After several rounds, Tao Yangbo decided to withdraw.

If you fight again, he will become a prisoner.

By that time, it is not necessarily his life or death.

However, now it is not that he wants to run and can run.

When he turned around, he was attacked by four powerful powerhouses, forcing him to defend his defense. Otherwise, he would become a body without waiting for him to run.

However, I have repaired the Ascending Saint Position and it is too difficult to win!

Tao Yangbo began to work hard. In the long scream, he forcibly promoted the defense, and made a few notes on his opponents. He also decided to break through. Otherwise, under the long battle, he would be completely exhausted once he was exhausted.

An Ascending Saint Position powerhouse is desperate, it is not a joke, even if the Third Step Ascending Saint Position can not stop, he was killed by his life.


At this moment, I saw a blue palm suddenly caught, three feet long, palms glowing, there is a road, exudes inexplicable rhythm.

“Take the road!” Tao Yangbo exclaimed, and suddenly changed.

Not to mention the Third Step Ascending Saint Position, there is the Fourth Step Ascending Saint Position, and Tao Yangbo is also sure to get out.

Under the same realm, it is easy to get out of the game, but if one wants to escape, it is basically impossible to be blocked.

Therefore, if you don’t have a deep hatred, you have to fight for your life. Otherwise, the battle between the high realms of Martial Artist is just around the corner.

However, under the pressure of a big realm, everything is different.

Moreover, the moment of this palm attack is exactly the time when Tao Yangbo rushed out of the encirclement. The strongest explosion just ended, and it was in an absolute weak period. At this time, there is a powerhouse to take over, isn’t it stable?

Tao Yangbo did not even resist, and was directly taken by the big blue hand.

Not good, it should be ran!

Shi Hao said in his heart, even if the master of the big blue hand did not shoot at him, but as long as the several Ascending Saint Position attacked him, he would not be able to stop it.

If you wait any longer, you can only hide in the immortal mansion.

Hey, a figure flashed, I saw that it was a yellow-shirt woman, it seems that I have to be thirty years old, full of graceful and luxurious temperament.

However, Shi Hao’s eyes swept over her face, but she was taken aback.


This woman is very similar to Baihua, calculating the age, hey, should be not right, can not be the same person, and the mother and daughter seem to be a little far away, sister?

No, this is Qian Yongxing, how could Baihua have such a loved one.

But he has a feeling that this woman should be related to Baihua.

Because of this sudden thought, he changed his mind, pretending to be invincible, and was won by those Great Heaven Offering.

– In case something is wrong, it is extremely easy for him to break free from the bondage of these people.

“Queen Lord!” Suddenly, all the women were saluting to the yellow-shirted woman.

The yellow-shirted woman nodded and her body shape was gone.

Shi Hao and Tao Yangbo were crushed down. They were restrained and shackled the cultivation base. As for the purple rat, they escaped a little, a little mouse, and no one cares about it.

Of course, this is also its ability to make yourself unremarkable.

Under the escort of everyone, both Shi Hao and Tao Yangbo were sent to the cell.

“Why are you yelling at me?” They were interrogated separately.

Shi Hao answered honestly. He was rushed to the place because he was chased and killed. Tao Yangbo was also telling the truth. He was chasing Shi Hao before he came here.

After several trials, their confessions were consistent. Therefore, the people of Daguoguo believed that what they said was the truth.

However, the two were not released, but they still tied the cultivation base and were thrown into a mine.

“Even if you are not interested, but it is a fact that I am a country, I will punish you for working here for ten years. If you perform well, you can release them after ten years.”

Shi Hao looked at the miners, the miners working here were all men, and the supervisors were all women.

Moreover, the same people who interrogated him before, are women. If you do not see so many male miners here, he must think that there is no male in this place.

But this is not much better, the man is here… it seems to be a slave.

“What are you doing, go to work!”

Hey, Tao Yangbo was suddenly pumped a whip, but Shi Hao’s words did not.

Tao Yangbo was not convinced, why not pump him to smoke Shi Hao?

But he looked at Shi Hao’s handsome face that made people explode, and the resentment to the mouth returned.

Looks good, it is cheaper everywhere.

He naturally hates Shi Hao more. If he does not pursue Shi Hao, how can he fall into this field? Also, if Shi Hao does not run here, how can such a thing happen?

So, everything is Shi Hao’s pot.

Wait, wait for him to restore the cultivation base, be sure to take this kid to open the knife.

He sneered in his heart and reached the Ascending Saint Position. He wouldn’t have a hole card?

Give him three days, he will be able to unlock the ban.

Shi Hao put his hateful expression in his eyes, a faint smile on his lips, thinking of harming me?

Ha ha.

They were rushed into the mine, joined the ranks of other miners, and began to dig up.

Shi Hao had a conversation with the people, but the people here seemed to have worked numbly. They didn’t mean to talk to Shi Hao. They even changed a few people. Finally, some people still kept a little angry, saying to him. I started to speak.

They all strayed into the big country and were taken by the other side. They became helpless miners.

This large country is composed entirely of women. It seems that there has been a history of being hurt by men. Therefore, it is very sorrowful to men. Whether you are mistaken or deliberate, if you are found, you will take it and act as a coolie.

In addition to being a miner, there is a way to get out of here quickly, and that is to play the arena, as long as the winning streak is ten games, you can get released.

However, there are fewer people leaving in this way.

– Into the arena battle, it must be the death of one party will end, so, winning ten games means killing ten people, one hundred people to fight, and several people can leave alive?

In addition, if you are seen by the woman here, you can also get rid of the coolies. If you can let the other person have a child, the status can be raised to a higher level, no longer a slave, but a little less than a civilian.

In short, the status of men here is extremely low, and in many cases, even dogs are not as good.

Shi Hao is not interested in this. He is curious about the connection between the queen and Baihua.

In fact, Baihua also has magical features, hey, can eat, but this is also a trait, right?

He is going to explore the palace.

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