Shi Huayun is an Immortal World person with extensive knowledge. Moreover, she is also very intelligent. She dared to think about it and guessed the truth for the first time.

Throw away all the impossible, even if it is so inconceivable, it is the truth!

So, can Shi Hao control the time?

Shi Huayun was shocked. Time, that is the rule of supremacy. Jade Immortal also wants to be awe. He dares not touch it. Otherwise, he will anger the world. Jade Immortal can easily be strangled.

However, now a Great Heaven Offering can control the time?

Even if it is only a moment, a little bit.

How did this young man in the realm practice, even the rules of time that Jade Immortal could not master could be manipulated.

“Shi Hao, why are you?” she said faintly. “You have to know that even if you succeed, once you enter Immortal World, the master can take the shot without any scruples. You think that you can compete. A Jade Immortal?”

“And, who will sin for a Jade Immortal for you?”

She also wants to let her know and let Shi Hao give up.

Shi Hao smiled a little: “Immortal World is big, there are countless immortals, and Xian Wang can only compete for one domain. Jade Immortal, can the powers find out a fairy field? I am flying with Apex Cloud Star, with thousands How likely is it that the cabinet is in a domain?”

“So, don’t take this to scare me!”

Shi Huayun’s eyebrows wrinkled, and I didn’t expect Shi Hao to know about Immortal World. He couldn’t do anything to deceive him.

This kid is determined to be right with the real machine, and the talent is so high, it is really possible to succeed.

What should I do, is the plan of Master’s respect really going to be ruined by his hand?

When it comes to Martial Dao talent, Shi Hao can also be ranked in the forefront of Immortal World, but Shi Huayun believes that with the size of Immortal World, you can definitely find someone who can compete with Shi Hao or even surpass him.

The problem is that the fairyland is too big, at least as far as she knows, there is no such genius in the domain where the thousand machine hall is located.

Other fairy fields?

It takes a long time to run a trip. Moreover, such a genius must be a famous teacher. It is more likely to be a fairy king, a fairy disciple. If you have such a background, how can you listen to thousands of real people? What?

Therefore, this road will not work.

That was a good move, and assassinated Shi Hao.

— You can’t always be absolutely vigilant all day long, there is always a time of negligence, and as long as there is a trace of loopholes, it is the moment of your commandment.

“Shi Hao, you don’t have much time, so cherish it.” She smiled coldly and turned away.

Now, she has absolutely stopped the idea of ​​catching Shi Hao, so threatened to sweep away by any means.

Shi Hao smiled, not at all.

He will not be taken lightly, but he will not be afraid.

Next, he was assassinated many times, but with an immortal mansion in hand, plus he can control the time, even if he just accelerated himself for a moment, it is enough to let him hide into the immortal mansion.

– When he fought with Shi Zhong and did not break the other side’s Tai Chi, then Shi Zhong was unbeaten. Now is the same. Shi Hao’s immortal mansion is not fixed first. He is also immortal.

Under such pressure, Shi Hao quickly cultivated the peak of the Eighth Festival and possessed the qualification to attack the Nine Festivals.

He entered the immortal mansion and completed a breakthrough.

Nine sacrifices!

Shi Hao found that after this step, his perception of the rules was almost stagnant.

what does this mean?

If he wants to sacrifice again, it is very likely that the “sacrificial” is not enough weight to lead to the quenching of strength of Heaven and Earth, which is equivalent to effort.

Shi Hao realized that he couldn’t do it anymore.

After the Nine Festivals, he also came to his own limit, and want to break the limit, which is of course a very difficult thing.

Therefore, Shi Hao decided to go to Xingyu and expand his horizons.

He is a resolute person. Anyway, Shi Country has no difference with him. And his combat power has not reached the point where he can turn things around. Gu Tong, the key moment, Old Man Gu can stand up and support the scene, so No big problems.

Shi Hao set off with Weng Nanqing and entered the starry sky again.

In the vast Xingyu, Shi Hao is also famous, not knowing how many people beat his idea.

He did a little disguise, all the way low-key, but he realized the world.

However, the conventional travel has not allowed him to improve again, but limited to the realm, his understanding of the source has also stagnated, whether it is cultivation base or combat power, it seems to reach the limit of Great Heaven Offering, can no longer have a trace progress.

Shi Hao thought about it and decided to go to the Jedi between heaven and earth.

Ten sacrifices, as long as there is such a possibility, he does not want to give up.

“Small stones, do you have obsessive-compulsive disorder?” The purple-golden rats are speechless. “As far as I know, no one in Immortal World has reached the tenth sacrifice! Moreover, the gold content of your nine sacrifices is full, every time by strength of Heaven and Earth are tempered for at least ten days, and one sacrifice can be given to the others.”

“So, sometimes you don’t want to drill too much. For now, it is a top priority for you to improve your realm.”

No one knows how long it will take Apex Cloud Star to be refining into a five-line mixed-ball, and that the real machine has not been active for a long time. It is very likely that he gave up killing Shi Hao, but accelerated the refining of Apex Cloud Star. The footsteps.

Once he is the first to succeed, then Shi Hao can’t walk the emperor’s road, what effect does it have?

Shi Hao nods, but if he doesn’t try it, he will give up directly. This does not match his character.

He entered Void Realm and, after a little inquiring, he knew a few Jedi.

The closest to him is the ghost king of Wanyuanxing.

He began to transmit, and seven days later, he came to Wanyuanxing.

This is a big star. In the past, there have been several outstanding figures. Nowadays, there are many talented people. There has never been a fault of genius.

Shi Hao went out of the transmission array and went to the ghost king.

Soon, he went to the place.

Ghost Wang Yuan, in fact, is a huge abyss. There is an endless smoldering chill out from the bottom of the mountain. It is easy to freeze people. It is the Great Heaven Offering that does not dare to enter, even if the Heavenly Foundation Stairway enters, It may be ruined, otherwise, how could it be the name of the Jedi?

What is the most amazing thing is that Ghost Wang Yuan has an inexplicable pressure, that is, the Heavenly Foundation Stairway can’t fly.

Shi Hao didn’t care, and the Small Universe opened. He became a self-contained, unconventional, and easy to go to the bottom.

On his shoulder, the Purple Rat can’t help but sigh: “Don’t say anything else, you can blow it for a lifetime.”

Shi Hao just smiled, his figure fell rapidly, and he soon came to the bottom.

It is full of strange light, all in cool colors, bright and bright, but no warmth.

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