Shi Hao insisted.

I have already said that he is a person who broke through the south wall and did not look back.

Sometimes, this personality will suffer a big loss, but it is an invaluable character for those who really want to climb the Martial Dao peak.

Shi Hao’s sacrifice, if the mud cows into the sea, Small Universe did not respond.

Keep going.

Shi Hao didn’t stop. He thought about it for a long time. He couldn’t wait for three months.

Finally, the last trace of comprehension was also sacrificed by him.

Just when Shi Hao thought it was going to fail, suddenly, the Small Universe was shining.


All the stars are everywhere, the sun is shining, and the comet is running much faster.

There is no such thing as a strength of Heaven and Earth, but Shi Hao finds that Small Universe is more angry.

He didn’t know what was going on, but hard to make a comparison, the previous Small Universe was dead, but now it seems to be alive, everything is no longer disorderly, but has a charm in it.

Shi Hao thought, and the stars in the Small Universe immediately worked according to his will.

As if, he is the world.

No, heaven and earth dominate!

Shi Hao sighed and smiled.

From this moment on, he really took the key step to establish his own world.

What is his sacrifice?

Heaven and Earth rules!

What is missing from his Small Universe, isn’t it the rule of heaven and earth?

So, after getting the Shi Hao sacrifice, Small Universe finally took a step to become a new world.

It’s no wonder that the heavens and the earth are so angry. For it, Shi Hao is really a rebellion.

“I didn’t reach the 11th Festival, nor did I break the limit of 100 days.”

“But my world has finally taken the most crucial step.”

“In the future, I can make any rules for it, and everything is up to me.”

“In my world, everything is dominated by me!”

The real dominance, unlike the domain, you put the domain, I also put the domain, can compete, offset.

Once the Small Universe is opened, it is another world. The rules of any opponent will be completely invalid. Only the strength of the flesh is left, because this is the world of Shi Hao, what is the rule, and it is up to him!

“This is the strongest way!”

Shi Hao thinks that if he takes this road a little stronger, he can even directly put Apex Cloud Star into the Small Universe, and he can easily crack the means of real people.

“So, in addition to the emperor road, I have one more choice.”

Shi Hao decided to go with the two roads, but there was no conflict.

With the end of Shi Hao’s sacrifice, the thunder outside stopped the bombardment. I don’t know if it was over, or Shi Hao didn’t succeed, and the world was too lazy to care about him.

“Small stone, have you succeeded or failed?” Seeing him wake up, the Purple Rat asked immediately.

Weng Nanqing wants to fly it again, you are anxious, you are not Shi Hao’s wife!

Shi Hao smiled a little: “It is a failure, and it is a success.”

“Rely, is it a success or a failure?” The purple gold mouse smashed.

“You will know later.” Shi Hao smiled.

He came out of the immortal mansion and planned to enter Void Realm to see if there was anything big happening.

However, the sunny day suddenly slammed and slammed toward Shi Hao.


The speed of lightning is so fast that it can be compared with the light. Rao has already reached the tenth sacrifice, and the force even crushes the Second Step Ascending Saint Position, which can’t be evaded.

Can only be hardwired.

He opened the Small Universe, and the endless stars were running like a miniature world.

When the lightning hits up and enters the Small Universe, it is rapidly shrinking, and even the naked eye is difficult to capture.

Putting it in a star, what is the lightning that lasts a thousand feet?

However, Shi Hao is a fang because it contains extremely powerful rules.

Heavenly Foundation Stairway level.

However, this actually did not kill him?

Because the Small Universe is different, although it is still not perfect, it is still in the “young period”, but from a qualitative point of view, it is no different from this big world.

Heavenly Foundation Stairway level rules?

Sorry, I absorbed it directly and turned it into a “nutrition”.

The only thing that can harm the Small Universe is the sheer power, smashing the stars with brute force, which is the foundation of the Small Universe.

Shi Hao looked at the sky, and sure enough, he became a lover.

– Offering sacrifices to another “Goddess”, if the betrayal of the heavens and the earth is complete, of course, it must be targeted by heaven and earth.

It is a pity that his Small Universe has evolved and really set foot on the level of “Heaven and Earth”. If you want to kill him, this kind of attack will not work!

However, the world will obviously not stop here. Since it is on the list of the sky, I believe that there will be sunny days from time to time.

Come on, since he has taken this road, he will not regret it.

Shi Hao entered the Void Realm to inquire about the news, and soon there will be gains.

Recently, there have been amazing news.

– Shenglongtai was opened.

Shenglongtai, as the name suggests, is the ascension of the dragon.

This is a Secret Realm, and its core is the battle. In the end, only a few people can laugh at the end, become a flying dragon, and get the blessing of heaven and earth.

This thing of air transport, mysterious and mysterious, can not be touched, but can affect the life of Martial Artist.

You are not good at luck, and any treasures are not with you. If you break through, you will encounter strong enemies. Even the battle that should have won will be lost for some unreasonable reasons.

Therefore, as long as they are eligible to enter the Dragon Station, they are all leaving.

Specific conditions?

Only two hundred years old are required.

– If you can repair Great Heaven Offering even stronger, then the two hundred years old is of course a younger level, and if you are a 200-year-old Paramita, then if you go in, then it will be blown up in two or two. .

Shi Hao withdrew from Void Realm and told the news to the Purple Rat and Weng Nanqing.

“Your boy is now disgusted by the heavens and the earth, and he needs to be washed by the heavens and the earth. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to break through in the future. It will be ridiculed by the heavens and the earth, and even the rules will not be touched!” said the Purple Rat.

Shi Hao nodded, even if he didn’t want to bless the world, he also wanted to be a group of people under the sun.

“However, you ‘should be ‘ still besieged, how can you participate in the Dragon Station?” Purple Rat.

“I can disguise.” Shi Hao said, can this be rare?

Said to be low-key, this time he completely “disappeared” for half a year, the length of time, so that he can not believe.

No way, most of the time in the Jedi to understand the rules, want to get into trouble can not get it.

“Good!” Weng Nanqing said immediately. “Would you like to be my brother this time?”

Shi Hao rolled his eyes, did the wife have a bad taste?

“Oh!” He nodded, pretending who was not disguised.

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