Shi Hao instinctively feels a ghost.

The Dark Empire guarded the rigor here, indicating that they attached great importance to the grinding disc, and even the Purple Rat said, it is likely to come from Immortal World.

Such things will not be valuable?

There is only one possibility, that is, so many great powers can break in, and it is impossible to take away the grinding disc.

Also, if the grinding disc is so active, is it also suitable for Immortal World?

Shi Hao still keeps up, there is immortal mansion anyway, big deal he is farther away from the grinding plate.

Everyone rushed into the channel, and the dark warriors along the way were naturally killed by them. In the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, wearing a ten-star armor does not mean that you have the Heavenly Foundation Stairway defense.

Without the detention of the Dark Warrior, the people who were sent over were of course turning around and running.

The scene is a mess, noisy.

Everyone can keep pace, although it is not convenient to speed up, but they are not slow.

Soon, the big pit appeared.

Because everyone has seen the image of Shi Hao’s memory, naturally, the grinding disc is under the pit.

Hey, Immortal World people rushed out without hesitation.

Even if this is a forbidden thing, know that they are now in the world of the world, everything must follow the rules here, so they are suppressed by the cultivation base, so is the grinding disc, and the suppression is even more embarrassing.

The same is Heavenly Foundation Stairway, who is afraid of who?

Shi Hao drove the immortal mansion on the big pit. He didn’t dare to go down. Even the purple and golden rats were afraid to be like that. Even in the immortal mansion, he gave him a sense of crisis. This disc must be terrible.

The public can have a moth to fight the fire, except for a limited number of people, have entered the big pit.

Shi Hao came out of the immortal mansion, condensing the light elements and looking at the bottom of the pit.


A few of the great powers left behind by caution saw him appear suddenly, and they were all tight.

Sure enough, this kid has the property of Immortal World, and can actually follow them all the way, without being discovered by them.

This is also a good thing!

Moreover, there is a risk in capturing the grinding disc, but this kid is only Ascending Saint Throne. Is it very easy to kill?

However, thinking of Shi Hao’s treasure that can be hidden, it is said to be called immortal mansion, they do not use anything, and at this time everyone is taking the grinding disc, or look at the situation first.

Underneath, the grinding disc is still turning, and even if no body is pushed down, it does not stop running.

Shi Hao has raised a chill, only to feel that this stone mill is much stronger than the previous one.

The Purple Rat said that the plate has not recovered, so the Dark Empire will “feed” it in the form of blood sacrifices, and want to make it recover and use it for them.

Now, this disc has not fully recovered, but the power is definitely stronger.

Yes, otherwise, why don’t the long-haired women stop them and let them break in?

“Haha, the ancient treasure, the old man took it!” A powerful shot, grabbed the past.

Even if the grinding disc is huge, but with the power of Heavenly Foundation Stairway, it can be easily refining and carrying it with you.

Boom, power condensed, turned into a dark green hand, caught on the stone plate.

“Ah!” However, the next moment he was tragedy, he kept his hands busy, and then he trembled and shattered this powerful hand. However, he raised his hand and saw that there was a dense line of palms.

This is not what the secrets of the operation have manifested, but I do not know why.

Hey, these lines glow, and the terrible scene appears. His hand is broken and flies away, and the lines are still spreading, crawling to his arm!

The great man made a quick decision and cut his palm against his elbow. When he broke, his arm was elbow and fell, and fell to the bottom. Only a few feet fell, and it was completely broken, leaving no trace.

At this time, those lines have finally disappeared, and no light is regenerated.


For a time, all the big people stopped their hands.

Can you get to the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, which one is not smart?

Therefore, they can easily guess that the reason why the person is so is because he reached out and touched the grinding disc.

The problem is that the power is just a touch of strength by the hands of power, which can also counter itself?

This is too unbelievable.

The broken arm is also awesome to look at the grinding disc, the huge stone plate is rolling, except for the big, it looks nothing strange, but now everyone is amazed.

“Can’t touch? Then dig it out from underneath, carry it with something, and take it away.”

“Yes, just do it.”

Those great thoughts came up with an idea and quickly put it into practice.

They continue to dig down, want to completely expose the disc, then make a lifting rack and lift the stone disc directly.

Because there are too many powers, only a few hundred people have fallen. Otherwise, there is not enough room for them to exert their influence.

“what happened?”

“Hey, how can I not control my body?”


I saw that the hundreds of people seemed to be dragged by an invisible force, and they absorbed the past toward the grinding disc.

This power is unstoppable!

“Ah!” Immediately there was a scream of power. He was the first to be sucked into the grinding disc. Although he resisted desperately, he only let the foot touch the grinding disc first. He also wanted to pull himself out, and he could grind the disc, two The legs are turned into meat!

The grinding wheel was running, there was no trace of pause, and the power was rolled in, and the screams were gone.

The great man died, was crushed and crushed, and turned into blood.

A Heavenly Foundation Stairway, though not an absolute level, is so miserable and sinister.

The power of the disc is horrible and cannot be described.

Although Shi Hao was shocked, he felt that this was expected.

– If you do not have such power, what is the property of the forbidden land?

“Ah!” “Ah!” “Ah!”

The screams are endless, and all the powers that have fallen are drawn by a force, sucked into the grinding disc, and are crushed into blood without any suspense. They can flow and flow and disappear immediately.

This makes other big energy all cold, but fortunately it is not yourself who have just fallen, otherwise they will be miserable.

It’s too horrible, it’s incredible!

Isn’t this the real world? Everything in the world should be the rule of the real world. How can you allow such a powerful thing?

Hundreds of great people, although not the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, but the weakest is Ascending Saint Throne, all killed by no resistance.

“Go!” They all played a retreat. This stuff is too evil. You need to ask Immortal World to fight against it. Otherwise, no one will estimate enough to fill it.

However, at this moment, the grinding disc began to glow, and there were an old symbol appearing that it could not be described as strange.

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