Shi Hao, while using 99 fairies, simply uses them out and does not really combine them.

As if 99 strings were not organized together, they were simply assembled, although strengths could be upgraded, they would certainly be limited and easily broken by each other.

Come on!

He started reorganizing Jade Immortal.

Can you reorganize 99?

It’s too difficult to do so, even Shi Hao, so he voluntarily withdrew the remaining fairies, leaving only two.

Two clusters, that’s easy.


black clothed old man and Shi Hao were, of course, sensitive to the changes in Shi Hao’s strength, and he was surprised to see that Shi Hao’s battles had weakened.

A trap?

No, it’s impossible, he’s the second star Immortal King.

Any crafty plots and machinations are useless in front of absolute power.

Don’t you?

Shi Hao, is it too late?

Also, why did he insist so long with the second star Immortal King?

So, hard, wary, that’s a normal thing.

Okay, you can go to hell.

black clothed old man has stepped up the offensive, with Shi Hao breaking up.

When Shi Hao’s adventure was born, wandering on the edge of collapse.

Well, he’s got a quick move, and if he’s not working, he’s solving the problem.

– So, Immortal King was killed, even if one star was on the top nine stars, he couldn’t run directly, and nine stars Immortal King couldn’t.

You’re using a massive attack?

Yes, but formidable power is so dispersed and wants to kill an Immortal King?

After half an hour, Shi Hao was excused.

And he waved again, and only two light rings on his fist had become one.

Rather than weakening his strength, he succeeded in bringing together Jade Immortal.

Had it not been breakthrough associate Immortal King, he would have been able to look at the secrets of Immortal King, and he would not have been able to stand in a higher perspective to combine Jade Immortal with that lack of awareness.

But it is clear that no one else can be as evil as he is, with a maximum of a few light Jade Immortal at the same time, and that more than ten or twenty ways of dying are limited, and that, like him, 99 more can be used?

Others had to use more than twenty channels, while Shi Hao said that the heavens and the earth allowed him to use only 99, without which he said that hundreds of light Jade Immortal could probably be used.

However, the clear Jade Immortal of the two perfect combinations remains far from hostile to the Immortal King rule.

– Good quality rope. That’s an enemy sword.


the third fairy is haunted, and then the fourth, fifth, Shi Hao, the perfect mix of fairies is growing, and the formidable power is growing, and when it reaches 36, qualitative changes have occurred.


Shi Hao struck Black Clthed’s old man, and he was struck out of the cage, although his strength was hostile, but he was no longer on the fairy spell.


It’s black clothed old man, Immortal King, and now it’s full of strong spit and shock.

How could it be?

Shi Hao is still on the horizon of Immortal King, absolutely not moving into Immortal King’s territory, but why is he no longer weak on the fairy spell?

Yeah, he’s still in power, but you know, what the fairy’s most important?


You’re stronger, but the rules are too much, and I can still be wiped out.

Immortal King was immortal King, and was proud of the fifth stage of immortal dao in possession of the Immortal King Channel, where only nine heavens and the earth were honoured.

So, in the fight against the fairy, he was beaten up by Shi Hao, shocking him with his hair, and a more difficult fear.

Monster, that’s a monster.

Shi Hao, you think this is my limit?


Shi Hao continues to increase the number of fairies in the portfolio, and his limit draws 99 megawatts of Jade Immortal at the same time, so now the limit is, of course, 99.

Thirty-six is enough to fight the second star Immortal King. What about 99?

Shi Hao was hopeful, and he was not leisure, and the fairies of accession continued to grow.

However, the more the number of fairies, the harder the combination is, after all, not simply used, but the more it takes into account integration with other fairies, the more it takes to think about nature, and the more forgiveness is the sense that Shi Hao’s consciousness is not enough.

In fact, at this stage, there is no need to spend so much effort on Immortal King.

Is it necessary to use the Ming Jade Immortal rule after the achievement of Immortal King?

Even if it’s just a combination of two Immortal King lines, then formidable power is even more fork than Jade Immortal, a combination of 99.

But Shi Hao is a fugitive, more than a perfect man, and since he can have a stronger force at this stage, why don’t we go after it?

How could he fix the limit in each realm without such a heart?

The pursuit is extremely ambitious, and it’s the strongest!

Forty! Fifty!

By this step, Shi Hao’s progress has been very slow, and at least one day’s time has been difficult to make him progress.

However, black clothed old man already wanted bullshitting.

He was well aware that Shi Hao was using the Ming Jade Immortal, but the bias against formidable power was surprising, even beyond Immortal King’s path, which posed a great threat to him.

He’s going to be overthrown in the heavens and the earth!


about the Immortal King Road?

Isn’t that a big joke?

It’s also fixing the ass Immortal King, all of which stays at the Jade Immortal level.


black clothed old man after all is Immortal King, he still sees that Shi Hao did not use ordinary Jade Immortal, but merged many of them together, as if I couldn’t beat you alone, a group of people, who killed you in quantities.

It is true that Immortal King was able to spur the Jade Immortal King’s secrets, but it was only the number of empty appliances that could crush other Jade Immortal forces – in essence, Immortal King was Jade Immortal, because it did not involve Immortal King, which was not Immortal King King.

Shi Hao, however, did not simply use the multi-pronged Jade Immortal, but rather combined them into a much larger and more than secondary effect.

How could this evil be?

black clothed old man has the knowledge that, at the height of his second star Immortal King, he can use a radical cornfield, but what’s the point?

A combination?

He wanted to, but, in such a short time, can he succeed?

And even if the combination comes up, it’s Shi Hao’s opponent?

Why don’t you just use Immortal King’s channel?

So, integration of Immortal King?

You’re kidding me. He’s in this level, not jumping out, and how can he do that?

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