One second to remember, popular novels are free to read!

    Shi Hao's brain is running wildly.

    He must calculate the most appropriate dodge program, because the rolling stone is endless, he can not just ignore the dodge, but to take the whole into consideration, otherwise he escaped the first one, can not hide the second, hiding After the second one, I can't hide the third one.

    It was only a moment, and he developed the best strategy.

    "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

    A piece of rolling stone rushed from the side of Shi Hao, but no matter how dangerous it was, Shi Hao could always escape.

    Moreover, he did not stay in place, but was constantly moving forward.

    – If this is fixed, the rolling stone will not stop, and it will only stay forever.

    Therefore, Shi Hao fled as he ducked.

    Fortunately, this row of stairs is not too long, he quickly rushed out of the rolling stone area.

    Next, it is a row of relatively safe areas.

    However, the situation quickly came out ahead.

    The frost is everywhere.

    Shi Hao went up, banged, and immediately ignited a flame against the horrible low temperature.

    After a while, the nearby fire elements were taken out, and Shi Hao called the other Elemental Power, step by step, firm, and quickly walked out of the area.


    He was surprised to find that the steps in front of him had turned.

    Shi Hao walked over and turned a corner along the steps, and there was a Taoist statue in front.

    What happened?

    He didn't dare to care about it, but slowly walked over, but this Taoist temple had already been run down. The door was only halfway, and the eaves were broken. There was a hole in it, and the sun was poured out.

    "Cloud view."Shi Hao read the words on the threshold.

    Regaining his gaze, he walked into the Taoist temple and began to look for it.

    Is there any good thing?

    After a half lap, he found a stone monument, his eyes swept over, and he could not help but reveal amazement.

    There is a row of words on the stone tablet: "I will bully me, and he will return a hundred times." Gu Shiyun. ”

    Gu Shiyun, another Gu Shiyun.

    Shi Hao found that he seemed to be entangled with Gu Shiyun.

    In the cursed land, he and Xia Mengyin entered the Temple of Heaven, and ended up with an old man with a sword on his head, planting a "chasing soul", and the story of the Temple of Heaven is most likely the Gu Shiyun Under Heavens Sect main hall.

    Later, when he went to the sea, he encountered a shipwreck and fell to the desert island. He also found Gu Shiyun's message stone.

    Now,This is the third time.

    The ghost is not scattered.

    Shi Hao pondered this sentence. I believe that when Gu Shiyun left this sentence, he should not be the power of Heavenly Foundation Stairway, otherwise he would not be so angry and directly kill the person.

    However, the Lord’s revenge is very strong.

    The average person directly comes back for revenge, and he still has to leave a message on the stone tablet, for fear that others will not know.

    Shi Hao can understand that coming out of a small place, without background, and amazing talent, will certainly be stunned and targeted.

    Therefore, Gu Shiyun must have suffered a lot of grievances and eventually left in anger.

    Hey, it wouldn’t have been a big sect, but it was destroyed by Gu Shiyun?


    Shi Hao thought of the ghouls underneath, from the corpse to the corpse, and said that it would take thousands of years, and as Shi Hao observes, it requires harsh environmental conditions, such as strong yin, which is necessary. .

    So, which martial art will establish the mountain gate in such a strong place?

    Which martial art will not be discovered after so many years?

    Therefore, Gu Shiyun should be accidentally discovered this place – most likely to avoid the pursuit of the killing, so he left the message in anger and then went away.

    No matter what, in the end, Gu Shiyun won, he became the power of the Heavenly Foundation Stairway level, swept the world, myriad sects came.

    Can be searched by Gu Shiyun, can there be any good things here?

    Eh…Shi Hao sighed.

    Eh…Another sigh rang.


    Shi Hao was shocked by the heart, only to feel the cold hair on the back.

    If his ear power is a little worse, then he will use this sigh as a reply of his own sigh, but the key is that his ear is very good, so he is very clear, this is the sigh of others.

    Here, there is still another person?

    "Oh, which friend?"Shi Hao was shocked but not confused, but he smiled.

    "Little brother, do you know me?"Behind him, a man’s voice came.

    Shi Hao slowly turned back, only to see a tall man behind him, looks almost thirty years old, a gray cloth robe, looks very ordinary, only a pair of eyes are particularly bright, extremely colorful.

    This is a master!

    Shi Hao couldn't see his depth at all, but it was only when the other person sighed that he was shocked, which proved that the strength of the other side was terrible.

    "do not know."He shook his head very honestly.

    "So how do you know that I am your friend?"The man asked.

    Shi Hao turned his heart and smiled: "The predecessors can make me die unconsciously, but I have not shot, obviously it is a friend."

    The man shook his finger: "That's not necessarily, maybe I am very abnormal, like to let people watch themselves being cut a little bit?"

    Mad, don't be so scary!

    Shi Hao smiles unchanged: "I believe that the predecessors are not such a pervert."

    "Haha!"The man laughed. "Well, your boy's mouth is really good, and I am apologetic, I can't be angry."

    "The seniors misunderstood."Shi Hao said indifferently, there was no flustered, although his back was soaked.

    Calm, this is the quality that you want to be a powerhouse.

    The man reached out and patted Shi Hao's shoulder: "Kid, you are very bold, I like people like you!" Why don't you follow me later! ”

    His eyes sparkled and his face was filled with sincere expression.

    Oh, I don't even know your name.

    "Right, my name is Gutong."The man said, "The kid, follow me, I am doing a great work that has never been seen before, and changed the world. You will follow me, and you will be remembered in the future, leaving a reputation that will never die."

    Gutong, ancient?

    Shi Hao was amazed. In this place where Gu Shiyun left a message, he met a person named Gu, who had to doubt the relationship between the two.

    “Predecessors are the descendants of Gu Shiyun's predecessors?”He asked directly.

    "Hahaha, how come you think so!"Gutong shook his head. "How about creating a big business with me."

    How little is your hand?

    Shi Hao also shook his head: "The younger generations like freedom and don't want to be bound, I am afraid to let the seniors down."

    “Don't think about it?”Gutong asked again.

    "Thinking again and again, it will not change."Shi Hao smiled, but the expression on his face was an insincere persistence.

    This is his principle.

    Eh…Gutong sighed and looked disappointed.

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