“I can stop me ten strokes, even if you pass the customs.” Shi Hao said faintly.

“You!” Wu became angry.

Third Step Take a step, which is equivalent to Samsung Bronze Armor Immortal playing a star Bronze Armor Immortal, not to mention that this is Laozi playing son, the gap will not be much larger.

You know, he is also Immortal World genius, and his combat power has reached five steps, even five steps.

Therefore, how to think of Shi Hao is impossible to win, not to mention ten strokes to solve him.

“Good! Good! Good!” Wu changed his teeth, and at this moment he was completely irritated.

He must defeat Shi Hao and then put this bad breath on Shi Hao.

“Look at the trick!” He stood out, as if he was a dragon, hitting his claws and slamming into Shi Hao’s chest.

Immortal World’s Martial Artist, the rules learned are more perfect, and the combat power of the same order is naturally stronger.

Although the martial arts consciousness can fight in two small realms, it can be placed in the real world, and his leap-level combat ability has actually reached the third-order!

Therefore, his combat power is measured by the standards of the real world, in fact, it has reached the Sixth Step.

This is horrible. When a move comes, the space around him is turned into nothingness, as if he was shattered by his powerful power.

Fortunately, they are fighting in the air. Otherwise, under the pressure of terror, the entire star will be greatly affected.

From the perspective of An Min and others, they all showed the color of worry.

This is Immortal World genius, can Shi Hao really defeat each other within ten strokes?

To say that Shi Hao can win, they are absolutely no doubt, but the ten strokes are really too little.

You see from Anmin, it took hundreds of strokes to adapt to the attack of Yin Danqiu, slowly pulled back the situation, and finally won the game.


Shi Hao smiled and pointed out.


The martial law suddenly retreated, and Shi Hao’s finger seemed to be understatement, but it was directed at the weakness of his attack and easily resolved his such a terrible blow.

Impossible, never possible!

He looked at the old surname and wanted to hear the other person telling himself that Shi Hao used the power to go beyond one step or even beyond Ascending Saint Throne.

However, the old surname is shaking his head.

The power of Shi Hao has indeed exceeded one step, but the cultivation base of the other party is still one step, which shows that Shi Hao’s power in one step is far more than an ordinary step.

This is normal, like him, like Shi Lei, which one is not the power beyond the realm?

Moreover, Shi Hao is at best used the power of the Second Step level, which is quite limited.

The military changed his eyes and revealed the awe-inspiring color.

He is crazy, but after all, it is also a genius.

Now, he has no doubt about the strength of Shi Hao, but he is still proud.

– Want to beat him within ten strokes?

impossible things!

“Come back!” He screamed and attacked another trick.

However, Shi Hao freed his finger and resolved his attack.

Come again, come back, come back.

Soon, nine strokes in the past, Shi Hao is a one-finger to resolve the attack of Wuchang, it seems very relaxed.

Now everyone has no doubts, even if the cultivation base is lower, Shi Hao can easily beat the Wuchang, but it is impossible to defeat him in the ten strokes and now it is a move.

Even Shi Lei and others believe that Shi Hao still dare not offend Taibai, so he deliberately released water and set a limit of ten strokes.

However, they are really convinced of Shi Hao, and the strength of the same level is really strong.

“The tenth trick!” Wuchang screamed and slammed the strongest move toward Shi Hao.

He still wants to try again, can you let Shi Hao suffer a little, so that his face will be more radiant.


Shi Hao no longer points, but punches, and Small Universe opens slightly and packs the weapon.

My world, I am the master!

Under one blow, the martial law was suddenly blasted out, and there was no resistance.

Hey, he fell to the ground, his face was blank.

How did I get knocked down?


Shi Hao clearly did not use too strong power. This is clear to him. But he can’t dodge the other side of the punch. This sense of helplessness makes him uncomfortable.

The surnamed old man did not see the clues, but because his strength is stronger, he is even more shocked. What is the means and it is too horrible.

“Good!” From Anmin and other people are cheering, Shi Hao actually “killed” Wuchang in the last move, so that they are unexpected.


The mutiny climbed up, his face changed and changed, but he did not retreat, but continued to shoot.

Hum, he came under the attack, a look of unwillingness.

One hit second?

No, he can’t accept such humiliation.


However, he was immediately slap in the face and pulled back.

Hey, seeing this scene, everyone is shocked.

This is of course Shi Hao’s work, and you can take a slap in the face. What does this mean?

If Shi Hao wants to kill the martial arts, he only needs a single blow.


This makes Shi Lei and others tremble, too strong, how can there be such a strong person?

“Ah!” Wu Mu was crazy, and immediately rushed toward Shi Hao.

He sheds his hair and has a madness.

But what is the use of this?

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

He kept rushing, but he kept squinting, and not long after, his face was full of blood.

“Enough!” The old surname of the surname pressed the Wuchang down.

This is just a self-inflicted, no more jokes.

“Elderly, help me shoot, kill him! Kill him!” Wuchang eyes red, angry pointed to Shi Hao.

From small to large, why did he ever suffer such a big loss?

The surnamed old man snorted: “Do you still lose your face?”

People have pushed the cultivation base to a step, two lower realms than you, and as Shi Hao said, it’s not killing you and abolishing you. It’s just that you are too ignorant, obviously have already made ten moves, but still have to I rushed forward and made people face.

If it wasn’t for him, how many times would you have to be beaten to stop?

This matter, even if it is said that it is too white, I believe that too white people will only sternly ruin the martial arts.

I am useless, but also he shot?


The arms of Wuchang suddenly undulating, and angered: “Old dog, do you dare not listen to the words?”

Hey, he slaps again, but this time it’s not Shi Hao’s shot, but the old surname.

He is also angry.

By the way, he is Bronze Armor Immortal, can be called a fairy, is you a small Ascending Saint Throne can yell?

“Elderly, angry! Angry!” Shi Lei and so on quickly advised, while reprimanding the military, how can it be so big and small.

The Mutin was originally in a state of anger, and wherever he heard it, he immediately turned and ran.

The surnamed old man did not chase, but took a deep breath: “Daoyou, these nine little guys, please ask for your help!”

After this battle, he is more optimistic about Shi Hao.

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