From the other side of the mud road, an Immortal King!

Immortal King, of course, has nothing to do with it, but it’s so amazing.

“Is that the only way to go?” Shi Hao confirmed.

“Good.” Ding Ring Peak is very painful, nodded, “after I made it, I walked forward, but at least I walked out of 100 miles to that’s all.”


said it was easy, but let Shi Hao have his teeth.

Bull fork, that’s a fork.

“When the leaves go back, the other side of the mud road comes up with an Immortal King!” Shi Hao fu, “Do you think this is related to Yellow Dignity?”

“What the hell is going on over there, no one knows! The pride, though past, has not come out, so the secret there has always been secret and has never been excavated.”

Shi Hao is not thinking, is this Roan man he saw for two million years, the first person who walked out of there, or is he the first?

What’s his purpose?

And in this case, Shi Hao was busy taking out that sealed Spatial Spirit Tool, and forwarded the past to Old Tin: “Senior, it was searched from that Immortal King, but it was sealed and forcibly broken, and only the Spirit Tool collapsed.”

Ting Ling Peak took over, and he looked at it for a while, and he said, “This is forbidden, and I can’t understand.”

As a result, forcible break-ups, things in them will be lost in Void turbulence.

Shi Hao is not disappointed, is there no way to even old Tin?

“However, it would be useful for me to stop the time and to stagnate at a moment, even though it is not enough to take things out, to look at what is hidden there.” Ting Ling Peak said with a smile, apparently complacent.

This is Immortal Venerable!

Shi Hao nodded, this can’t be done, no matter what’s hidden in it, let’s see what it is.

An Immortal King, coming from the mud path that only talent can pass, with a devastating ban on his body, is bound to be very important and surprising.

The spatial Spirit Tool was shattered, along with the sudden Thunder Light flash on his body, and Pā Pā Pā Pā Pā, and the noise terrifying could not be repeated.

His face, a little bit of a creepy.

“Ding, what did you see?” Purple Gold Rat asked.


breath in the peak of Tin Ling: “Destroying things can greatly destroy both sides of the barrier!”

“Immortal World’s barrier with Asura?” Purple Gold Rat.

“Good.” Dinken Peak nodded.

Oh, shit!


do people on the other side of the mud road want to do?

It’s not easy for the Asura community to repair the war for over 100,000 years, but is there any attempt to wilfully destroy both sides of the barrier and make it easier for the Asura community to kill?

“Is there something like this?” Shi Hao is curious. “Has Senior seen it before?”

“No.” The thunderstorm shakes his head, “and I’m just judging, but, pretty close!”

Shi Hao went down and said, “There are two vulnerabilities in the forbidden domain, and eventually they’re all the stars, aren’t they?”

“Very likely.” Dinken peak slows down nodded.

Shi Hao had thought that the collision between the two sides had created a crowd of stars, which had happened naturally, but now look at it, but not necessarily.

Some, or others, have power to deliberately collide between the two communities, creating weaknesses and creating opportunities for the ASura invasion.

Originally, the two communities should be everyone minds the business.

What kind of big plot, big plot, if this presumption is true?

Purple gold rats immediately said, “The prohibition existed before the glory, with no time to think, but in the light of the building remains in the forbidden domain, it was not forbidden long ago.”

“This means that, at some point, Immortal World has only launched a violent collision with the Asura community, and since then it has become an entrance to the Asura community, continuously creating two vulnerabilities, flying towards the Immortal World, and forming another cluster of stars.” Shi Hao goes along with what it means.

“Now, in the forbidden world, there are people or forces who want to make the conflict between the two sides more acute… Why is that?”

Shi Hao is silent at the same time. This information is too little. How do you presume?

“A little, the head of the mud road is probably hiding the secret of eternity.” Shi Hao said, “Even if it’s not good, it’s a tenfold increase in lifespan! Well, if there’s such a place, then should it be a hundred secrecy, why do you have to come out and be a demon?”

It’s immortality. What else?

Besides, what would the two communities benefit from major conflicts for these “mysteries”?

“From this point of view, God should be on the tunnel.” The Ting Peak goes on and says, “Otherwise, the dignity will not be seen!”

All right, all the secrets, probably hidden on the other side of the mud road, but you want to go before you have the power to have the talent!

Shi Hao thought, and said, “Senior, what does your story have to do with me?”

Why is he so heavy at the Tin Ling Peak?

Tingling Peak lightly smiled, saying, “To a height such as heaven’s dignity, it has been qualified to derive the future, and before it goes to that place, it has devoted great effort to spying on a long river of history.”

“While we have not received complete information, the Lord said that one day in the future, someone will work with him to fix Small Universe.” The Ultima then said, “That’s the seed he left, let me wait for support, and the future will calm down the scourge of the world.”

The scourge of extinction?

Shi Hao’s teeth, which means he’s already on such a big responsibility?

It’s a little heavy!

But when did I become a seed again?

“The Lord replaced the original world with his small Universe, which means that all those born after that have a record of the dignity, and one day there will be a man who will wake up and inherit the will of God!”

Shi Hao looked at Old Ding, and this guy turned around nine times in the world, so it wouldn’t be like trying to fix Small Universe.

It’s really possible.

But why did you just fix it?

Old Ding was forced to follow the pride, and now he’s easy to repair Immortal Venerable, but he can’t fix Small Universe.

Does this have anything to do with the prints that the Lord of the Asura community has printed for him?

One day, one life, one life, one world?

Shi Hao is not exaggerated, imagining possibilities.

So, after having met him, purple squirrels deliberately led him and helped him fix the Small Universe. And the Tin Ling Peak, by experimenting in the world, also determined that he owned Small Universe, was so that he could be helped repeatedly.

In a sense, Shi Hao is the deceased man.

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