Shaw Nine shiver coldly.

He went outside the world, of course, not stranger to immortal dao.

He was Bronze Armor Immortal, and the former white old man was Silver Spirit Immortal, and Gold Origin Immortal, and the water mirror country was Jade Immortal, and his Majesty was said to be more advanced today.

But Shi Hao can kill Silver Spirit Immortal for a second. What kind of cultivation base is that?

high rank Silver Spirit Immortal? Even Gold Origin Immortal?

Whatever it is, each other is totally crushing himself.

And Shi Hao, even the ambassador of the water mirror, is that gonna kill himself?

It was said that one Prince from the water mirror country had been killed, otherwise he would not be allowed to be listed by the water mirror State as a wanted offender.

Shaw Nine certainly didn’t want to die, and he just got into the fairy, had a great future waiting for him.

He kneeled down and cried, “Please, Your Majesty, forgive me!”

Shi Hao swept out and said, “Do I owe you a place to lose you?”

He first looked at the fall of his eyes, and then looked at the rebels and those who were reluctant at the last moment, who were too low to look at Shi Hao.

Indeed, Shi Hao brought the whole Apex Cloud Star to Immortal World, with great blessing for everyone!

In the first place, they were avoided from dying in the hands of a thousand real robots, and they could be refined in Immortal World, making it possible for everyone to grow up faster than ever before, even at the height of what they had to think about.

Such a kind of affection, it’s perfectly possible to repay it with life.

But what about them?

Thought Shi Hao was dead, it was against Shi Hao’s rocks who wanted to divide the great empire.

Is there anyone else?

“I was going to build a bunch of fairies this time.” Shi Hao indifferently said, “I have not only high rank Cultivation Technique, but also countless resources.”

He’s got a wave of refining resources like small mountains on the ground, mostly cactus, and a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and it’s gonna cost people’s eyes.

And there’s a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures coming together, spinning out, letting a lot of people with low realm directly close to Carson breakthrough!

That’s it!

This shocks people, too. It’s amazing. It’s a little bit of breath to low rank Martial Artist breakthrough.

Direct breakthrough fairy?

And Shi Hao said that this time he came back to nurture a bunch of fairies!

If these refining resources were not available, everyone might think he was talkin ‘, fairy, that means nurturing can be developed? And it’s still a bunch!

But now no one doubts.


‘s food in your hand. Why don’t you grieve about major events?

Those who stand firm on the rocks now, of course, are happy to die, and their payments have been harvested, and they are still in abyss, far beyond their expectations.

However, those rebels are sorry for their intestines.

A fairy!

Can you get immortal a chance, just so close to the eye, but what about them? You’ve got a bad heart, you’ve chosen power!

What is the difference between this mortal power and the achievements of the fairies?

One is God, one is the ground!


long as becoming a fairy, nature in the minds of humans is completely beyond the presence of the Emperor, there is, in addition, more importantly – the soaring lifespan!

What else is more important than life?

Such a good opportunity has been pushed by them themselves outside the door.

Stupid! Stupid!

“Your Majesty!” These people are crying, “We’re wrong.”

“Give us another chance.”

“Also ask His Majesty, in the past, to wait for me to come back.”

These people are called.

But not everyone is so boneless, but there are still a few hard bones.

“Don’t beg him!”

“We’ve betrayed, he’ll kill us.”

“Yeah, we’re begging him now, but just let him watch the joke that’s all.”

“Moreover, he killed the ambassador of the water mirror, and no longer, the water mirror countries would have killed him and taken him off.”

“That’s Jade Immortal, the king of the glasses is even going into Immortal King!”

Just so many people, they’re still yelling hard.

“Get out, you want to die and don’t drag us.”

“Your Majesty, forgive us, we have nothing to do with them!”

The weak are screaming, and strong ties with the hard bones.

Shi Hao lightly smiled, hit a ring, chop, all of those soft bones turned into blood mist, and only those hard bones were alive.

“Take them down and wait for the water mirror countries to see if Shi Country will die.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

These hardbones were held in prison, and those soldiers left in the water mirror countries were not dealt with on the ground.

“Get out of here, go back to the water mirror, maybe tell Gabriel that I’m here, waiting for his challenge!” Shi Hao waved his hand.

Those people are angry and surprised.

It’s a good thing to choose a life, of course, and it’s very good to know what they think, but Shi Hao is disgracing their king!

What are you?

How many years have you been rehearsing?

But what about our Majesty?

That was Jade Immortal, even at the end of Jade Immortal, and the door to Immortal King was open to him.


‘re a challenge to my Majesty too?

However, they just picked up a life, and naturally they didn’t dare to talk to Shi Hao about anything, and all went on to Airship without any noise and left in distress.

“Your Majesty!” Everyone is blind.

If all the people in the water mirror were killed, it might be that no one knew where they were, there would have been no follow-on army to kill – even if there were, it would have been a long time to go.

But Shi Hao left directly and provoked the king of the family, which must be the situation of irreconcilable until death.

Shi Hao lightly smiled, and did not say that his power had been stretched to Immortal King.

– Say it. Maybe they won’t believe it. How long has it been?

So by then, he took out crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood from the water mirror countries, and naturally people put their hearts down.

“Dad,” Shi Hao is walking towards the rocks, and he certainly has a lot to say to father for so many years.

“Princess,” the little witch also came very diligently, and that was the object of a big bullshit.

The son was so strong, the stone was happy, but he astonished to look at Su Manman, and said, “Is this the one?”

Shi Hao laughed: “Dad, let’s go back to the house and get you a cup of tea, and I’ll talk to you slowly.”

They went to the house, Shi Hao made father tea – which, of course, is very good tea, with the effect of upgrading cultivation base and consciousness – but Shi Hao did not say that he was afraid that father was not allowed to drink without leaving it to himself.

Then Shi Hao talked about these years of experience.

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