how can the Ascending Saint Throne have such a strong appeal?

However, before he thought about it, the snoring was too murdered.


The two played against each other and were extremely fierce.

In the real world, the swordsman is the absolute best in the world. On the ninety-ninth stage, as far as Shi Hao knows, there is an Old Man Gu just a few thousand years ago.

However, Immortal World is too big and genius is countless.

The first person who was too vocal in a fairyland called the celestial level, he naturally cultivated the utmost, and it is also absolutely perfect.

The two of them were banging, and the snoring was too cold, and even he gradually took the upper hand.


Because although everyone’s realm is the same, he is Immortal World, the rules are more complete, and the natural strength is stronger.

The swordsman wielded a knife, and the knife slid through it. The stars were left with a deep squat and straight to a depth of one-third of the distance. This power is terrible and scary.

If he is so arrogant, if he has more than a hundred knives, he will be able to explode a star.

However, now that there is a buzz that is too present, can you let him succeed?

The two players became more and more fierce, and the battlefield was also rising, entering the starry sky.

brush! brush! brush!

The knife slid through, and there was still a deep squat on the ground, and the palms swept over, and a mountain was instantly flattened.

You know, these two people are fighting in the stars, and there is still such power in the rest of the world. It can be seen how super-powerful it is.

However, the snoring has completely controlled the situation. If the knives and passengers do not retreat, then he must be here today.

“All the people, after all, are just mole crickets and ants.” The snoring is too faint, and it looks arrogant.

This battle is indeed strong, Shi Lei, although they are also from Immortal World, can be compared with him, it is simply a child.

The knife screamed: “You are too early!”

Hum, his body slammed out eight black air, and if there were dragons and dragons, they were entangled in him.

“Ah!” The knife screamed, the expression was extremely painful, and the whole face was very incomparable. Hey, his body suddenly became bigger, and instantly turned into a giant in the sky.

This is by no means an adjective. The current swordsman can hold a star up to one hand.

Shi Hao couldn’t help but think that the secret technique of Gu Tong’s cultivation is to shrink the object and run it directly with the Apex Cloud Star when flying to Immortal World.

Compared with this, it is quite similar.

The knife-striker is not trying to fly with this star. He directly abandons the knife, and then uses the palm as a knife to smash the star toward the star.

The brush, a slashing knife, hits a quarter of the entire star, so you can blast this star with a knife.

By the way, is this be the power possessed by the realm of the world?

The snoring is too bright, and he sighs a little, slaps his head, squats, and sees a sword flying out, welcoming the gigantic knife.

The sword flies out and immediately zooms in. Everything is like a mountain.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The sword gas was frequently on the knife, and finally, after a few hundred strokes, this horrible knife was dissolved.

The snoring is too strenuous, and the eyes are round and round, as if it is incredible: “How can your strength suddenly break through the hundred-order limit!”

The current swordsman is fighting for the Heavenly Foundation Stairway.

Although it is only a step, but this step is a world of difference, it is like the eighty-ninth order can only be called Heavenly Foundation Stairway, but the 90th order can be called absolute.

The knifeman is just sneering, and he can see it again. As long as he looks carefully, he can find that he was surrounded by eight black air, but now there are only six left.

That is to say, every time he takes out a knife, he needs to consume a black gas. At most, it is only eight times.

However, is the snoring too much to block the eight knives?

impossible things.

The hundred-order imperialism is completely crushed for the ninety-ninth step. Before the humming sound can block the next knife, it is that he used the spirit sword that has been warm for many years, but he has already used up all of it.

Next, he can only block, and the result of the hard block is a dead end.

This makes the snoring too unimaginable.

He is super singular, and it is invincible in the singular world, even if it meets opponents, it is also super super.

Hundreds of orders! There will be a hundred metamorphosis!


The knife was smashed, but it was blocked by the hard life.

In front of the snoring, there was a gorgeous courtyard, exuding the suffocating air, flying in the stars, and dreaming.

Immortal mansion !

Shi Hao stands on top of the immortal mansion and looks at the knife with a disdainful look.

Since it is forced to be loaded, it must be fresh and natural.

Sure enough, both the rescued snoring and the underlying Immortal World people are full of awe.

It is a descendant of Immortal King, and even a hundred-step attack can be easily blocked.

They didn’t know that in order to stop this knife, Shi Hao was almost vomiting blood. Because it is easy to block this knife, it is necessary to make the immortal mansion not move in place. How much does it cost?

The knife glimpsed and his eyes condensed on Shi Hao.

Is this kid really after Immortal King?

Although he is a native, he knows a lot about Immortal World, knowing that only Immortal King can make immortal mansion.

So, this kid is really a descendant of Immortal King?

The knifeman’s brow wrinkles. At this stage, the Dark Empire does not want to be an enemy of Immortal King. After all, this level of powerhouse is only willing to pay a price, and it can be shot at Immortal World to kill any existence of the world.

Not at the moment!

He didn’t have a third knife. It was too difficult for him to repair the eight blacks. Naturally, he couldn’t easily waste it. In the second, he didn’t dare to move Immortal King. In case he got Immortal King to shoot ahead, then everything. Efforts are in vain.

“Hey, look at the face of Immortal King, spare you this time!” The swordman shook his body and changed back to the size of a normal person.

Everyone is proud, what do you say, Immortal King need you to give face?

No one is qualified to say to Immortal King, anyone!

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