It is no wonder that the five people of Qiao Bing are extremely jealous of this Ding Jiaquan.

People used to be the Heavenly Foundation Stairway. Now they have annihilated the previous life. They lived the second world. Don’t look at the cultivation base of Great Heaven. But the power is absolutely explosive.

Although placed in Immortal World, Heavenly Foundation Stairway is not a real thing, but Ding Jiaquan is still under the door of Xi Tianzong. This Xi Tianzong is estimated to be very powerful. Therefore, even if Ding Jiaquan is not very strong, it still makes people dare not dare. Under the black hand.

Otherwise, this kind of guy who may have endless troubles has long been secretly slaughtered.

Shi Hao looked at Ding Jiaquan, and his eyes were slightly surprised.

This guy is very ambitious, actually wants to learn Laoding live IX.

This is actually very dangerous.

Let’s not say that you can live out IX smoothly, even if you can, but how dangerous is it in the process?

This may take 90,000 years, and in this 90,000 years, Ding Jiaquan can only have the cultivation base of Heavenly Foundation Stairway, which is simply vulnerable to Immortal World.

Therefore, in Immortal World, you want to re-take the road of Ding Lingfeng, which is actually more difficult.

——Unlike the mortal world, reaching the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, there is no need to worry about the enemy of life and death.

Especially after living the second world, the two worlds accumulate, who is the enemy in the world?

However, this guy is also named Ding?

Shi Hao curiously said: “You are not the son of Ding Lingfeng’s son?”

Ding Jiaquan immediately showed his anger. He liked others to put him and Ding Lingfeng together, but he never wanted to live under Ding Lingfeng.

“My name is Ding, it’s just a coincidence,” he said faintly.

He is too lazy to explain anything else, but this is different.

His achievements in this life will never be weaker than Ding Lingfeng.

Shi Hao smiled, this person’s mind is really high, but it is too deliberate, obviously learning the old Ding, but another pair of disdainful appearance, but also very evasive of “Ding”.

No, it’s far worse than the old Ding.

Shi Hao asks himself, if it is his words, then he will not care about other people’s use to compare with the old Ding. When he climbs to his own peak, it is stronger and weaker than the old Ding. History has its own conclusions. He went to argue.

The next minute, too much, the indifference on the face, and the lightness of the face is also put out.

Shi Hao sighed and thought that he would meet a good opponent, who would only be a pretentious guy.

“Your life’s peak, should be just living out of the second world.” Shi Hao commented.

Ding Jiaquan was furious. In his opinion, this is the most vicious curse in the world.

I can only live the second world?

Hey, I want to go beyond Ding Lingfeng. I want to live the 10th world and let the world know that he is not only weaker than Ding Lingfeng, but even beyond!

“Looking for death!” He screamed and killed Shi Hao.

Boom, momentum, and horror.

He is the cultivation base of the Fourth Festival, and the combat power is reached to the Sixth Festival, which is completely inferior to Shi Hao.

Live a second world, can he not be strong?

Moreover, he still has all the rules until the Heavenly Foundation Stairway, but it is only limited to the realm of the realm, but it also makes his fighting vision far beyond the ordinary Great Heaven Offering.

All this has made his fighting power even stronger.

– If he doesn’t have the ability, he doesn’t dare to go back to Lao Ding’s way.

Shi Hao smiled and started a confrontation with Ding Jiaquan.

Oh, their battle is fierce.

Fortunately, this cave is laid by Ding Lingfeng. Every stone is sturdy and can’t be broken. Therefore, if the two fight fiercely, they will not cause any damage to the cave.

This shows that all of the Joe soldiers are moving and even screaming.

That is Ding Jiaquan!

Among the big Yunxian domain, Ding Jiaquan’s enchanting is one of the best. From the time when he was at Great Heaven, he could have two small levels of power beyond the realm to know how terrible this person’s fighting talent is.

Otherwise, the five of them will not be able to hear the name of Ding Jiaquan, they will be scared to escape directly, and even the battle is not dare.

But now?

Shi Hao actually rivaled Ding Jiaquan.

Hey, this guy can never be a genius, but other Genius genius, and it is still top-ranking, otherwise it can never be so strong.

Bo Hao banged, Shi Hao shot, but it felt a little boring.

The other side is really strong, but that’s it, there is a lack of surprise that makes his eyes shine.

However, it is really arrogant to live in the past and live in the second world.

Ding Jiaquan was able to live the second world, indicating that he is a genius, so it is not unusual to have a battle beyond the small realm in Great Heaven Offering. Then, when he lived again, his combat power has raised a small realm. .

If you can live out IX, can you cross nine small realms?

Hey, is the old Ding so arrogant?

Made Shi Hao want to annihilate himself and live again.

However, this thought is just a flash.

Everyone has their own way, Ding Lingfeng is living out of IX, and Shi Hao?

He is taking the road of invincibility in this world.

Moreover, the formation of Small Universe is too difficult, and I can’t guarantee that I can practice it again.

Therefore, in order to enhance the combat power of one or two sacrifices, but to resurrect one?

Shi Hao does not work!

And he speculated that Ding Lingfeng re-lived IX, not only to improve the same level of combat power, but to cultivate a certain divine ability, must live IX to reach.

The world believes that Ding Lingfeng live IX is accumulating, just to step into Immortal World, can quickly achieve Silver Lingxian or even Jin Yuanxian?

Shi Hao doesn’t think so, although he has never seen Ding Lingfeng.

This Ding Jiaquan’s words, huh, huh, picking up the teeth, but did not get the marrow, but still sings high in the other side, disdain and Ding Lingfeng compared, I really do not know where he came from.


Shi Hao shook his head, and the stone ball was sacrificed and went to Ding Jiaquan.

Under the same strength, his stone ball method is invincible!


A single blow, Ding Jiaquan was shocked and flew out.

He is eclipsed, what is this means, so terrible!

Shi Hao smiles proudly. The genius without his signature school is simply a pseudo-genius. Because he can only follow other people’s roads, how can he surpass others?

Ding Lingfeng lived out of IX and walked out of his own path. Therefore, when he entered Immortal World, he turned up Immortal World, and Shi Hao did the same. When the Small Universe came out, it was easy to suppress the same level.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The stone ball method dances like a meteor hammer, and Shi Hao does not need to use the second kind of school, and it will suppress Ding Jiaquan without any help.


The five people of Qiao Bing are stunned and have a wooden chicken.

That was pressed and pressed… Is it really Ding Jiaquan?

God, this is the top genius of Dayun Star. As early as the first world, Ding Jiaquan is not so famous now, but it can also be ranked in the top ten, and now it is squeezed into the top three!

So genius, actually pressed by Shi Hao?


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