Gu Tong naturally knows what Shi Hao means. He sinks: “My god, it’s still a little bit of a fire, so I have to wait. And I have to leave a backhand, that is you.”

He looked at Shi Hao: “When you can stand alone, I will let go!”

Previously, he had been encouraging Shi Hao to do something big, just to give himself and leave a path for Apex Cloud Star.

Therefore, he naturally has to wait any longer.

“Big Brother Gu, do you want to go outside the world?” Shi Hao asked, although Gu Tong is powerful, but does not own a starship, naturally he cannot leave the Apex Cloud Star.

Gu Tong shook his head: “I want to continue to connect with this star to make sure I can shrink it and bring it to Immortal World.”


After Shi Hao and Gu Tong said for a while, the two said goodbye.

Next, Shi Hao left Apex Cloud Star again.

There are fewer people left this time, only Shi Hao, Shi Feng, Weng Nanqing plus purple rats.

— Little Black They haven’t moved into Great Heaven Offering yet, and there is no reason to go out to practice at Apex Cloud Star.

A month later, they came to the abandoned star and then came to Baihua Star with a transmission array.

Shi Hao accessed Void Realm and came to the area of ​​Great Heaven Offering.

“Shi Zhong, dare to fight!” he cried.

Want to know where Shi Zhong is, then see the top side of Void Realm, and then set the words, always better than the full star?

Maybe, Shi Zhong is self-sufficient, really tells where he is?


“He is challenging Shi Zhong!”

“Hey, although he is enchanting, he has just entered Great Heaven Offering. From the process of his battle with the Double Flower, he can see that his combat power has not reached the level of Shi Zhong.”

“I am really curious. Since they are people of the same family, why are there such a big hatred?”

“Oh, there may be deep hatred between the brothers, not to mention the same people.”

Shi Hao didn’t care about the arguments of others, but repeated it over and over again.

However, Shi Zhong has never appeared.

Can’t you come out?

Shi Hao gathered in a pair of fists and slammed into the earth.

Oh, the sound is huge.

Suddenly, the monument appeared.

Shi Hao’s name appeared in the 94th.

This is a monument to force, but obviously Shi Hao has not broken the record, just can be on the list.

The 94th place in the past ten years, in the case of a one-story Martial Artist, this is already a bad achievement, but compared to Shi Zhong, the first in the world, the gap is quite obvious.

It can be seen that the entire Xingyu has produced more than 90 sacrifices in the past ten thousand years. The time span is so long that it is difficult to reach the five sacrifices.

– Of course, some people may have entered the Five Festivals and have not left a score in Void Realm.

Everyone looked at it, then shook his head and looked so expressionful.

Your Asura is really enchanting, but the district sacrifices to challenge Shi Zhong, and it is too tender.

Boom, however, the Martial Dao monument reappears.

This is a brand new Martial Dao monument.

“With a sacrifice cultivation base, the five sacrifices are blasted, and the first time!”

There is only one record and only one name.


Oh, suddenly, the group is excited.

Asura has broken records!

The cultivation base of a sacrifice, the strength of the five sacrifices, this is a metamorphosis, and it is still super metamorphosis.

Many people here can only get stuck in a sacrifice for a lifetime, and a very small number of genius are expected to have four sacrifices. This is already an amazing achievement. You see, the history of the five sacrifices is only 90, and it is distributed in the 10,000 years. Inside.

What about Shi Hao?

Once you enter Great Heaven Offering, you have the power of the Five Sacrifices. The starting point is the end point that most people can only look up to. This is really desperate.

The double flower sage loses.

— If you know that you are using it for comparison, you will be very depressed. He is not the most difficult Heavenly Foundation Stairway in history, but it is used to set off the power of a Great Heaven Offering.

Shi Hao took back his fist and looked indifferent. He put away a Void Realm and looked at the sky.

Shi Zhong, have you not been there?

Next, Shi Hao enters Void Realm every day and declares war on Shi Zhong.

For a long time, the entire Xingyu knew, and Shi Hao actively pursued Shi Zhong.

But Shi Zhong never responded, and no one even saw him enter Void Realm.

— Soul body can be disguised, so maybe Shi Zhong has come in, but it has not responded, and it is possible that Shi Zhong is practicing and appearing innocently.

However, it has been inevitable that there will be a rumor.

There is now a voice in Void Realm, that is, Shi Hao is too strong, and Shi Zhong is afraid of losing, which is a fear of a war.

At the beginning, there was no market for this statement, but Shi Zhong did not show up. Gradually, this statement was accepted by many people.

Shi Zhong, but that’s it.

Breaking the record is one thing, but it can be on the list, indicating that the gap between them is not very big. Therefore, Shi Zhong cherishes the feathers and does not want to fight.

Because he won and is also be, and once lost, the prestige and confidence for him is a big blow.

Shi Hao hasn’t been in Void Realm all the time. He is still learning about the big things happening in Xingyu, to see if there are any monuments and great medicines that can make him fit.

Good news is not there, bad news is there.

— Shuanghua Supreme has reached an understanding with the family, not to pursue the ancestor’s murder to pay for the Vatican, the two sides jointly offer a reward, whoever provides the message of Shi Hao’s whereabouts, can get amazing rewards.

And if you can bring Shi Hao to the front of both of them, there will be more rewards.

If you die, you can also enjoy it, but the number is much less.

But even the reward of the dead is that Shi Hao is very heart-warming.

“I was so worthy?” he murmured.

“Looking at the Lord wants to take you down, send it to your family or the double flower lord to receive the reward.” Purple Golden Rat joked.

Shi Hao turned his eyes and said: “The mouse, go to the double-flowered home to play?”

The Purple Rat suddenly understood what he meant and quickly said: “Well, I haven’t gotten a ticket for a long time, and my hands are itchy.”

“Oh, it really is a thief, it hasn’t been done for a long time.” Shi Hao smiled.

“Hey, you are a thief, your family is a thief.”

Shi Hao set off for three people and went to the nest of the Double Flower.

This is in the Flying Tiger Star, the star Martial Dao prosperous, the Heavenly Foundation Stairway powerhouse in ten, one of them is still absolutely powerful.

The Double Flower Master created the Double Flower Dojo, and the doorman has numerous disciplines.

In general, powerhouses will build their own power, because cultivation requires too much resources, and resources cannot be changed out of thin air.

——spirit medicine. Let’s plant it. Spirit Stone has to dig it. It is a treasure trove of monuments. Can someone go there?

Powerhouse More needs to put time on the rules of the world, which points come out?

Therefore, this requires the establishment of a force, and the trivial people will do these trivial things for themselves.

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