It’s too surprising. The killer is so heavy!

However, this painting strangled its head and tail, and only Shen Shen had slaughtered the city of Dong Shi Shi, so no one knew why he was going to be so hard.

And how did Shi Hao get this picture?

This guy is really a pit with such a critical evidence, but he is a bullshit, like a clown, and as a result, this painting is blown out and directly justifies Shen.

Is this a fake image?

hehe, really fake, Immortal King will know as soon as he sees it.

In the picture, Shen, who could imitate the nine lines of lineage, was not a special mystery.

It’s impossible!

So it’s true, there’s no half a chance of forgery.

Shi Hao was already digging a pit so early.

Now, what else can he justify?

“Shi Hao!” He’s gnashing teeth, holding his fists tightly and spreading fire in his eyes.

Shi Hao faintly smiled: “You do the ugly thing yourself and blame me for coming up on my head? hehe, no longer.”

And he turned around and grew up and went.

– Originally, Shi Hao tried to kill this man, but then he changed his mind.

In this way, Shen’s life will be worse than death.

Shen was sitting on the ground with a tight butt, and he took so long to think he could pitch Shi Hao, the result?

Finally, he fell into Shi Hao’s trap.

After an ugly performance, he had also revealed his original form, and had been exposed to disguise under the eyes of the people, making the sins blamed in front of the people.

Then the camp will naturally deal with Shenzhen.

This involves the Nine Flame lineage, so the camp will not punish itself, but will come directly to the powerhouse of the Nine Flame lineage, who will decide how to cure Shen.

After all, the dead are also nine flames lineage.

However, the result was a dramatic drop in the glasses – the Camera Immortal King made his own statement that the city of Tang Shi Shi was a traitor of the Nine Flame lineage, and that Shen was the cleaner of the door, not only without the rules of the camp, but also with great success.

Hear this way, everybody is sudden.

It’s so silly to keep your eyes open. It can’t be fake anymore.

But it’s a huge blow to the magnitude of the Ninth Flame lineage, so the sword Immortal King would rather put Shenzhen on a tight horse and be ridiculous.

Shi Hao listened, astonished, and I didn’t expect such evidence to be substantiated, and Shen was able to escape the robbery.

Nine flames lineage, look so heavy in the face?

Oh, does that be related to the Nine Immortal Venerable?

Do you still need to care about people’s views at this level?

It seems that this swordstiger Immortal King is presiding over the big game.

Shi Hao is a little remorse now and has not slashed Shen.

But what’s the problem with killing this little character?

Next time he comes out of the mission, he’ll just kill this guy.

Shi Hao did not focus on such a small matter and left the camp directly to complete the tasks he had received before.

Then, the camp was restored to calm, and nothing had happened for a long time.

It seems that the death of Dong Snow City to these Immortal Venerable messengers was knocking out the alarm clock, so they got a lot.

It’s another two months, and finally, there’s a new mission.

“This time, you all have one mission.” Close your mouth, sweep Shi Hao, and look at Shen Jin and feel tired.

Forget it. He’s lazy. After all, he’s a marginal person in Immortal Venerable lineage.

“This time, you will enter an immortal King’s bone.” He just said, “This Immortal King was strong and repaired to nine stars! One of you may know, but if it’s a lot of people don’t know, it’s gonna change after nine stars!”

“The heavens and the earth are nine poles, so after nine stars, the body of Immortal King will change qualitatively.”

“Without saying anything else, Nine Stars Immortal King will be in the body, and that’s no secret!”

A lot of people show a curious color, and nine stars Immortal King will change the quality? What kind of ghost is the wheel? But if Immortal Venerable’s legend is a heartfelt face, it is clear that they are not strangers.

“The Nine Stars Immortal King survived for generations, and the heavens and the earth swallowed at least three souls, and he should be alive before he went into the bargain.”

“Unfortunately, he has not succeeded.”

So one day, in order to fight for a new life, he will go deeper, live and live, live again, and bone will become an opportunity for the Hereafter to find.

“This Immortal King is too strong, and after death will be lost, surrounded by the body and possessed terrifying’s attack. Until recently, his will was finally dispersed so that it could be explored.”

“Your mission is to acquire the heavens and the earth.”

“Go ahead.”

He was bound to wave, and he naturally announced that the body of Immortal King was located.

This time, there are no restrictions on the team, that is, you can either group or team, but there is only one “one” in the heavens and the earth, and the team can certainly raise the chances, but there is still a fight with others.

And the people are moving towards their destination.

Shi Hao touched the chin, and now everyone has only one task, so it is not possible to sneak Shen off the road.

Just, there’s always a chance.

And he went for his destination.

But what the hell is the Earth wheel?

It’s too vague to say that, when he gets to meet, can he recognize it?

This time, he didn’t work with anyone, alone.

Throughout the past 20 days, Shi Hao has still not reached the destination.

Too far.

The Immortal King, who died here, is nine Star level, so he can naturally go deep into the barrier.

Normally, this is a region where the audience is unlikely to arrive, but it is clear that Immortal Venerable has used special means to address the dangers on the road, so that the audiences can arrive properly.

Just, the road is so far away.

Seven days later, Shi Hao finally arrived.

Is there Immortal King’s body here?

Shi Hao did not see anything but a giant plain, full of an ounce of life, in which he did not appear to be qualified, but said that there was a body of dignity here, but how could he not see it?

– Immortal King is so strong that he can feel his power just a little closer.


Shi Hao suddenly startled, the whole plain, wouldn’t it be Immortal King’s body?

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