Shi Hao certainly can’t divide the purple rat half, but only gives the other party a quarter.

– They are four in a row. Although Shi Feng has not come to meet for a while, can he not leave a copy for his father?

“Now, those outside who are be looking for us in madness, or honestly stay here.”


The two men and one mouse did not plan to go out, and they cultivated in the immortal mansion.

This time, their harvest is too big.

The harvest of a Heavenly Foundation Stairway can be crazy, let alone a bunch.

This is a huge gain from any monuments, but the question is, under normal circumstances, can you ransack a Heavenly Foundation Stairway powerhouse?

Seven days later, Shi Hao felt that he had touched a barrier and could no longer make progress.

Either break into Ascending Saint Position, or… sacrifice again.


Shi Hao has refining a tree and integrating it with himself. Therefore, this sacrifice not only has his own understanding of Martial Dao, but also a section of the sky tree.

He began to sacrifice, and the heavens and the earth accepted his sacrifices, and after a while, there was a great energy to give back to him.

All-round improvement, from Soul to the physical body, the qualitative change of life level.

Three sacrifices!

This time, it lasted for 11 days.

One more day!

Shi Hao feels that there is not much more in the understanding of Martial Dao. The difference lies in the sky tree.

That is to say, if he only sacrifices with the sky tree, it can be washed and quenched by strength of Heaven and Earth, and it takes a long time to go through the long-term breakthrough of the Great Heaven Offering. .

But that’s it.

No way, this is just a pass through the sky tree.

If the whole sacrifice is made, can the sacrifice time last for ten days and twenty days?

When I arrived, it was true that Heaven and Earth were communicating with him again, and I wanted Shi Hao to contribute the Small Universe.

This should be replaced by a person’s words. After even being rejected twice, it will definitely not come again for the third time, but the heavens and the earth are actually not emotional. The repeated rejection will not let “it” give birth to emotions. Variety.

Shi Hao decisively refused, this is his fundamental, although it is weak now, but it may not be able to evolve into a general existence.

On the other hand, Weng Nanqing and the Purple Rat also refine the Tongtian Tree and sacrifice it for a promotion.

Shi Hao is curious, the limit of Great Heaven Offering, is it the number of sacrifices, or is it time to be tempered by strength of Heaven and Earth?

You see, Shi Hao’s sacrifice of Heaven and Earth is at least ten times more than others. Then, if the other party has completed ten sacrifices, can he say that he has surpassed Shi Hao?

Therefore, Shi Hao believes that the limit of Great Heaven Offering is not determined by the number of sacrifices, but also the total duration of the sacrifice.

In short, the more times you sacrifice, the longer you are tempered by strength of Heaven and Earth, the stronger it will be.

What Shi Hao has to do is to limit the strength of Heaven and Earth to the limit when the number of sacrifices reaches the limit.

He came out of the immortal mansion, at this time naturally no powerhouse is still rummaging around, everyone’s focus is Ding Lingfeng’s god.

Who doesn’t want to be the second Kowloon gods?

In fact, Shi Hao has not pursued much in this regard. He has already stepped out of his own path. Even if he gets Ding Lingfeng’s gods, at most he is learning the other’s school, and he is not likely to go back.

So Shi Hao will spend a long time in the immortal mansion for a long time, otherwise, who can sit still?

He changed his appearance again and explored everywhere.

Not long after, he had an understanding of the situation in the past twenty days.

——An old palace was discovered, suspected of the location of Ding Lingfeng!

For so many days, the public has always wanted to fight into the palace, but it has not yet been done.


Outside the palace, there are various mechanism bans, which can pose a big threat to the Heavenly Foundation Stairway. In addition, there are also a series of monsters that are so strong that they reach the Heavenly Foundation Stairway level and also make the advancement of the army. It’s very slow.

Now, the various people have just joined forces to destroy the monsters and push them to the door of the palace. The gates are locked and locked by the array. The public can join hands and try to open the door as soon as possible.

That is to say, although Shi Hao “delayed” for twenty days, he did not miss anything at all.

Shi Hao three departures, going to the palace.

They soon came to the place.

If there is a collection of Ding Lingfeng’s gods here, then this be be the last stop of the place.

Shi Hao didn’t go forward. He just robbed everyone, and he didn’t want to give the head.

He looked quietly, very low-key.

The Purple Rat also wants to go straight into the door and take the treasure of Ding Lingfeng. However, the defense of this palace is obviously beyond its expectations, even if it can not be done with its power.

This is the case, it has been seven days passed.

During these seven days, all the great powers cooperated with each other, step by step, and the progress was very smooth. It is said that breaking the palace gate is only a matter of two days.

Sure enough, another day passed, and there was a cheering voice in front.

The ban is broken and you can enter.

The crowd quickly pushed forward, and the heavy palace door opened, making a dull noise.

“Ding Lingfeng, you are the bastard, and finally willing to let Laozi out!” At this moment, I heard the earth-shattering snoring heard from the palace.

Suddenly, everyone is stunned.

what’s the situation?

There are actually people in this palace!

Moreover, this person is actually locked in by Ding Lingfeng?

No, how many years have passed since this, who should not hang up early?

Is it… immortal?

It is not impossible. Ding Lingfeng has already soared to Immortal World. The strength is superb. It is really impossible to arrest a fairy and force it to be suppressed here.


Everyone is a hop in the heart, this is only the legendary existence.

Shi Hao rises up and looks at the heights.

Among the open palace gates, I saw a middle-aged man striding out.

He didn’t trim the margins, it looked full of rough air, and the hair was messy. If it wasn’t the one that had just come, and it was coming out of the palace, everyone would think that he was a city rogue.

By the way, may this be a fairy?

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, there are some circles.

The middle-aged man stopped at the door, his eyes swept over, and his face did not hide his disgust: “The most annoying thing is you guys. When you hear what treasures and monuments are born, it is like smelling flies. I flew over.”

Hearing such a metaphor, everyone is ugly.

You know, there is no shortage of Heavenly Foundation Stairway, and even the absolute level, but now it is like a fly, how can they not be angry?

However, this middle-aged man… is it a fairy?

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