Shi Hao smiled a little: “Well, come to war.”

Since Shi Zhong refuses to come out, playing the mobs can also increase the experience.

Qin Shuiyang stared at Shi Hao, and after a moment, he burst out of the sword.

In Void Realm, everything is formed by the spirit, so there is no big impact on the use of weapons.

However, some people are used to using weapons to play their normal functions.

Qin Shuiyang is like this. With a sword in hand, his combat power can be increased by at least 30%. Although this sword is also his own spiritual body, it can be said that it is both hands and feet.

The third realm of Kendo has a sword in his heart, and everything can be a sword.

Brush, a sword hit, the cold and the sky.

Shi Hao is a hard puncher.

Hey, his punching power is overbearing, and when he punches, he will break a sword light.

Qin Shuiyang is also very strong, and he does not give up in the face of Shi Hao’s attack.

boom! boom! boom!

It is clear that the battles are all spiritual, and the aftermath of the battle that can be radiated is still very incomparable, so that all the people watching the war are retreating and not competing.

You must know that these two people are the fighting power of the Five Sacrifices, so even if it is the aftermath of the battle, the power can be compared with the Three Sacrifices and even the Four Sacrifices. So, how many people can confront this aftermath?

Shi Hao is a little surprised, this opponent is really strong, has the strength of the five sacrifices, and the combat experience is very old, and the combat power is fully exerted.

Yes, such an opponent is worth a fight.

Shi Hao shouted and began to use some unconventional combat power.

For example, the stone ball phase.

Hey, a stone ball appeared out of thin air and smashed toward Qin Shuiyang.

Although Shi Hao formed the Small Universe, the sun is countless, but it really condenses all the essence, naturally only the first one.

It can be said that this is the parent star and blueprint of all stone ball methods.

Unlike other martial skills, the power of the stone ball system here is not affected.

Because this is originally a spiritual body, no matter in reality or in Void Realm, we will not have any change.

Qin Shuiyang will not be afraid of nature. My sword is a spiritual cohesion. Isn’t your stone ball not?

Who is afraid of who.

He cut a sword and smashed it toward the stone ball.


When the stone ball came, the blade immediately collapsed, and the collision was not in the slightest. He continued to rush toward Qin Shuiyang, and the man flew out.


Qin Shuiyang vomits blood, but the blood instantly disappears into the air, which is not an entity.

However, after such an attack, in reality, he will also have a certain impact, but it is relatively weak.

Qin Shuiyang is eclipsed, how can this attack be so horrible?

The same is the weapon of spiritual strength, how is Shi Hao’s stone ball so overbearing?

Of course, he wouldn’t know that it was not a simple spiritual body, but a law of Shi Hao. But there are rules of heaven and earth – is it a waste of time when Shi Hao first observed the regular structure inside the dwarf?

One is the law, and the reference is the strongest existence in the world. Is the power the same as the ordinary spiritual power?

That is really a joke.


Shi Hao didn’t make people feel good, and he was attacked by the stone ball method.

Qin Shuiyang did not believe in the evil, once again gathered a sword and greeted Shi Hao.

“Sword against the sky!” He shouted, and blew a big move.

Hey, the sword is broken and the people are flying.

In the face of the stone ball law, how can the same-level combat power be called an opponent?

Otherwise, how can the world and the will take the initiative to communicate with Shi Hao, let Shi Hao sacrifice the Small Universe?

Shi Hao doesn’t need to sacrifice other big tricks at all, and the stone ball method is enough to violent opponents.

– In reality, Qin Shuiyang can also use the weapon of the gods, maybe it can fight against the stone ball law, but in the Void Realm, what spiritual body can fight against the stone ball law?

How can you crush Shi Hao on the realm?

Qin Shuiyang is extremely depressed. His fighting power is really weak. Shi Hao, but every time he confronts him, he will suffer a big loss. Without him, the stone ball of the other party is too horrible.

He can’t figure it out. It’s also a spiritual body. How is the gap so big?

But he does not believe in evil, condensing the blade again and again, and Shi Hao is hard.

The result is naturally self-evident.

He was hit again and again, and the blade was broken and suffered a small amount.

Shi Hao shook his head, and in the battle of Void Realm, Qin Shuiyang could not be his opponent. He got Shi Zhong.

— A enchanting like Shi Zhong, I believe there will be secret weapons, even if it is not as bad as Shi Hao, but should be only a little worse.

Therefore, Shi Zhong will definitely be a strong enemy.

go away!

Boom, Shi Hao made another note, and Qin Shuiyang was completely shattered and turned into pieces, which disappeared into the air.

The audience was silent.

Who can think that before it was clear that the situation was the same, but Shi Hao suddenly took the plunge and instantly gained the upper hand?

It’s not Asura.

Shi Hao smiled and quit Void Realm.

If you can move the main dojo of Shuanghua Supreme, then refine the resources, can you let him achieve the blast of the cultivation base?

The requirements are not high, and it is enough to upgrade a small realm.

If he sacrifices the second sacrifice, the combat power can be better than the six sacrifices.

Double flower, since you have already eaten such a big loss, I believe I don’t mind eating another loss now?

Shi Hao Three people waited, and soon they saw that in the double flower main road, a group of people flew out.

The double flower lord personally led the army and took away many powerhouses in the dojo.

“This time, the main dojo is completely empty.”

“There is only one Ascending Saint Position.”

Shi Feng is confident and smiles: “I will solve this person.”

Of course, they have just left, in order to prevent them from suddenly killing a horse spear, Shi Hao three people decided to wait a little longer, and the Purple Rat has already set off to go to the situation.

To be a thief, you must know where the treasure house of others is hidden?

This time, we must make a quick decision.

In the middle of the night, Shi Hao three people set off.

They have no thief conscious, all the way straight.




In the dojo, people just smashed out and wanted to stop Shi Hao and his party, but they were immediately stunned or bombarded. No one could say the second word.

“A big courage, dare to smash the double flower field!” Finally, the Ascending Saint Position powerhouse sensed something wrong and flew out.

Shi Feng smiled and lifted up, and the shot rushed toward the man: “Blow you!”

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The battle of Ascending Saint Position broke out immediately, and Shi Feng was obviously more powerful, and instantly took advantage.

“Small stones, this, this!” The purple rat was called.

Shi Hao and Weng Nanqing rushed over, they entered the immortal mansion, and the purple rat was penetrated into the treasure house.

After the harvest began, the two men and the eyes were all eyes.

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