Thousands of real people are out of anger.

How many

things did Shi Hao ruin him?

First of all, he had flown tens of thousands of times, trying to make Apex Cloud Star refining Treasured Artifact, helping him to break through Immortal King, and, as a result, Shi Hao flew into Immortal World with Apex Cloud Star, leaving his intentions completely empty.

He then tried to absorb incarnation’s energy to a clean end, thereby fighting Immortal King’s position, but he had not sucked incarnation clean, with the result that Shi Hao, a knife had killed his incarnation.

Although this has not caused devastating damage, incarnation still has about one part of his life that has not been absorbed by him, which is also a great loss.

This is the last time.

He’s been smoked!

He dignified Jade Immortal, and he’s still nine stars, and has even seen one of the Immortal King’s thresholds, in his own hill, and has been smoked by the public.

Why is it embarrassing?

Thousands of robots are crushing their fists, and their eyes are blowing out of fire.

“Stone, corn, you finally came to die!” He’s gnashing teeth.

Shi Hao lightly smiled: “How could a man like me die? Instead, I’m here to take your dog’s life.”


Hearing Shi Hao talk so much to the Homicide, people can’t stand it.

This is their Pavilion Lord Lord!

xiu xiu xiu xiu, who had just fought for the first terror, was killed immediately by Shi Hao for Gold Origin Immortal of Disciple, and each and everyone were sacrificed to go to Shi Hao.

Shi Hao stretched his hand, and all Gold Origin Immortal seemed to have been subjected to physical identification, all of which ceased at the same time.

Look at this scene, everyone stares up and shows incredible colors.

that many Gold Origin Immortal!

You… Jade Immortal!

This is a reminder, and Shi Hao was Jade Immortal.

In fact, Shi Hao smoked a thousand real robots, and the people thought that he was Jade Immortal, but Shi Hao was so young that they were conscious that there was no connection between them.

Rather, it’s the idea that a thousand robots are the same.

But now, Shi Hao is holding dozens of Gold Origin Immortal, which is no longer obvious, and he is definitely Jade Immortal, or so powerful?

– In fact, Shi Hao can do this when Gold Origin Immortal is imagined by these people, and in any event it is impossible to believe that there is such a strong Gold Origin Immortal in the world.

“Fuck off!” Shi Hao, pull back all Gold Origin Immortal shocks again. “This is my personal grievance with the kilogram thief, so don’t let anyone get involved. Otherwise, I will not let anyone else go.”

You’ve got Jade Immortal in the last few years, and what kind of cultivation base can you be?

He was already nine stars, Jade Immortal, and he also looked at a threshold for Immortal King, although far from Immortal King, it was enough to look at the edge and to allow his forces to change over time.

This is largely reflected in the application of the fairy rule, even if he still mobilizes the 4th-layer fairy, but it can already be manipulated from the point of view of 5th-layer and the number of clear Jade Immortal that can be mobilized will rise dramatically.

“Shi Hao, you’re really confused!” He coldly said, “Even if you go into Jade Immortal, how many years can you get the fairies in this house?”

“Old thief, are you here to hit a mouth gun?” Shi Hao said with a smile, “Come on, Young Master’s knife is starving.”

Old thief? Dog thief?

You can’t take care of yourself by calling the powerhouse, the power, wherever you put it?

We’re not spinning, fighting on the one hand, and dirty words on the other.

“Death!” The real man is no longer patient, stretching his hand to Shi Hao.

Alarm, the horror shocks, and he has redeployed a lot of light Jade Immortal, into a hammer, drops from the sky, huge like mountains.

Shi Hao stretched his hand to the top, said with a smile: “You still have no such qualifications!”

At the end of the day, the hammer was bred and could no longer fall.


Naturally, people are clear, but they can’t believe in their eyes.

In their view, even Shi Hao moved into Jade Immortal, which is certainly not a real opponent for the machine.

As you know, while a thousand people are famous, he has defeated a number of powerful Jade Immortal and three words of the cabinet are famous in the cafeteria.

Now, a young man is blocking a thousand real people, so how do they accept it?

It’s going to collapse.

Shi Hao lightly smiled, put his hand tight, slammed, and that hammer in the sky collapsed immediately, regrouped for the energy and rules of the heavens and the earth and disappeared instantly.

That’s it!

The people are pumping their faces, and the shock cannot be repeated.

They have endorsed Shi Hao’s strength, but such performance as Shi Hao remains far beyond their imagination.

It’s the power to drive with a thousand real robots!

“It’s not time for you to live so long!” The real man now regrets that this kid is too evil to give him enough room for growth, and as a result, he really has the power to fight himself now.

Shi Hao was laughing and said, “It’s like you were in love with me before!”

– When he flew Immortal World, the real man even moved Immortal King, which naturally was to ensure that Shi Hao was killed.

So, that’s a hypocrisy.

Thousands of real people did not speak again, but sacrificed Jade Immortal, killing Shi Hao again.

“immortal dao cultivation, not only is it innate talent!” He says, “Your weakness is too weak!”


have a clear Jade Immortal, do you?

To have such Treasured Artifact, not only does it take power, but it takes time, not to say that you want it – even if you have enough treasure, then somebody will sell you Jade Immortal gold.

Moreover, after receiving Ming Jade Immortal’s gold, it was also built, with Martial Dao’s will and fairies, that would make it possible to move from the weapons to the immortal machine, not to one night.


Handshake Jade Immortal, even if there are still no breakthrough nine stars, has increased a lot and the power of the natural hegemony.

“Real man Mighty!”

“True man is invincible!”

Everyone else shouted for a thousand real people, and everyone was proud.

– The elder the bull, they naturally feel light on their faces.

Shi Hao smiled, took out the real gold, turned into a big blade, and greeted the past with a thousand real robots.



fairies in the hands of the thousands of real people were blown up and hit by great power, almost took off their hands.

Moreover, since Shi Hao is already Jade Immortal, the formidable power of the Immortal King’s apparatus has naturally been further plunged, clearly exceeding the Ming Jade Immortal.

It can be seen clearly that the light Jade Immortal in the hands of the thousands of real robots suddenly becomes bleak, and then it changes clearly, so that normalcy can only be restored after a while, but it’s more dark than it was when it started.

In the meantime, people are silent.

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