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    A calm life has been broken.

    There is a mountain outside Jiuwu City, which is called Shuanghualing. From a distance, the two main peaks are like two flowers facing each other. The rolling hills are like blades, and they guard the main peak.

    Between the two main peaks is a canyon, steep and dangerous, difficult for ordinary people to pass.

    It is full of all kinds of spirit medicine, but there are also Vicious Beast, which is a well-known danger.

    However, suddenly there was news that Shuanghualing was separated by a mask, and the people inside could not come out, and the people outside could not enter.

    After receiving the news, the four giants were alarmed.

    What was happening?

    Is there an ancient vestige to be born?

    They sent masters to inquire about the situation, but even if it was Lokeśvara powerhouse, the full bombardment of the mask only produced a thin crack, and the cracks would be repaired automatically.

    The news was sent back and the Casting King Hall was shocked.

    It is really possible that a monument will be born.

    Han Liren personally took out some of the backbone of the family, the younger generation Zhong Junjie, and went to Shuanghualing.

    Not long after, they came to the place.

    Shi Hao looked at it and saw that the rolling green hills in front of him were covered by a mask. The mask was so undulating, and because of this ripple, the mask with no color could be captured by the naked eye. To.

    He reached up and found that the mask was very soft, and one hand suddenly got in. The more you stretched in, the more difficult it was to advance. After half of the arm was also explored, it was very difficult.

    Even the Lokeśvara powerhouse can't be broken, and the toughness and strength of the mask can be seen.

    Han Liren personally shot, and hit a heavy blow. Hey, the mask is like a broken porcelain, and there is a spider-like crack, but it immediately begins to heal. When Han Liren hits the second hit, the crack It has healed by two-thirds, hey, and then hit it again, and the crack re-expanded.

    Hey, Han Li people repeatedly bombarded, the cracks expanded, but after reaching a degree, healing and destruction formed a balance.

    Han Liren has already tried his best, and he has to stop at the time of the smashing of the incense.

    This is just a waste of effort.

    "Let's go!"He made a quick decision.

    Where are you going?

    Of course not going back, but turning around the reticle.

    Soon, they met another team.

    Cheng Jia.

    Cheng Jia has two Casting King Hall abilities, although one is a king, they are the first giants in Jiuwu City.

    "Cheng Yangxiong, Cheng Xingxiong!"Han Li people hold a fist, this time, Cheng Jia two Casting King Hall can be fully dispatched.

    The two great nods nodded: "I can't break the mask with the two of them, and I need the help of Han brother."

    "Haha, the old man is holding the same idea."Han Liren laughed.

    The three major Casting King Hall teamed up to bombard the reticle. However, this only makes the crack more dense, but it still cannot be broken.

    “Go to the Zhang family and the time home.”

    The two families set out to find the other two giants.

    Did not find how long, the four giants will meet.

    It turns out that the time family and the Zhang family have joined together and want to join hands to break the wall, but naturally no fruit, thinking about finding a Han family and a Cheng family.

    join forces

    The five major Casting King Hall shots at the same time and slammed toward the mask.

    Hey, under the intensive bombardment, the cracks on the mask are getting more and more dense, and more and more dense, finally reaching a limit, smashing, and breaking.

    Of course not the entire mask, but the one that was bombarded by the five powerhouses, breaking through the entrance of a diameter.

    "Get in quickly!"The five powerhouses are all shouting because the mask is healing quickly.

    After entering a third of the people, the entrance has been reduced to less than three feet in diameter. No one dares to enter. In the process of crossing, just the mask is restored, and you are stuck?

    Is it directly the result of everything?

    The five powerhouses once again joined forces, but when they shattered the mask into a hole, they were surprised to find that the people who had entered before disappeared.

    "No, the environment is not right!"

    The people who entered were gone, and before they clearly saw three poplar trees behind, now? It became a bush.

    Hey, every time you open the mask, it corresponds to a different location?

    LikeThe mask not only separates the two worlds, but also the two worlds that are relatively changing.

    "No matter what, advanced."

    Oh, another third of the people entered it.

    Later, the mask was closed, and the five powerhouses had to open the mask for the third time. Sure enough, the people who entered the previous two batches were all invisible, but after this time, everyone entered.

    The rupture healed quickly, and the mask shimmered as if nothing had happened.


    Shi Hao was the first person to enter the mask, but Han Dong did not. He didn't have time to fall behind and could only wait for the second batch.

    However, everyone waited, when I saw that the five powerhouses began to bombard the mask, they suddenly found out that no one was outside!

    This is very strange, as if everyone disappeared at once.

    What happened

    Everyone is very embarrassed and looks very upset.

    "Look, the outside background is different from where we came in!"Someone suddenly said.

    He was reminded of this, and others found something wrong.

    “Does the heavens and the earth here constantly change direction?”


    If this is true, what a terrible power can it do?

    Look at this Shuanghualing, how big is the whole mountain range and how amazing the weight is?

    To move them in a position where they are unaware, this power is not only big, but also stable, it is even more terrible.

    Everyone waited for a while, but no one entered.

    "Let's go, it seems that other people will come in from other directions."Someone suggested.

    "No, we still have to stay here and wait, as long as the followers turn around in the direction of the mask, they can always find us."

    "Oh, that's not necessarily. There is obviously a powerful force in the world. Are you sure that silly is useful?"

    The two sides are arguing, and some people decide to explore this unfamiliar world, while others insist on waiting.

    They are originally from four forces. Naturally, no one will listen to them. In the end, if they want to leave, they will leave. If they want to stay, they will stay.

    Shi Hao smiled and took his hand and walked alone.

    Big yellow dog Didn’t come, Han Dong is not among this group of people, he naturally is too lazy to answer who.

    Han Feihuo looked at the disappearance of his back, and could not help but reveal a sneer.

    It’s a good opportunity to take Shi Hao here and ask the other person’s Martial Dao Cleaning Technique to kill him. Who would think of his head?

    For me, please go to hell.

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