
The palm of the hand hits each other and suddenly bursts with amazing light.

Everyone is only blind and blind, and can’t see anything at all.

Void Realm is really real. Otherwise, they are obviously spiritual, why is there a blinding effect?

Hey, they can only hear the fierce battle, and after a while, they will see the situation again.

Shi Hao is still fighting Shi Zhong, and his body is an extra stone ball, screaming at Shi Zhong.

Then, just a blow, the two are equally divided?

Everyone sighed, before Shi Zhong used the finger to resolve Shi Hao’s attack, and now Shi Hao is also the same, this pair of brothers are big enchanting.

boom! boom! boom!

Shi Zhong is obviously more dominant in the basic combat power. The strength of leading a small realm is not covered. However, when Shi Hao used the stone ball method, the situation immediately pulled back.

The stone ball method is invincible, and it is invincible. It is not like the sun law. Although the power is infinite, the weakness is also very obvious – of course, only the opponents of Shi Zhong, this can be called weakness.

Shi Zhong did not use the big move this time, but he was hard-pressed by his own strength, but he was somewhat hurried by the stone ball method.

No way, the power of the stone ball method is too great.

Shi Zhong certainly won’t have a solution. He just keeps watching the stone ball law, and studies how to crack it.

After a while, he finally returned.

He waved and flew out of a net.

Before he hit the ice net, now this net is woven from a cane, with incredible toughness, a net goes down, the stone ball immediately breaks the rattan net, two or ten Zhang and one hundred went down, and the stone ball was forcibly stopped.

Shi Hao smiled, it was Shi Zhong, and it was amazing.

Come again!

The black hole method came out and swirled behind Shi Hao, forming a horrible sucking force.

Shi Zhong gave a slight horror, because he felt that his soul had actually been torn apart. He quickly suppressed his body, and the tearing effect disappeared, but it consumed him a lot of energy.


His mind was moved, and there was a big river behind him. Hey, the water was so loud that people were flustered.

The people watching the game just watched for a while, all of them showed a disgusting expression.

The sound of the water is so annoying that they can’t stand it.

“What is this Culture Technique?”

“very scary!”

“I am flustered now. If it is fighting, the strength of the 10% is estimated to be only one or two percent.”

“Oh, this reminds me of a person who has long since passed away.”

“Yan Tongyu!”

“Hey, Yan Tongyu, but at the beginning, but a lot of savage, but also forced a lot of breakthroughs to escape into Immortal World!”

“Yes, one of the means he has mastered is not to disturb people with temperament, let the opponent’s combat power drop?”

“Yes, this has the same effect!”

There were many people around, and there were always people who had a strong memory of Bo Wen. They immediately turned over an ancient person and seemed to be right with Shi Zhong.

However, although Yan Tongyu has a disciple of disciples, this school must not know what happened, and it has not been passed down. But now it is almost reappearing in Shi Zhong’s body. How can people not be surprised?

This Shi Zhong is really a big chance.

Everyone else is disturbed, what about Shi Hao?

Of course, he is no exception, but the black hole method sucks one by one, and it is invisible to shake the rhythm.

This time, Shi Hao and Shi Zhong battled for a while.

Shi Hao shouted and killed Shi Zhong.

boom! boom! boom!

One moves the black hole law, the other is the big river out of phase, the two fight, the black hole law and the big river are also in opposition, and the black hole is broken by the waves of the big river, and the big river is swallowed by the black hole. Extremely fierce.

Shi Hao is amazed, is this the law of Shi Zhong?

So good, you can fight against the black hole.

However, Shi Zhong is even more shocked, because on the cultivation base, he is the fourth sacrifice, and Shi Hao?

Second sacrifice!

With the advantage of two small realms, he can’t get the upper hand. This is a disaster.

He, Shi Zhong, should be the strongest genius in the ages, and only if he overcomes the realm of others, which can be reversed?

This family brother, why can you be born again, and enchanting to such a point?

You know, Sacred Nine Yang Physique is extraordinary, but at most it is juxtaposed with Sword Body and Taiyin. It is impossible to help Shi Hao to get to the height of today.

Therefore, Shi Zhong is puzzling.

Before that, although he has not underestimated Shi Hao, but he is full of absolute confidence in himself, if the two fight, he will win.

But now, he is no longer so confident.

– Of course, fighting in Void Realm is definitely different from fighting in reality. Not to mention that this factor has not been involved, it means that one can only decide the outcome, and the other can be divided into birth and death. Sufficient to explain the problem.

For a moment, Shi Zhong’s mind turned over countless thoughts.

He quickly made a decision.

Kill Shi Hao!

However, how to kill it?

this is a problem.

The two are still facing each other, and they are all tricks.

Fire Burning the Firmament, Nebula, Purple Thunder Spear, and Shi Hao exposed many of their big moves, and Shi Zhong did the same, not to let people know how terrible the killing he had.

But when they call, the two still can’t tell the winner.

However, all those who watched the battle formed a unified understanding in their hearts.

— Shi Zhong is definitely a super enchanting man for thousands of years, but he is still inferior to Shi Hao.


Because Shi Hao’s realm is lower than Shi Zhong, but it can be evenly divided with each other, which naturally explains the problem.

The most enchanting, Shi Hao!

After fighting for a long time, the scene is still a split.

“Ha ha ha!” Shi Zhong laughed and decisively withdrew from the battle.

Shi Hao did not win the battle, the opponent is not weaker than him, and there is no point in fighting.

In this battle, he only tested the strength of himself and Shi Zhong. Now that the goal has been achieved, naturally he does not need to continue.

“Clan brother, you make your brother very happy.” Shi Zhong with a wide smile, seems to be a big brother who takes care of his brother. “From today on, the earth is big, you can do it.”

Shi Hao smiled a little: “I want to go to you, don’t know where you are?”

“Where is the family brother, still come to see you for the brother.” Shi Zhong asked in turn.

Of course, both of them refused to say their whereabouts. Who knows if there is a strong guardian around them, what if they leak their whereabouts and are stared?

Laughing and laughing, the expression on both faces cooled down.

Between them, they are destined to have a life and death battle.

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