“You, should be the pair of men and women who helped Chi Tianfeng!” said the black man, his face was covered in a cloak, only to see a black group.

“Where is Chi Tianfeng?” The white man asked.

Both of them are with a hustle and bustle. In the mad cloud dynasty, in addition to the supreme royal family, there is no Great Heaven Offering level of powerhouse, so they are definitely masters of high hands.

Although they have not yet ignited incense.

Shi Hao smiled slightly, stepping on his feet, as if he had an invisible step, let him float up.

He is so empty in the air.


“Black and white impermanence” suddenly scared his face pale green.

This, don’t look at Shi Hao just floating up a short distance, but what does this mean?

Great Heaven Offering.

Only Great Heaven Offering can fly, not how low it is.

Their two Spirit Mending Temples are actually asking a Great Heaven Offering powerhouse?

Don’t kill!

But they can’t figure out, how come suddenly a Great Heaven Offering comes out?

“Great, Lord!”

The two quickly and respectfully half Kneel down and bowed to Shi Hao.

Originally, although the Martial Dao level is Sensual, they are also Spirit Mending Temple. They only need to hold a fist and salute. They are respectful in the most tone, but who asked them to ask Shi Hao before, this is the following crime.

Therefore, they must come up with a more respectful gesture.

Shi Hao smiled a little: “What did you ask me about?”

The black man is clever and quickly said: “We want to ask Lord, have you eaten?”

“Oh.” Shi Hao smiled and walked over to pat the shoulders of both of them. “Thank you for your concern.”

The two people, Shi Quan, are all cold sweats, and Great Heaven Offering is a quality suppression for the Spirit Mending Temple, which means that Shi Hao wants to kill them, they don’t even have the chance to escape.

Therefore, they are very honest and want to live, and they all look at Shi Hao’s mood.

Can Shi Hao come over with this hatred?

How to save Chi Tianfeng, just a little white-eyed wolf.

Forget it.

Shi Hao waved his hand: “Let’s go.”

“Yes, yes.” Black and white impermanence immediately turned and left, but did not dare to go too fast at first, but after a few steps, they accelerated, as if afraid of Shi Hao’s remorse, ran away.

Shi Hao glanced at the bodies of the two old servants, hit a ring and bang, and their bodies burned immediately.

“Let’s go.” He is somewhat interested in the lack of authenticity.

Hatred and revenge are not really pleasant things.

Even if he kills Shi Zhong in the future, he will not feel happy, but will make his heart feel calm.

However, after a while, I saw that the black and white impermanence came back.

They are helpless in their faces, and they are depressed by the dog’s day.

– Of course, they are not voluntarily coming back, but they are being crushed by people.

These two people are of course full of grass mud horses.

Is this the mad cloud dynasty they know?

Are Great Heaven Offering powerhouses all lined up now?

Let them catch up!

“Asura!” sneer at the person who came over “black and white impermanence”. He stood proudly in the air and looked down at Shi Hao and Weng Nanqing.

This is a half-aged middle-aged man who is able to fly, indicating that he is at least Great Heaven Offering.

However, does Great Heaven Offering dare to come out and pursue Shi Hao alone?

Of course it is impossible.

He is the Ascending Saint Position, although it is only one step, but it is enough.

Why is he only one?

That is of course, Shi Hao’s body is hidden in the fairy, and there is Ding Lingfeng’s god, who does not want to find him first, and torture it out?

Therefore, since he has full control, he will certainly not wait for other people.

– God is helping him. When he receives the news, he is actually in the transmission array of nearby stars, but only once.

Asura, Asura, you are mine!

Shi Hao smiled a little: “Oh, which green onion are you?”

“Hey, this place is Huang Yu!” said the middle-aged middle-aged proudly. “Do you want to take part in this seat, or do you want to do it yourself?”

He has such confidence.

“Big, Lord, can we go now?” The black and white man said it was a trembling voice.

The gods fight, the little devils suffer, they can not want to be involved in the battle group.

Therefore, they really want to go home, it is too dangerous outside.

“Roll!” Huang Yu said coldly.

The two were as big as they were, and they quickly fled.

Oh, however, they only ran a few steps, but the whole person was torn apart and fell apart.

Huang Yu reveals a cruel smile. If possible, he wants to enjoy the secret of Shi Hao, so naturally he wants to kill people.

Shi Hao has no sympathy, killers, people to kill, since the choice to mix in the Martial Dao, it is inevitable to kill, or be killed.

Huang Yu looked at Shi Hao again, Senran said: “I haven’t made a decision yet?”

Shi Hao smiled: “I choose… will blow you up!”

“Let’s relax!” Huang Yu shouted and killed Shi Hao.

How about sweeping Great Heaven Offering, do you think you can compete against Ascending Saint Position?

Shi Hao condensed his fist, and the source was launched, and he went against Huang Yu.


The attack of the two collided and turned into a strong shock wave, which oscillated in all directions.


Huang Yu reveals a stunned color. In this attack, Shi Hao is not inferior to him.

Are you a monster?

He knows that Shi Hao is extraordinary, otherwise it would be impossible for Shi Hao to press the Heavenly Foundation Stairway in the hiding place of Ding Lingfeng.

But can your Great Heaven Offering compete against Ascending Saint Position?

This is too strong.

However, the battle has already begun, can he still withdraw?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The two fought fiercely, and after a brief exploratory attack, they immediately opened their arms and entered a feverish pace.

boom! boom! boom!

Huang Yu found that it was not Shihao’s embarrassment that he was able to confront him, but the strength was so strong.

They have already scored dozens of words, but Shi Hao’s power has no signs of recession. What a horrible thing?

Shi Hao is also confident. After so many fights, he has already confirmed that his own combat power is indeed enough to be a step.

And this is not his limit strength.


He ran out of the stone ball and went to Huang Yu.

Hey, Huang Yu connected a few notes, and he couldn’t help but look ugly.

It was too heavy and it made him uncomfortable.

However, Iscending Saint Position is a strength improvement compared to Great Heaven Offering?



Shi Hao hit another punch, Huang Yu did not hide or not, let him punch a fist, and then took the opportunity to return a palm.

Short-handed, fast as a light stone fire, do not give the two sides any chance to change.


Shi Hao’s punch was first hit on Huang Yu’s body. Then, a strange scene appeared. His fist was actually immersed in Huang Yu’s body, as if the other party had no physical appearance.

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