“Shi Zhong, you really have a lot of secrets!” Shi Hao said.

Shi Zhong smiles lightly: “Everyone! Each other!”

Shi Hao If there is no big secret, after being deprived of Sacred Nine Yang Physique, then be be a waste, how can it have the current strength?

Boom, Shi Zhong inspired Jiuyang Physique. Suddenly, he had a melting furnace, releasing a surprisingly high temperature, and the yang was boiling. What the sinister rushed up was only burned.

“Is it a shame to beat you with the Physique you once owned?” he said faintly.

At this moment, he has a god.

Shi Hao smiled and inspired Physique.

Boom, he also released a yang, and more masculine.

The ten yang sacred body, which is a Physique sublimated from Sacred Nine Yang Physique, is reborn and naturally stronger.

Sacred Nine Yang Physique was immediately suppressed and powerless.

Shi Zhong was amazed: “You are really amazing. It was a great death. You have revived Physique from the waste of Sacred Nine Yang Physique and went one step further!”

Sacred Nine Yang Physique can be juxtaposed with the strongest Physique in the world. It is already one of the best. Otherwise, Shi Zhong will not be greedy and forcibly deprived. However, Shi Hao is born with a fire, but it has evolved beyond Physique.

There is no one to know how strong this is, but it has endless potential for development.

“Physique is born and can’t stand for anything!” Shi Hao slammed and said, “My strength lies in myself, I have an invincible heart, so I don’t rely on Physique!”

Shi Zhong smiled slightly: “That is your frog at the bottom of the well, and there is still a lack of understanding about Physique!”

Boom, his left hand is shaking the amazing masculinity, the right hand is waving the sullen yin, as if from the nine secluded purgatory.

“Zuo Jiuyang, right Jiuyin.” Shi Zhong murmured, “Jiuyin Jiuyang, is Tai Chi!”

Shi Hao shouted and gave a punch, and the yang was like boiling: “Take you something, give me a break!”

The iron fist hit, Shi Zhong sealed his hands and greeted Shi Hao.


When Shi Hao’s fist hit, Shi Zhong’s hands showed a circular halo, but half of the black and white, turned into a pair of yin and yang fish, swallowed each other, and each other, as if there is no end.

The power of one blow was actually solved by biochemistry.

Shi Zhong is proud and laughs: “All things are born with yin and yang. I am born with the body of nine yin and nine yang, which can evolve into a Taiji sacred body, beyond the life!”

Shi Hao’s brow wrinkles. In theory, whether it is Sacred Nine Yang Physique or Jiuyin’s sacred body, it is inferior to his ten-yang sacred body. Shi Zhong’s metamorphosis actually combines two kinds of Physique perfectly. , turned into a Tai Chi sacred body, yin and yang, the power is infinite, completely do not lose the ten yang sacred body.

This metamorphosis, how many kinds of Physique do you have?

“The mouse, you can see, what is this guy going on?” Shi Hao asked.

Purple Golden Rat shakes his head: “Yes is also very puzzled, this guy’s Physique is too much, it is not normal!”

Of course it is not normal. I have never heard of someone who can deprive others of Physique, but Shi Zhong did it when he was four or five years old.

“Take you normal is not normal, just kill it!” Shi Hao shouted, the offensive was more urgent.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Shi Zhong is also full of fighting power. The Taiji sacred body is really strong, and the yin and yang are combined. It can melt everything in the world. What attack will hit the past. As long as it does not break the upper limit of his power, it will melt you, and it will not cause him. Ding points of damage.

Shi Hao also promoted the black hole law and swallowed the attack from Shi Zhong.

This is the ability of the metamorphosis level. The two men have the same combat power, which means that both the Tai Chi and the black hole law can completely devour the opponent’s attack – even if not all of them, and with their combat power, the remaining attacks can still Is there a threat?

At this time, both of them understood that they could no longer threaten each other.

Unless… they have a big move to break the deadlock.

Shi Hao is stunned and he has decided to use Overturning Heaven Seal.

The power of this attack is too great, and definitely exceeds the melting limit of the Taiji Eucharist. However, he is not sure that this shot will kill Shi Zhong.

A single blow can’t kill, then Shi Zhong will never give him a chance to be close.

Therefore, he must find the most suitable mobile phone meeting.

“Clan brother, it seems that you and my life and death war will take some time to start!” Shi Zhong did not intend to fight again, violently pulled back and rushed toward the stone table.

He wants to snatch the jade, and believes that the inheritance of Ding Lingfeng’s life is on it.

Shi Hao certainly won’t let the other party succeed, and quickly chased him up and started a bombing.

Shi Zhong Even if there is a Tai Chi emperor, it is impossible to let Shi Hao bombard, but to resolve it in a tit-for-tat manner, otherwise it will take its own way.

Shi Zhong was so entangled that Shi Zhong could only be forced to meet.

boom! boom! boom!

The two men fought again and they were playing in the dark.

They are now fighting for the Seventh Festival, and they have already reached the Eighth Festival, and even have the possibility of the Nine Festivals.

– Even if there are really nine sacrifices coming, they may not be able to get them.

Because their fighting power has not really caught up with the Nine Sacrifices, whether it is the black hole law or the Tai Chi body, it can effectively resolve the opponent’s attack, so the nine sacrifices must be cut in front of them to the Eighth Festival or even Low, then why are they afraid?

Shi Zhong obviously had no war, and broke through several times.

However, Shi Hao knows that the other party’s goal is that the jade, can be targeted in advance, so Shi Zhong repeatedly broke through, he easily blocked the other side.

“Tai Xuanzhang!”

Shi Zhong made another big move and blew it toward Shi Hao.

This attack is so powerful that even if there is a black hole that resolves most of the power, Shi Hao will still be shaken out.

Shi Zhong took the opportunity to break through and went to the stone table.

“Thinking beautiful!” Shi Hao jumped and quickly intercepted.

Shi Zhong showed a smile, but his body shape changed and he gave up the robbing of the jade.

This change made Shi Hao completely unthinkable, because in his view, Shi Zhong’s change is meaningless.

Does it make sense?


Shi Zhong’s figure is landing, and it has already raised Ding Lingfeng’s body and received it directly into the Spatial Spirit Tool.

“Clan brother, don’t play with you!”

After all, he laughed and went away.

His real goal is actually the body of Ding Lingfeng!

Shi Hao stopped and caught up with Shi Zhong. He couldn’t kill the other side – and vice versa, Shi Zhong couldn’t help him.

It can even be said that if both sides break out all the deadly battles, then the death must be Shi Zhong.


Because Shi Hao’s body is stronger, and when both sides can’t maintain Physique’s ability, then Shi Hao’s tyrannical body can play a decisive role.

Unfortunately, Shi Zhong will never let himself go that step.

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