Shi Hao took the stone essence up and felt a strong breath of life, no more than a pound.

“If I had eaten this thing, not even a rock man?” He suddenly asked the purple mouse.

“What do you say?” Purple gold mouse asks.

“Why don’t the other rocks eat this?” Shi Hao’s curious to say that these rocks are Immortal King’s ranks, to find the stone essence should be more convenient than him.

Purple squirrels shake their heads: “The heavens and the earth naturally have rules, and they can only swallow the same kind, and this may not be the same. Otherwise, this place will have only one stone.”

Yeah, too.

Shi Hao laughed and said, “Is this direct food?”

“You can steam, stew, cook, whatever you like.”

hehe, you’re so skinny.

Shi Hao did not say that it was a bite of stone essence, a blast of calcium, and, oh, the stone defended terror, but the stone essence was very fragile, and he didn’t have the power to bite it.

Then he sat on his knee and started refining up.

Stone mill is still very powerful, torturing the stone essence and forming the elite that Shi Hao can easily absorb.

However, Shi Hao found that the pace was clearly not as high as it was before.

Is it because the stone essence is too high?

Say, what the hell is this rock?

Shi Hao was thinking, on the one hand, of absorbing that amazing energy and letting his own cultivation speed take off.

One day later, he absorbed all the energy and fairies in this stone essence.

That’s amazing!

At this rate, he’s gonna have to completely refining this stone essence, and it’s gonna take a month.

Oh, shit!

Is this bad?

No, of course, it’s good that the refining efficiency of the stone is not weakened, and it’s just that the energy contained in the stone essence is too rich to make it look slow.

So how much heavenly materials and earthly treasures can this rock be?

The difficulty of obtaining heavenly materials and earthly treasures here has become more difficult because of the small number and more dangerous, but, once harvested, it is far greater than the periphery.

Same as the top!

Shi Hao continues refining, and the purple mouse has to share with him at all, and it says, “Little rock, you become Immortal Venerable as soon as possible, even Dili, so who else would you be afraid of?”

All right.

Shi Hao worked hard to refine, and he decided to become a lover, a relative, a friend’s thigh, and it was just as strong as that.

Two days, three days, four days, but by the nineteenth day, Shi Hao finally reached the side of Jade Immortal peak.

As a rule, he could then hit Immortal King.

However, Shi Hao has a greater ambition.

Break the limit, and more than once, he’s gonna fix 18 stars Jade Immortal, Limited.

It is still difficult to break the limit, especially in Jade Immortal, and the first limit in nine decimal numbers.

Shi Hao had been closed for 27 days, and that had enabled him to learn enough and compete.

Ten stars Jade Immortal!

Shi Hao has a feeling that this breakthrough limit, which brought him up, has also gained a leap.

Now, he should be not Fourth Step’s quartet Immortal King’s battle, but five steps!

However, this breakthrough will take a long time.

It is reasonable that Shi Hao’s Soul intensity has reached Immortal King level, and he can easily break through the quartet King, and then reach Ninth Step at the fastest speed and hit Immortal King again.

The whole process should be incredible and fluid.

But a 10-star Jade Immortal’s customs jammed him so long.

“Limited is hard to break!” He’s kind.

Purple squirrels whisper on the side, a breakthrough limit, who drinks water, qualifies for such an emotion?

Even if Shi Hao spent more than 20 genius breakthrough this time, but instead of being someone else, even Immortal Venerable’s relatives, that could be breakthrough in decades, they’d have to be excited, even more than 20 days!

This guy, too much.

Shi Hao continues to refining the remaining stone essence for 10 days, and his cultivation base has arrived in the middle of 10 stars Jade Immortal, but the stone essence refining is over.

“Yo, if there’s one more piece, I can reach 10 stars Jade Immortal peak, shocking 11 stars.” Shi Hao is thirsty.

“hehe.” And the purple golden mouse is pouring him cold water, “you know, this earth will only have a rock essence at the same time, and how many years will it take to make a stone essence pregnant to Perfection? In hundreds of thousands of years!”

“So you wait here for thousands more years!”

Shi Hao shrugged ,你就不能直接说这里没有第二块石essence 吗?

What does that mean?

He shakes his head, walks out of this hole.

Since only one after another stone essence had been taken by him, it would be a waste of time in search of it, so Shi Hao walked fast and left the region as soon as possible and continued to be sought in the next region.

He wants to take Immortal King here, or at least have Immortal King’s battles, and then go to the Purple Peak Immortal King and so on.

– You can’t always come after me.


few days later, Shi Hao finally walked out of this huge area.

Unfortunately, he was confronted with another noble stone who was chasing him, and it was good that when he ran out of the region, the stones stopped, and it seemed that it was limited and unable to leave the region or that it did not want to leave.


this point Shi Hao seems to have entered another world.

A dense forest, a green tree, a fauna, and a bird’s perfume, like an outdoor peach.

In the forbidden world, is there such an ounce of life?

“Oh, look carefully.” “Purple mouse is on the side.

Shi Hao looked closely but found no anomalies.


He opened Small Universe, using the World as a trigger.

Then he saw something completely different.

There’s no green trees, there’s only one absurd.

So what he saw was a fantasy, but what caused?

He said, “Is this where Immortal King buried his bones?”

So Immortal King’s immortal concept disturbed this place and formed such a hallucination.

“80 percent more.” Purple golden mouse nodded.

Shi Hao walked into the region, which was very strange, and the eyes saw, that was a green, lively world, and through Small Universe, he saw an endless sense of absurdity, which was amazing.

After a while, Shi Hao saw an Immortal Medicine in the front where he saw the vaporized fairy, but Small Universe told him that it was an intercepted sword, sharp and easy to smash Jade Immortal’s body.

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