Shi Hao is just the Ascending Saint Throne. Although the combat power is against the sky, it has not yet reached the level of the sky. Therefore, it is of course not necessary for him to worry about the dark empire.

He can’t do anything. It’s hard to be able to pass back such precious information. It can be said that it is a great achievement.

“Asura, you have a fairy, you can’t play any role in your hands, it’s better to hand it over. Now is the key period against the dark empire. If there is such a fairy, I can add a great chance of winning.” Can suddenly open.

“Not bad!” This has won the approval of many people.

Immortal mansion Ah, it is an absolutely safe shelter in Fanjie, who doesn’t want it?

Therefore, they also don’t want to face up. They simply ignore the message from Shi Hao, which is a huge hero for the Terran.

Shi Hao couldn’t help but sink his face. He estimated that this might happen, but the number of people involved in the forced palace was so much, but it was beyond his expectations.

——In the eyes of the great powers, you are only a small Ascending Saint Throne. Do you need to take your emotions into consideration?

No need at all.

Just as Shi Hao was going to hide in the immortal mansion, he saw a figure suddenly tearing open the space, and the terrible breath was like the ocean, and swept the audience in an instant.

It’s terrible, it’s too powerful!

The knifeman, he chased it.

This is really an daring Art Expert. It is not the territory of the Dark Empire. He is killed without any scruples.

“Dead!” The knifeman shot and slammed toward Shi Hao.

The knife is shining, and the sky is gone.

This knife goes down, not only does Shi Hao want to hang, but the star below him will also collapse.

In the face of this knife, the public can also have to shoot, otherwise they will suffer.


As soon as they went down, everyone seemed to be scattered like a group of sand. They were crashed up and flew in all directions.

The super-existence of the ninety-ninth order is so terrible.

In the presence, no one can match him, even if the people join hands is not an opponent, they will be bombarded under one blow.

This is analogous to the strength of Old Man Gu. At the time, Old Man Gu used his own power to make myriad sects come to the fore.

There are now 37 Heavenly Foundation Stairway, and even five outstanding talents, who are still not super-exciting opponents.

However, after all, the nearly forty Heavenly Foundation Stairway, and the smashing, also resolved the attack, Shi Hao does not need to hide in the immortal mansion, he looked back at the knife.

The Heavenly Foundation Stairway was also a dignified look. At the beginning, they didn’t believe in Shi Hao. They thought he was exaggerated. However, after this knife, they finally understood that Shi Hao was not exaggerated.

Under the stars, there are ninety-nine-order super-existing, fighting power…exaggerated to be indescribable.

“Hello, your dark empire is already occupying ten big stars. It is better to stop here. We can also admit that you have the right to rule over these stars.” A brilliant man said that his tone was very weak.

No way, the other party is too strong, more than 30 great powers, there is no way to match this person, where is the bottom?

The swordsman swept his eyes, or said, it was like doing such an action, and then said coldly: “The rise of darkness is unstoppable. For a great goal, your sacrifice will be very meaningful.”

“Nonsense!” Hearing this, everyone can be a martyr.

Want them to sacrifice?

Just kidding, they are the strongest level in the world. Only they dominate the fate of others. Now they actually want them to sacrifice to achieve a goal?

No matter how great that goal is, it seems to them a fart.

“Hello, you are only a force. You want to compete with the whole star. Do you think you will have a chance of winning?” said the great power before.

He still wants to persuade again, after all, the ninety-ninth order is terrible.

The knifeman did not consider it at all, dismissively said: “A group of chickens and dogs, is also suitable for me and other opponents?”

Brush, he smashed another knife, and the knives of the knives crossed. Everyone was rushing to avoid it, and he did not dare to slap his edge.

The knifeman did not attack again, just a cold smile, the meaning of irony is very obvious.

You see, he killed himself alone, but you have no courage to face the confrontation, but also want to stop the dark empire?


This makes the public all face black, why have they been so despised?

However, they did not shoot, but deliberately took time.

— They have sent messages through Void Realm, and it won’t take long for a large number of masters to come over.

This opportunity, first broke the arm of the dark empire, and when it is destroyed in the future, it can naturally reduce the great pressure.

Otherwise, there is a super-peak of ninety-nine steps, which is a nightmare.

However, the knifeman did not support the big, or that he was too lazy to waste time and soon again.

Brush the brush, the knife light moves, and shines like a star.

The super shot is absolutely terrible, and the knives are tens of thousands of miles. The knives and the asteroids are crushed.

More than 30 Heavenly Foundation Stairway must go all out to guard the stars behind them, not only to save their lives, but also their reputation, otherwise, if they are united, they will be defeated by one person. Then what are their faces?

However, they joined forces… and only for parry.

That knife is too strong, a knife down, the public can be desperately connected, just received dozens of knives, everyone is pale, the strength is almost even the mouth is bleeding out of blood.

In this way, at the top of the column, the knives can kill them all.

The super-existence of the ninety-ninth order is so horrible!

Just when the big public can give birth to the meaning of escape, hey, a strong temperament spreads overwhelmingly.

Strong support is coming!

One after another, Heavenly Foundation Stairway joined the team and besieged the knife.

This is so, the knife is still easy, and has the upper hand.

This critical point was not broken until the number of Heavenly Foundation Stairway powerhouses that reached the step exceeded 100.

In the scene, the knife player no longer dominates, but a game of equal division, and as there are more Heavenly Foundation Stairway powerhouses coming, the balance of the victory begins to lean toward the other side.

“Hello, let’s just let it go!” All the big people are sneer, now they have the upper hand.

“Hey!” The knifeman sneered, and suddenly there was a thunder flashing on his body. Brushing, he smashed another knife, and the knife was like a god in the sky, and it could wipe out everything.

boom! boom! boom!

The three groups of glory blasted, earth-shattering, that was the three Heavenly Foundation Stairway was annihilated.


Seeing this scene, everyone is in the cold, and even Soul is shuddering.

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