Shi Hao thought for a long time, and finally let go of this knot.

It is not that he is not strong, but that his picture is too big, so it is doomed that his outbreak can only be postponed.

On the other hand, he only has Great Heaven Offering, but the law that can be created has such a terrible power. Can it still be available later?

“I am the strongest!” he said to himself.

However, the strongest he had to run hard in the rest of the time.

No way, the Heavenly Foundation Stairway has arrived in the seventy-six ten-star forces. He does not understate the road. Isn’t that a death?

Fortunately, he has mastered the initiative, and he has to be forced to go nowhere, just need to hide in the immortal mansion, no problem is gone.

However, he was indeed caught in the whereabouts, and the ten-star forces were chasing after him, and a three-footed dig will also find him.

Shi Hao doesn’t matter, just wait a little longer in the immortal mansion.

In the past ten days, those forces have not found his whereabouts for a long time, and they all thought that Shi Hao ran out of the star with some unknown means, so many forces also left.

Because there are still some forces that have not gone, Shi Hao is still in the immortal mansion.

Always being chased, not a thing right?

Is he the kind of person who can’t fight back?

Although he actually took advantage of it, he had previously smashed the Heavenly Foundation Stairway powerhouse and ransacked them.

However, how long will such a day last?

It is conceivable that as long as Shi Hao does not enter the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, the pursuit will not stop.

– Unless Shi Hao is willing to completely nickname, hide the trail.

How is this possible?

Although Shi Hao is enchanting, how long does it take to step into the Heavenly Foundation Stairway?

It’s at least a decade or so.

So, want him to endure for so long?

“No, I have to fight back!” Shi Hao murmured.

How to counterattack?

With the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, Hard Ganga is definitely stupid, but other than that?

“Matner, let’s find the old nest of Heavenly Foundation Stairway and rob it.” Shi Hao’s eyes flashed.

“Oh.” The Purple Rat was just sneering twice.

How easy is this?

Shi Hao is full of confidence: “These forces think that I will hide from Tibet. It is absolutely impossible to think that I will be bold enough to go to their nest! So, I just need to change my appearance, I believe it is easy to get away with it.”

This time, the Purple Rat also has some intentions, saying: “The scorpion can teach!”

Shi Hao thought for a moment: “We had robbed so many Heavenly Foundation Stairways, although most of them were collected in the Spatial Spirit Tool for life, but there are a few exceptions.”

“So, we are staring at these people.”

This is indeed feasible, and the Purple Rat was immediately excited and discussed with Shi Hao.

However, Shi Hao eventually put the goal on the Tang Dian.

– This person in Ding Lingfeng’s sacred place, actually went to Shi Feng, and Shi Hao has always been in mind, so now it is necessary to launch revenge, that Tang Temple is also a good goal.

Mainly, he is even less likely to think that Shi Hao, in the case of being chased by so many forces, still has the mood to find him trouble.

“Well, this goal is good!”

“set off!”

They came out of the immortal mansion and started the space transfer, going to the Taihaoxing where the Tang Hall is located.

But after ten days, they came to the place.

On this star, there are only two ten-star forces, one is the Fire Silk Palace created by the Tang Dian, and the other is the Ice Wheel Hall founded by the Frost Supreme. Although the remaining forces are numerous, they can only be used in these two The forces are headed.

However, precisely because there are only two super-powers, the Fireworm Palace and the Ice Wheel Hall are also incompatible with each other. From time to time, there are contradictions intensifying and forming a strong conflict.

Therefore, the entire Tahoe Star is also distinct, half belong to the Fire Silk Palace, and half belong to the Ice Wheel Hall. Both forces still want to expand their territory. Therefore, from time to time, there will be a small war.

Here, the two great people are too lazy to pay attention, their goal is very clear, it is to go further and step into the glory.

It’s not a must, and the lifespan of up to five thousand years is going to be the same as the light. Then, you are just the next big one. There is still only one empty space in the end.

Only achievements can be achieved before entering Immortal World and starting again.

Shi Hao wants to go directly to the Firefly Palace?


There are only two superpowers on the Star of Taihao, so they are naturally high above, and they are not afraid of genius.

Take the fire silkworm palace as an example. Under the main palace, there are thirty-six first-level sub-divisions. Under the first-level sub-district, there are still three hundred and sixty-two secondary sub-districts. There are also 3,600 three-level sub-districts.

If you want to enter the main palace, you must first screen and report through these three levels of subdivisions before you are only possible.

Shi Hao came to a three-level branch, suppressed the cultivation base to the Nurturing Soul Realm, and went in to sign up.

— Weng Nanqing hid in the immortal mansion, and the Purple Rat was disguised as a Golden Retriever dog, followed by Shi Hao.

“Do you want to go into my fire silkworm palace?” said a middle-aged man, glanced at Shi Hao with his eyes, then reached out and made a count of money.

The super-power does not lack people to join, so the person responsible for recruiting is not only proud, but also dare to take advantage of it – you do not give, even the qualification to join the Fire Silk Palace.

Shi Hao smiled and took a few silver tickets and handed them over.

The middle-aged man just glanced at it and revealed the disdainful color: “What is the use of silver for me and other Martial Artists?”

What he wants is Spirit Stone!

Oh, it’s really shameless.

Shi Hao smiled: “Xiao Jin, Shang!”

“Wang!” The golden hair of the purple golden rat rushed toward the middle-aged man, and smacked it and bit it on the man’s lap.

“Ah!” That man immediately screamed, and he quickly slammed his legs. “Put your mouth! Let go!”

However, the purple golden rat bite the thief tightly, meaning nothing to loosen.

Under the yelling, someone soon ran over, and there was more than one.

After discovering this situation, these people are not in a hurry to rescue, but they look at the excitement.

“Live it!”

“Hey, squatting is the scorpion of the lord of the palace. Every time there is a new discipline entering the palace, he will be rewarded with some benefits. This time, he finally meets the goods!”

“We are afraid of the seductive power of the sub-division, and we dare not do anything, but it does not mean that everyone is like this.”

“Haha, let’s talk about it and talk about it.”

Everyone was whispering, the voice was very low, and the middle-aged man was not heard. However, what kind of ear force Shi Hao is, even if he did not release the domain, he could hear it clearly.

However, for a long time, the final will be the audience.

“What do you do, a group of people are surrounded by a group, if the ice wheel hall suddenly hits, you have to turn your head one by one!” The branch official said coldly, his name is Li Chaoxuan.

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