The puppets took Shi Hao three into the city, and on the other hand introduced the rules here.

When you get here, genius, which is divided into eight regions, will cross the sea and meet here, and this is actually the second round of screening, which will determine the eight winners.

How to decide?

Simple, there is a arena in the city, you just keep fighting, and finally, the eight people with the highest winning percentage will be able to laugh at the end.

The highest winning percentage?

Then I only play one game and win, isn’t it a 100% win rate?

That can’t be done. Everyone has to fight at least 100 games, and less than 100 players will not count the results.

Each person can fight up to ten games per day, and after a hundred games, you feel that the front is not playing well, then you can continue to fight and win more to improve the winning percentage.

Shi Hao was the first to arrive, so he actually has the initiative. After a full battle, he can decide according to the winning percentage of others. Do you want to continue fighting?

The deadline is the eleventh day after the last regional person arrives, so there are still some advantages in the first place.

Only Shi Hao can participate in the battle. The Purple Rat did not pass the previous stone test, and the Niu Wang is the indigenous here. They can only exist as the vassal of Shi Hao.

Because there was no hurry, after a day of rest, Shi Hao went to the arena, and the purple rat was riding around the bull to get more information about the city.

After he entered the arena and asked for the challenge, the arena began to prepare opponents for him.

After a while, his opponent decided.

Of course, it is also a puppet. Here, the puppets seem to have spirituality, can talk, act and even fight.

“Respected adventurers, fighting in the arena, can only use the weapons prepared here, can not use any external force and foreign objects, otherwise it will be defeated, but in the battle, the death and injury situation also need to be conceited, you can understand?” The puppet confirmed to Shi Hao.

Shi Hao nodded: “Understood.”

“Well, please come with me.” The puppet took Shi Hao into the battle zone. After a while, he saw his opponent appear.

This is actually a Vicious Beast made of a puppet, shaped like a bear, and the back is full of swords.

“What weapon do you need?” asked the puppet.

“No.” Shi Hao shook his head.

“If that’s the case, let the battle begin!” The puppet said, then saw the puppet Vicious Beast slamming his four hooves and rushing toward Shi Hao.

This movement, it is full of light, no sharp edges, as if turned into a living existence.

Ascending Saint Throne, the realm is equal to oneself, is a step, or an early step.

Shi Hao shook his head and pointed it forward. Hey, the Vicious Beast broke down immediately and turned into a broken wood chip.

too weak.

“The second challenge begins!” Without waiting for Shi Hao to speak, there was another puppet appearing, or the form of Vicious Beast, this time.

“The battle begins!”

As the voice of the puppet fell, the Vicious Beast immediately swam and rushed toward Shi Hao.

Oh, or a finger, the puppet immediately collapsed.

This level is only matched by his one-shot spike.

In the third, fourth and fifth battles, a battle continued. Shi Hao was a calm and easy to add.

After the tenth war, today’s challenge is over.

Shi Hao left and went back to his place of residence. After a while, the Purple Rat and the Niu Wang also followed, but when they said what they had gained, both of them shook their heads.

There are only puppets in this city, and they all operate according to certain rules, but they are decent and construct a bustling city.

In addition, the city is quite ordinary.

One day later, Shi Hao went to the arena to challenge.

The opponents are still the same as yesterday, they are animal-shaped puppets, but the realm and strength are higher.

— Yesterday was an early step, but now it is a step later, and the natural strength has risen.

However, how does this opponent match Shi Hao?

Still one finger to destroy one, Shi Hao easily achieved ten wins.

Another day passed, the third day of the puppet Vicious Beast is going to be stronger and reach a step of peak.

Then how is it, ten fingers and ten.

In this way, every day, the opponent will be stronger. When the time comes to the tenth day, Shi Hao’s opponent also reached the initial level of the Fourth Step.

This is still not the opponent of Shi Hao, but it can be solved easily without a finger. It takes Shi Hao to spend some hands and feet. Of course, if he sacrificed the Small Universe, then should be able to solve it easily.

It is reasonable to say that Shi Hao has achieved a 100% winning percentage. This is a perfect record. You can wait for someone to come and then easily become one of the top eight.

If you are willing to be so comfortable, then it is not Shi Hao.

He chose to continue the challenge.

He wants to know where his limit is.

Looking at the world, the Fourth Step level, or the powerhouse that once reached the Fourth Step, is rare, and it’s no exaggeration to say that Shi Hao is now the first person to be Ascending Saint Throne.

But what is his strength?

Five steps? Sixth Step ? Seventh Step ?

This is what Shi Hao wants to know, so he has to continue fighting.

On the eleventh day, his opponent was strong until the middle of Fourth Step, but he was swept by him. On the twelfth day, the opponent’s realm came to the end of Fourth Step, but he was completely destroyed. On the thirteenth day, Fourth Step peak Still can’t cause him any trouble.

Until the seventeenth day, when the opponent’s strength reached a five-step peak, Shi Hao felt pressure.

Without any big moves, he can only fight one tie and not win.

Shi Hao didn’t use big tricks, and didn’t use Small Universe. What he wants to exercise now is the basic strength.

Under the hard battle, he won seven games in a row and then lost three games.

No way, the previous seven battles took too long, even if it was almost exhausted by his horrible power accumulation. In the next three wars, it was naturally unsustainable, and the first taste was defeated, and it was defeated three times.

This kind of victory and defeat is not in his heart, Shi Hao goes back and tastes the ten battles of today, only to benefit a lot.

Ok, fight again tomorrow.

On the 18th day, Shi Hao went to the arena again, and his ten opponents had five steps of peak and the beginning of the Sixth Step.

After ten battles, Shi Hao was five wins and five losses.

The five wins are all taken from the five five-step peaks, and the five negatives are naturally given by the early Sixth Step.

On the nineteenth day, all ten opponents became the beginning of the Sixth Step.

In the absence of big moves, Shi Hao has ten losses in ten battles.

On the 20th day, Shi Hao did not continue to fight, but recalled the failure of the battle case, learned from it, how to make adjustments, can improve the winning percentage.

At this time, someone finally came here.

This person had a first battle and won the first day.

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