Shi Hao will soon stop, and his strength will be exhausted.

At that time, he was very poor.

– The whole man’s like skulls. Where’s a little handsome before?

The last upgrade, the energy needed, was remarkable, and it was not enough to absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth alone. It was just one poppy of the sea that was all, all of which was drawing on Shi Hao’s own strength and the source of life, which had been completed.

In fact, it’s just to absorb his own strength, it’s nothing, it’s recoverable, it’s just time, but it’s different to draw life, it’s the life of Shi Hao, and it’s the life of Shi Hao.

How many lifespan did this cost?

Come on, Immortal King usually owns lifespan of 5,100,000 years, and now, Shi Hao, most of his life is lost!

That is, he can only live in about 200,000 years.

Big loss?

Of course it’s bigger.

However, since it has happened, Shi Hao will not be able to rectify and upset.

No way. He’s too special. He’s already ready for excess and over-expenditure resources, but it’s not enough!

Whoever made him too strong, one breath struck nine stars Immortal King’s battles, and the need for energy also reached a terrifying point.

Can he still live around 200,000 years, not enough for him to achieve Immortal Venerable?

And his goal is Dili!

Can’t we find no big medicine from the forbidden land to compensate for the loss of the natural resources of life?

The key is strong!

He’s strong enough now!

“You like killing me so much, so now, let me chase you!” Shi Hao Sen said.

He drained his breath, and all around’s energy was absorbed by him, including fairies, into a vacuum zone of energy, fairy, and Shi Hao’s power was immediately restored.

He crossed one step and sucked another.

The energy and fairies in another region were absorbed by him, bringing the power of Shi Hao back to some.

So, just a little more than a day, the power of Shi Hao is fully restored.

This is not the battle of the first five stars, Immortal King, but the horror that really possesses after breakthrough Immortal King.

Nine stars!

That is to say, he has no fear of immortal King, any such immortal King as the sword tiger.

“Small Universe, it seems that a dramatic change is being developed.”

Shi Hao did not act immediately, but sat down.

Now Small Universe, he is himself, every cell is a star, now moving into Immortal King, whose body is tempering by the Immortal King Channel, which naturally affects Small Universe.

Shi Hao, now he completes the energy he needs for a corpse will be an astronomical figure!

– Because his body and Small Universe have been merged, which means he’s going to fill both “mouth” at the same time.

Can’t you be frightened?

But Shi Hao has no regrets.

If he didn’t fully integrate Small Universe with himself, then he would have died, where would he come to fear now?

But just some energy that’s all, he can’t find it.

“Shi Hao!” The three women of Su Manman were also yelling, with strong fears of face, without any suspicion of his horror at this time.

Shi Hao nodded, the power is functioning, and the shape is rapidly becoming “full”.

He became so dry, just in the body’s energy was drastically consumed, and the power was now restored, and it was a small thing before it was restored.

black hair resurrected, and again became handsome, even better than before.

Because he’s Immortal King now, that’s natural.

However, the cause of the loss of life is not visible, so Su Manman’s three daughters are alike, with only Purple Gold Rats watching Shi Hao, brows slightly wrinkle.

“It’s always passive, and now it’s our turn!” Shi Hao said with a smile.

All three women were nodded, and they had been chased for nine years, so they were all caught in a stomach fire.


Four people walk forward and go back to the account.

However, the Nine Flames and the Star’s two factions have been withdrawn, and they do not know whether Shi Hao or think he can’t come back, but go somewhere else to kill him.

Shi Hao is not in a hurry, and he’s going to be immortal King, the force of battle to nine stars, no more immortal King, with such power, of course, self-confidence.

Revenge is certain, but it needs to be rush.

They swim all the way to the mountains and play water, and they’re very far away.

Shi Hao will then continue to mobilize resources, and then he will become a real swamp, and the resources consumed will reach an astronomical figure.

However, it is also a terror to bring about an escalation of power, which gives Shi Hao full expectations.

When he moves to Immortal Venerable, can he be a real enemy, Immortal Venerable?

It’s not a luxury, it’s a real possibility!

Under the agreement between Immortal Venerable and other Immortal Venerable, before Shi Hao does not yet have the quartet Venerable force, they will not personally take up Shi Hao – one of the other – and the other of them think that even if Shi Hao moves forward to Immortal Venerable, they can easily resolve Shi Hao and have enough time.

So this gives Shi Hao a long time of “development”.

Those Immortal Venerable thought Shi Hao had moved into quartet Immortal Venerable, which ultimately posed a real threat to them, and the party would have started with Shi Hao, but, in fact, Shi Hao had the strength to be hard with them.

“So I can now slight down, at least even if I have the force of immortal Venerable.” Shi Hao fu said.

“There are many other stars that have not visited, and I can continue to borrow resources.”

Shi Hao smiled and looked up to the sky.

Isn’t that the only one?

(O Muhammad SAW), he switched towards the sky.

One area is far more than a group of stars, which takes at least three or five days, but how amazing is Shi Hao’s speed now?

Just a half day later, he found a place.

The gods swept, and he found two Immortal King breaths.

This one should be Master here. What about the other one?

Shi Hao doesn’t care. He dignified is on his way.

“Uh-huh.” There’s a sudden flash, and this is a Jade Immortal, looking towards Shi Hao, “Who are you, how are you from?”

It’s not Immortal King, it’s not correspondent. How could it come to the stars?

But Shi Hao is too young. Is there such Immortal King in the world?

Shi Hao waved: “Go tell your family Immortal King that Shi Hao is coming and intends to borrow some resources.”

“Shi Hao!” Hear this name, the Jade Immortal Stone.

Now Shi Hao can say it’s notorious.

– With “borrowing“ resources in the fairy area, you can’t leave without borrowing.

Now he finally came to Ice River Fairy.

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