Shi Hao was able to attend, but he had the information in his hands and needed him to show it. As for how to act next, he was naturally not qualified to interject.

Therefore, he was invited early.

The use of a word is a more polite statement. In fact, there is no difference between it and the rush.

At the end of the meeting, the Sakura Sakae and others will chase them out and kill Shi Hao.

And a lot of power is express or implied, as long as Shi Hao surrenders the immortal mansion, you can save his life.

It’s ridiculous, Shi Hao has an immortal mansion, who needs to be afraid in the real world, and he wants to surrender the immortal mansion to save his life?

The meaning of these powers is that as long as Shi Hao surrenders the immortal mansion, they can resolve the hatred for Shi Hao, lest he be chased again. In their view, this is naturally what Shi Hao dreams of.

Shi Hao sneered at it, just give him some time. The Heavenly Foundation Stairway is only the one that he hangs. Do you need to be a good person?

Hey, the people who chased him before were all recorded in his small books, and they will look for them in the future.

Shi Hao ignored anyone and set foot on the starship and drove away.

Because he has just made a great effort, whether it is out of heart or as a superficial article, most of the Heavenly Foundation Stairway needs to maintain his safety. Otherwise, isn’t it chilling the world?

Therefore, Shi Hao was able to leave the starship smoothly.

Losing him early, otherwise the starship is likely to be levied.

– This is much faster than the average starship. If you can have it, it will be much easier to do things or run away from home.

Shi Hao will never underestimate the cheekyness of the Heavenly Foundation Stairway. You can levy a starship in the name of a counter-impact empire. If you disagree, isn’t it anti-human?

However, this starship is too big to work too much for the consumption of Spirit Stone. Even if it is not eaten by Shi Hao, it will not become long before it becomes a poor man.

Therefore, Shi Hao wants to rebuild it, in line with the size of an ordinary starship.

The extra Material he can sell, in exchange for heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

You know, this is a ten-star treasure!

Only the dark empire will be so defeated, to build such a large starship, actually used to move troops!

Moreover, this starship is too big to be accepted into the immortal mansion, which is very inconvenient.

The idea was decided, and Shi Hao immediately put it into action and began to study how to transform it.

He wanted to go back to Apex Cloud Star and ask Old Man Gu for help. However, since the Starship can’t receive the immortal mansion, how do you use the transmission array?

And if the starship is on the road, then there must be no transmission.

Therefore, Shi Hao had to find a solution for himself.

He and the Purple Rat constantly researched, and then cut a large number of cabins of the Starship, which is too difficult, ten stars.

Fortunately, since the ten-star gold can be used as a device, it can be cut naturally.

Shi Hao went to the extremely flaming land and used the burning flames to refine the starship. It took three months to complete the starship and narrowed it down countless times.

Of course, because the power part can’t move, so now the starship is a bit ugly, looks ugly, and is still bigger than the average starship.

However, this can already be included in the immortal mansion, and the Spirit Stone consumed is also within the reach of Shi Hao.

Ok, give it a try, can you use it.

“Small stone, go alone.” Purple rat is afraid.

The Niu Wang is also retreating again and again. If the starship suddenly bursts in the void, they will always be lost in the void, no food, no cows, only to die!

“Come on!” Shi Hao forcibly threw the Purple Rat and the Niu Wang on the Starship and then decisively started.

“Ah!” The Purple Rat and the Niu Wang are screams, but the Starship has already smashed out.

Although the size has become smaller, the speed of the starship has not improved, just as before.

Therefore, such a speed should be the ultimate, unless the quality of the power source is improved.

Shi Hao rushed out of the void with a starship, came to a star, and then traveled with a transmission, which was faster.

A few days later, he came to the white star.

This is the first alien he came after he left the Apex Cloud Star.

Come here, of course, to come back to the starship.

The first starship was borrowed from the Great Yandi. It has been dragged for so long and has not been returned, making him blush.

However, he is now rich and wealthy, and he is ready to send some ten-star gold as a thank-you. I believe Jin Huai’an will be very happy.

He went to Tianshuangguo and went to see TEDA.

Because he didn’t want to waste time, he fell directly from the sky above the palace.

At this time, the palace is undergoing a grand event, the scale is very large, and the specifications are quite high.

“Assassin! There are assassins!”

“Protect your majesty!”

Seeing him falling from the sky, everyone was shocked, and for a moment it was simply a turn of the people.

What did you say from the sky?

This person is at least Great Heaven Offering.

What a terrible existence?

“Retreat!” TEDA shouted.

“Your Majesty -” The guards were all shocked. Should you kneel in person?

Your Majesty is the body of Wanjin. You know that they can’t be the opponents of Great Heaven Offering, so you have to take it yourself, lest they die. This, this kind of generosity, how can they not be able to brain?

“This is Shi Hao, a friend of 朕!” TEDA laughed.


All the guards are stupid. It turned out to be a friend of your Majesty. Then they are moved by white?

No, no, no, no, no, no, it’s just that the assassin is not an assassin.

“Thai brother, don’t you introduce it to you?” Another man said, he also wore a flat crown and was wearing a purple robes.

“Oh, my brother, this is Shi Hao Brother Shi, who is the famous Asura in Void Realm.” TEDA said with a smile, then said to Shi Hao, “Brother Shi, this is the owner of Huayun. , 隋英隋兄.”

When I heard that TEDA was putting Shi Hao on the same level as the two of them, Ying Ying suddenly showed dissatisfaction.

He is the king of a country, but also the Great Heaven Offering powerhouse. Is he going to be flat with a young man?

Isn’t this humiliating him?

TEDA, you are very steady, how is it now suddenly unreliable.

“Hey!” He waved his sleeves and tilted his head to reveal a disdainful color, expressing his dissatisfaction with TEDA’s move, and he did not put Shi Hao in his eyes.

No way, he is just Great Heaven Offering, and he has no ability to see Shi Hao’s cultivation base.

Shi Hao didn’t put him in his heart at all, nodded to TEDA: “This time, something is coming, just to see you.”

Hey, it’s so good, are you running around with stars?

Ying Ying was sarcastically in his heart, but did not say it.

It’s not that he doesn’t dare, but he doesn’t even bother to fight, and that’s too much of his identity.

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