Shi Hao was soaked in the pool, and the Purple Rat was certainly not polite. He jumped in and went to the sky, his belly was in the air, and he looked like a leisurely look.

Niu Wang looked at his eyes, but because of the horrible strength of Shi Hao, he did not dare to move.

In case it is killed?

Even if you are not killed, you are defamed?

Master is strong, but it is definitely not as good as the egg and whip. So, don’t be embarrassed by the Master, look for a chance to smash it, it’s too bad.

Shi Hao knows the thoughts in his heart, sees the appearance of a little daughter-in-law, and can’t help but smile: “Come in!”

For his own people, he is never stingy.

When Niu Wang heard it, he quickly jumped to the pool.

Hey, its size is so huge that it immediately raises the waves and makes the whole pool seem to be boiling.

“Old cow, do you want to be made into a steak?” The purple rat was furious.

The cow king is the standard bully and hard. In the face of Shi Hao, it is flattering and hateful. When facing the purple rat, it is ashamed and high-spirited. It just takes the nose and smashes it, meaning that the Master is not blamed. Niu, what are you?

“Hey, someone is picking the majesty of the grandfather!” The purple rat sneered. “It seems that the Lord wants to move really!”

It stretched out its small claws and made a virtual stroke in the air.

A symbol is generated, and the Purple Rat also shows a strenuous color, as if drawing this symbol makes it cost a lot.

This symbol is one percent, the purple golden rat smirked, and with a wave of claws, the symbol hit the bull king.

Niu Wang instinctively realized that it was not good, and quickly swung a hoof and bombarded the symbol.

However, the hoof hit the symbol, but there was no impact at all. The symbol was invisible and did not directly enter the body of the cow king.

what’s the situation?

Niu Wang has a face, what is this?

“Come, bow down to your grandfather!” The Purple Rat was pointing to the Cow King.

Worship you – hey?

The cow king was shocked to find that he was uncontrollable. The person stood up and then squatted down and worshipped the little mouse.

how can that be possible?

It didn’t want to worship!

What is this demon law, it is terrible!

Master, save your cattle!

It looked at Shi Hao with a pitiful look. What if the Zijin Rat made it to the palace?

“This cow, seemingly honest, is full of thoughts!” The purple golden rat licked his teeth and his face was disgusting.

“Can you see what it thinks?” Shi Hao is curious.

The Purple Rat nodded: “Yeah gave it a beast, as long as the power of the rune is not lost, it will listen to the command of the Lord! And, the Lord can also peek into some of its ideas unilaterally.”

“It’s all about thinking about riding a cow, it’s just a wolf reincarnation.”

The cow king is not convinced that his face is full. What is it like to ride a cow? Don’t say you don’t want to ride a mother.

“Take yourself!” said the Purple Rat.

It is obvious that Niu Wang has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem. His thoughts may be captured by the Zijin Rat. Therefore, he was still voicing in his heart and was immediately known by the Purple Rat.

“Hey!” Niu Wang quickly yelled at Shi Hao, his face was pitiful and pleading, Master, to save your cattle.

However, it is involuntarily stood up and stretched out its hoof, and it is going to squat toward its lower body.

“Okay, don’t tease it.” Shi Hao smiled.


The cow king has been smashed by a hoof, and suddenly his face is white.


“Since the little stone said it, I will spare you once.” The Purple Rat said, while pointing at the Niu Wang, the other person’s body immediately flew out a symbol, which was exactly before it was scored.

Although Niu Wang had a blow to himself, the cowhide was very thick. This shot only made it swollen and there was no egg.

The guy looked down and looked worried and worried.

Playing so heavy, will it affect the future use?

“It’s already swollen anyway, or is it just cut off?” Shi Hao laughed.

When Niu Wang heard it, he quickly smashed his egg with his hoof and shook his head.

How is that going?

Easy to use, very easy to use, no cut!

Both Shi Hao and the Purple Rat are laughing. Although the old cow is very colorful, it is also very fun.

Instead of talking, they concentrate on the water of the destiny.


Shi Hao found that not only was his body absorbing spring water, but the Small Universe was also faster, as if it was not saturated at all, and he swallowed the tiger to let the pool water drop at a visible rate.

Although the spring is still spurting, it is completely unable to keep up with the speed he has taken.

But for a while, the pool is in the end.

“Old cow, is it that you are too big, so you have taken too much treasure?” The purple rat looked at the bull king and showed his teeth.

Niu Wang shook his head in a hurry, not an old cow, really not.

In its eyes, this mouse is no different from the devil.

“Small stone, that’s you!” The purple rat moved his gaze.

Shi Hao smiled: “Why, would you like to give me another beast?”

“Sure enough, you!” The Purple Rat jumped up. “What monster are you? How long ago, have you drained the treasure?”

“The appetite is big, there is no way,” Shi Hao said. “Wait.”

One person, one mouse, one cow, and so on, the spring water is constantly pouring out, filling the pool at most is a day’s effort.

However, there are three of them, all of which are waiting to be fed. When the springs come out, they are sucked clean, and there is also a Shi Hao. The stomach of Small Universe has no bottom.

So, three days later, there was suddenly no water coming out of the spring.

This spring is active with the opening of Shenglongtai, but the duration is limited. Otherwise, can everyone benefit?

God’s care is always only a small part of the people.

“This is gone!” The purple-golden mouse is still unfinished. Of course, this kind of treasure is more and more good. Although the benefits are invisible for the time being, it will be reflected in the long-term time and will benefit people endlessly.

The Niu Wang is also a slap in the face. Although he can’t ride a cow with Shi Hao, the benefits that can be obtained are real. Let it be a little tempted, and whether it will be followed by Shi Hao.

However, Shi Hao will soon leave the Dragon Station, and it will stay forever, and their intersection will only be there for a while.

Therefore, it immediately threw this thought into the clouds.

Shi Hao has a whim: “Can you suck the remaining spring water out?”

Together with this thought, he couldn’t help himself, and immediately opened a black hole and sent a devour to the spring.

Oh, after a moment, I saw a water note sucked out of the spring.

Fuck, is this OK?

The cow king couldn’t help but raise his eyes, and he began to suspect that the cow was born.

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