Zhao Long River, six stars Immortal King.

He was much older than Li Hao, but at the Immortal King level, the age difference would be diluted.

Four stars, Immortal King, 100,000 years old, and seven thousand years old, Immortal King King, were further difficult at this realm.

That is why the Zhao Long River is also in the confinement, looking for an opportunity to go further.

鈥淪enior Brother Zhao!鈥?Li Hui Hui is no dded to Zhao Long River, which is not surprising to meet each other.

Immortal Venerable is based on the perimeter of the forbidden area, which, while not territorial, has a private sense of silence and corresponds to the corresponding Immortal Venerable.

So, my family’s messenger won’t go to your house, nor will your family come to my house.

This region belongs to a broken lineage.

So it’s not surprising to meet Zhao Long River here.

Of course, this area is also amazing, and it is also a coincidence to touch it.

The two people said that Li Hao was naturally speaking of Shi Hao.

鈥淲hat, are you chasing Shi Hao to kill?鈥?Zhao Long River is shocked.

鈥淵eah, what’s weird about that?鈥?Li Hao Hao asked.

Oh, shit!

Zhao Long River poured a breath and said, 鈥淵ou know, Shi Hao fought twice with Mo’s heart, for the first time, and for the second time even broke one arm?”

Mo sword!

Li Ho is cold, and he naturally knows who the sword is, and that’s the superior genius, who is sealed by the Nine Flame lineage, and then will truly inherit the presence of the Nine Immortal Venerable clothing!

It was said that his strength had long been breakthrough the limit of nine stars Immortal King, reaching the level that ordinary Immortal King could only expect.

If this exists, you can only fight Shi Hao and even get cut off one arm?

How could it be?

No way!

鈥淪enior Brother Zhao, did you get false news?鈥?Li Jo can’t believe it.

Zhao Long River shake his head: 鈥淣o way!”

It has been spread boiling.

鈥淚 dared to conclude that Shi Hao was not that strong.鈥?Li Hao was confident, but he chased Shi Hao twice, although he did not have a real hand, it was just the same thing that the other side’s breath, as well as the speed that it showed, was a star Immortal King’s battle.

It’s weak. Okay.

Zhao Long River is not sure, because he just heard Shi Hao’s strength, and Li Hao himself said that he was chasing Shi Hao for a few nights.

So, which one should he believe?

鈥淪enior Brother, next time I meet him, I’ll kill you!鈥?Li Ho is full of confidence.

Zhao Long River slows down nodded and sees it as follows:

They spent a few days with each other, but when they really wanted to meet Shi Hao, they couldn’t afford to waste their time on the search for Shi Hao, so they split up in a dozen days.

However, things are so coincident.

Four days later, the two met Shi Hao, respectively.

One is master, one is incarnation.

Unfortunately, Zhao Long River, he met the owner.

鈥淪hi Hao?鈥?Zhao Long River met Shi Hao’s memory image, which was recognized in the first time.

Shi Hao is drilling out the critical moment of incarnation, where time has come for him, sitting on his own, without any reason.

You’re crazy!

Zhao Long River is unhappy and has an intention.

In the first place, Shi Hao repaired Small Universe, breathing was unclear, and he couldn’t see it at all, and he listened to Li Hao’s words, and he believed that Shi Hao was in fact more than true, so nature made him nervous.

鈥淪hi Hao, you’re too blind?鈥?He said so.

Shi Hao is still ignored, and at this point he really can’t distract.

鈥渉mph!鈥?Zhao Long River is finally unbearable, long tsunami, shouting towards Shi Hao.


When he approached Shi Hao, he just saw Shi Hao picked up, and then he flew out and flew over countless distances, and then fell down again.

Well, there’s no killing plan at the landing point, or if Shi Hao hadn’t shot him, he’d be dead.

Good, dangerous!

Zhao Long River climbed up and then hit a slut.

Shi Hao’s strong. It’s a haircut!

If Shi Hao was just trying to kill him, that would well have killed him like a mosquito.

– Immortal King was murdered, based on the premise of his own courting death.

After Zhao Long River, he was almost dead.

Li Yi Ho, is that how you pitched me?

I’m not finished with you!


On the other hand, Li Hao met the incarnation of Shi Hao and immediately launched an attack.

It is true that Shi Hao has no courage to compete and flee immediately.

Li Hao could have fought with Mo’s heart in the light of the fire.

However, a few days after the chase, he gave up.

Immortal King wants to run, and who can catch up with this kind of pervert class like Shi Hao?

鈥淪enior Brother Zhao?” But coincidently, he met Zhao Long River again.

He ran away from the past, and did not notice the dark face of Zhao Long River, saying, “Before I met Shi Hao, I just ran after him.”

You, Ted!

Zhao Long River doesn’t hit one side.

Do you still want to pitch me?

What’s good for you to pitch me like that?

You chased Shi Hao?

Mad, I’m a six-star Immortal King, and I’ve been beaten to death, and you four stars, Immortal King, can still chase people?


He can’t stand it, and he immediately hit Li Ho.

Don’t say Li Hao is just four stars, Immortal King, cultivation base is going to be weak, even if they’re almost two, but how can Li Ho think of a storm in Zhao Long River?


He was immediately bombed off.

At this moment, he was forced to do so.

Why did Senior Brother Zhao hit me?

What did I do wrong?


He fell heavily on the ground, and Zhao Long River didn’t let him go so cheaply, and then another sword went up and went on.

bang bang bang bang, Li Hao was treated as a sandbag.


Li Ho, the whole man’s not good enough to turn around.

It’s too much fun to be beaten.

Zhao Long River struck Li Hao Stop, but after all is the side, he can’t really kill each other, otherwise he can’t give up.

鈥淭hen you will harm me like this, even if I fear punishment, and I will kill you!” He will send a warning, then turn around and give Li Yu no opportunity to justify it.

What else is there to justify?

He almost got shot by Shi Hao. Isn’t that the truth of the bloody shower?

Zhao Long River left, while Li Hao was sitting slowly, all of his face was faint and succumbed.

He was so grievous, and he was beaten to stop.

What’s going on?

And what does Zhao Chang say about that?

Kill him?

When did you kill him?

It’s not famous!

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