Shi Hao can let him go as soon as he wants.

Brushing, brushing the whip, and drawing the name of the powerhouse, there is no chance to run the convergence.

Speaking of speed, it is impossible to compare with the light beast.

Therefore, he is constantly being passed by the light beast, and the injury is getting heavier and heavier.

However, the time of the hundred breaths is how strong it is, and the powerhouse crashed into the ground and was killed by life and death.

At this time, the light beast also converted the target and stared at Shi Hao.

“Brother Shi, I will cover you!” Mao Yuhao said quickly, he is the same as the light beast, can be confused.

Boom, the light beast has already rushed.

Mao Yuhao just wanted to stop, but Shi Hao waved the purple gold mouse and took it.

“Little stone, my grandfather is not with you-”


The Purple Rat has not finished the sentence yet, and it has already been smashed into the light beast. Hey, under the slap of dozens of times, the light beast was suddenly shattered.

Wo, fuck!

Mao Yuhao is stunned again, this is too violent.

You see, he has the help of Jade Immortal, but he can still only install sheep, lie to the light beast and think it is the same kind, and Shi Hao, directly overbearing to destroy the light beast.

“Brother Shi, you say it again, are you really a real person?” he asked Shi Hao dumbly.

Shi Hao smiled a little: “If you change.”

Mao Yuhao is speechless, what is this metamorphosis?

“Well, refining the ice aurora, we will leave,” Shi Hao said.

Mao Yuhao nodded.

However, since the name of the powerhouse was dead, the ice aurora that he had taken away was naturally taken back. Mao Yuhao still used his original refining ice to melt into the body.

This is more labor-saving.

Shi Hao gave ten ice aurora to the purple golden rat, and ten of them were sent to the immortal mansion to Weng Nanqing, who began to melt more than one hundred ice aurora.

They are all refining, but because Mao Yuhao started early, he is directly refining into the body to become his own divine ability, so his speed is naturally the fastest.

After half a month, he took the lead in success, and he was able to play an aurora and enjoy it.

After a few more days, the Purple Rat was successful.

However, Mao Yuhao was shocked again because the speed of the purple rat was too fast.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that it was this mouse that would have the beasts of the beasts.

“Staring at the Lord to see what, haven’t you seen such a handsome man?” The purple golden rat opened his mouth and made people speechless, and then wanted to beat people.

Mao Yuhao is a big mouth, saying: “From a rat’s point of view, you are indeed the most handsome mouse I have ever seen.”


The Purple Rat suddenly wants to vomit blood: “I am a human, not a mouse!”

Mao Yuhao is hehe, thinking that he is blind?

After a few days, Shi Hao also completed the refining of the ice aurora.

He owns the Small Universe, and in this case, he has absolute control, not at all a domain.

Now, more than a hundred ice aurora is not only integrated, but also refining into the body by Shi Hao, so that he can not only understand the self-rule of the immortal king, but also have the ice god Divine ability.

Waiting for his cultivation base to improve a little, you can use this as a bridge to see the fairy king’s way.

It can be said that the trip was really complete.

The two men and one mouse began to go back, and soon the ghost Wang Yuan.

However, Shi Hao is blocking Mao Yuhao: “There is an ambush!”

“Ambly?” Mao Yuhao glanced, did they kill the name of the road, attracted the other relatives and friends, to avenge the person?

“Hey, should be looking for me.” Shi Hao smiled.

Mao Yuhao immediately showed his proud color. Shi Hao is just Great Heaven Offering. How powerful can he offend?

“You can rest assured, I will help you resolve!” He patted his chest.

“Okay.” Shi Hao nodded.

So Mao Yuhao rushed up, and then the time of two moments, countless brilliance lifted, hey, then saw this guy fell from the sky and fell heavily on the ground.

Fortunately, he had Body Protection treasures given by Jade Immortal. Otherwise, he was smashed into scum, and Shi Hao did not stop him because he knew this. Otherwise, he would not let the other party “send to death.”

“Rely, why didn’t you say that there is a lot of Heavenly Foundation Stairway in your hatred home?” Mao Yuhao climbed up and his face was depressed.

Rely on, shameful.

He also said that he would resolve the hatred for Shi Hao. As a result, Shi Hao’s name was just mentioned, and he was directly photographed. If there is no treasure, Body Protection, he died many times earlier.

He looked at Shi Hao with astonishment. Who are you in the end, and too much trouble?

In the world, the Heavenly Foundation Stairway was provoked by the cultivation base of Great Heaven, and the copper armor of Immortal World was provoked to the king. But Shi Hao actually offended so many “Xian Wang” has not been hung up. … people can’t admire it.

“It seems that we have to stay here for a while.” Shi Hao said, this is Ghost Wang Yuan, that is, the Heavenly Foundation Stairway may hang down, so even though there are so many Heavenly Foundation Stairway surrounded by power, there is no One person came down and took Shi Hao.

Mao Yuhao was speechless. Before he was picked up by the powerhouse, he was very angry, but he was a little proud. After all, he was a cross-border battle.

But compared with Shi Hao… forget it, or don’t hurt self-esteem.

Shi Hao murmured: “When did I leak my whereabouts and I was actually stared?”

Hey, what’s the way he wants to leave?

As long as someone has a Heavenly Foundation Stairway powerhouse, it is enough to make him unable to leave, even if there is an immortal mansion, he has to hide inside when he touches it, but it reveals the secret of immortal mansion.

This is not like the Apex Cloud Star. It can’t connect with the outside world. Shi Hao even shows that he has such treasures.

“Hey, dare to block the younger?” Mao Yuhao was on the side. “Brother Shi, you can rest assured that I will not return for a long time. Grandfather will definitely pay attention and find that I am blocked by these people. My grandfather will definitely Thundering the wrath!”

Putting it in the realm of the world, even if the immortal is not able to turn around, after a dozen of Heavenly Foundation Stairway, it is almost impossible to block the absolute.

– Is the immortal in the realm of the world, isn’t it the equivalent of the absolute? Some are even just like ordinary ones.

But, unless the interest of the Immortal World is overwhelming, which Heavenly Foundation Stairway will go to offend the immortal?

I entered Immortal World later, but I still want to mix it up?

Especially Jade Immortal, I really want to be furious and send hundreds of thousands of Heavenly Foundation Stairway directly. Who can stop?

Not just paying a price!


Shi Hao nodded and he pulled the tiger skin of the Iron King Palace.

“The above people listen, you are allowed to leave within three days, otherwise you will be at your own risk!” Shi Hao said loudly.

“Yes, hurry, don’t force the little boy to worry!” Mao Yuhao also called.

Hearing these words, the Heavenly Foundation Stairway powerhouse was mad.

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