Can you be surprised?

Because Shi Hao is now in the immortal mansion, and the immortal mansion is as small as a mustard, even if the Heavenly Foundation Stairway is not inquired, how can someone knock on the door.

This is simply scared!

Shi Hao has absolute control over the immortal mansion. He looks out through the immortal mansion. He sees a teenager standing at the gate of the immortal mansion. His face is only fifteen or six years old, but it is full of white hair and exudes. Very old-fashioned.

Who is this?

Shi Hao thought about it, or went to the door and opened the door.

“Junior Brother, you really let me find it!” said the white-haired boy.

Shi Hao is amazed, what is the situation?

He didn’t actually worship anyone, just pretending to be Yuan Chengmie’s discipline, there will be a few cheap Senior Brothers.

However, this white-haired boy is by no means one of them.

Do you admit the wrong person?

Moreover, even the immortal mansion can be found, this strength is simply strong, but Yuan Chengmie also wants to pay attention to it.

Also, although the other side has a young boy’s face, it is exuding the old-fashioned atmosphere, as if the white hair can truly represent his age.

“Oh, I have cultivated a Cultural Technique, so it looks quite tender.” The white-haired boy smiled. “Hey, I have to deliberately whiten my hair and make myself look older.”

Shi Hao nodded in the heart, the other person gave him a feeling unfathomable, and the years of experience were too long to describe.

“Predecessors, you will not admit the wrong person?” he asked.

The white-haired boy thought about it, and Yan Yan smiled and said: “My name is Zhang Tianyi. If you call Shi Hao, also known as Asura, then I should not admit the wrong person.”

Hey, I am Shi Hao, also known as Asura, but I really haven’t worshiped Master. How come you have this Senior Brother?

“Dare to ask seniors, where are you from?” Shi Hao asked.

“Immortal World.” Zhang Tianxi laughed. “How else, how can I find you? Junior Brother, your blessing is not thin, obviously just Great Heaven Offering, actually got the immortal mansion, even if it is placed in Immortal When World goes, it is also the heart of Yuxian.”

Shi Hao is a glimpse, you are too arrogant, Immortal World, that is another dimension of another space, obviously should be very shocking, why do you look down on an understatement?

Could it be that this is a new kind of loading routine?

Speaking of Immortal World and the force, that mouse, how can you not see it at this time?

Also, immortal mansion actually let the jade fairy heart?

But Su Manman’s father did it to his daughter. What does this mean?

Mad, her son is at least a fairy king!

For a time, Shi Hao’s mood was too complicated to describe.

Moreover, Zhang Tianqi’s face is calm and there is no greed. Is this because the friendship of the Senior Brother is not shot, or because… he simply disdains it?

If it is the latter, fuck you have to be what realm.

“I am really confused now, dare to ask the seniors, who is our Master?” Shi Hao was dizzy, but did not immediately recognize the pro.

Zhang Tianxiao smiled and said: “When you enter Immortal World, you will naturally know. I am going to talk to you about the emperor’s road.”

Hey, your thinking span is not so big, I can’t keep up.


“Senior Brother!”


Shi Hao changed his mouth: “Senior Brother, why do you want to tell me about the emperor road?”

“Hey, aren’t you going to fly with the entire Apex Cloud Star? Is this called?” Zhang Tianyi asked.

This is true, but the question is, do you know what?

Is the immortal be be all omnipotent?

Impossible, otherwise, Gu Shiyun will not be pitted by thousands of real people.

“Please speak to Senior Brother.” Shi Hao said respectfully, although it is inexplicable, but the other party is really pointing to him, otherwise it is estimated that the immortal mansion can be seized by the other party’s ability.

Zhang Tianqi continued: “I want to fly up the existence of such a large star. This is too much cause and effect.” He shook his head. “Don’t say it is you, even if it is a fairy king, it can’t be afforded.”

“Do you think about how many creatures are on a star?”

“So many souls will be separated from the realm of the world, how will it provoke a strong counterattack in the heavens and the earth?”

“It’s all going to be applied to you. By then, you will be crushed easily.”

Hearing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but lick his teeth. Before that, Old Man Gu said it was easy, and he felt that the difficulty of this matter was to fix the gods to the point where they could accommodate the whole star. Others would be fine.

It is only now that the cause and effect are the most terrible.

Yes, how many creatures on a star, to be completely out of the world of heaven, what a terrible counterattack will this arouse?

Do not say anything else, the real machine wants to refine the Apex Cloud Star as a spiritual treasure, and does not dare to personally shoot, but to make the disciples go to the disciples to do the work, not to let yourself get a point.


Isn’t it just afraid of causality?

This involves the life of a star. The relationship is too great, and the jade can’t bear it.

He actually wants to fly with a whole star, it is simply an idiotic dream, looking for a dead end.

More than just him, Gu Tong and Han Shayue are also looking for a dead end, thinking too naive, thinking that the Apex Cloud Star will be reduced, or if they become a giant, they can fly with the Apex Cloud Star?

This difficulty is not in size, but the number of creatures!

“So, need to take the road of the emperor?” Shi Hao asked, he still does not understand now, it is really a long brain.

Zhang Tianqi nodded: “Going to the emperor’s road, under the heavens, is it the king’s soil? If you unify the Apex Cloud Star, then the situation will be different. It is your place of governance, and the cause and effect are very different. “”

“Please ask the Senior Brother.” Shi Hao’s attitude is very sincere.

Zhang Tianyi smiled slightly and seemed to be very satisfied with Shi Hao’s performance: “The road to the emperor is not to change the way of the current Martial Dao, but to be parallel.”

“In the simplest terms, you have to be a belief in the Apex Cloud Star. Therefore, when it is soaring, the heavens and the earth will target you, and you can borrow the power of the people to share the cause and effect.”

Zhang Tianqi began to explain the road of the emperor and opened another door for Shi Hao.

It turns out that it can still be like this!

However, after the transfer was completed, Zhang Tianyi drifted away and did not give Shi Hao the opportunity to stay.

“This terrible guy has finally left.” At this time, the purple golden rat ran out, a pair of fearful appearance.

“Why are you hiding?” Shi Hao asked.

“Crap, the guy is at least a jade fairy, if he is stared at him, is it not finished?” said the Purple Golden Rat, “You kid is really not reliable, how can you bring such a presence?”


Zhang Tianqi is actually a jade fairy?

Oh, this is amazing, because he only needs to go further, that is the king.

What is the king in Immortal World?

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