I heard that Shi Hao claimed to be the son-in-law of the magic sealineage, and several people were sprayed out.

Zhuo Hao is not so lonely self-control, but also reveals the color of astonished.

You are really… how to describe it?

Immortal King Nüwa, this is placed in other places, it is absolutely respectable identity, but for the people who are basically Immortal King parents and relatives, this identity is actually very embarrassing.

Because the identity of the woman is too high, they always feel that they are eating soft rice.

You can say that you are a fantasy sealineage. Why do you want to bring a female character?

Blowing soft rice is also so shameful and high-spirited?

Zhuo Yu originally had some appreciation for Shi Hao, and now immediately revealed the disgusting color.

This soft rice is also eaten so high-key, how shameful are you?

When Huang Tianqing saw it, he quickly said: “Brother Shi is joking. He is the parent of Immortal King.”

When I heard this, all the talents had a moment.

It turns out that Shi Hao still has such a heavy identity.

Then, Shi Hao becomes the son-in-law of the magic sealineage again, and the meaning is different.

Immortal King Son Immortal King, this is the right thing to do, there is no such thing as eating soft rice.

Zhuo Yu still masks the frost, and stunned: “People take pleasure, take boring as a joke, hmph!”

What are you proud of?

Shi Hao shook his head. He really didn’t want to seduce the crowd. Instead, he didn’t agree with himself that he was the son of Xuan Bing Immortal King.

When he needs to pull the tiger’s skin, he doesn’t mind letting the Immortal King back the black pot, but now it is definitely not needed.

Forget it, how do you think about what you love, anyway, I don’t want to worry about anything with you, I don’t care too much.

Zhuo Yu was so annoyed that everyone would not be happy.

She is the only woman, and seems to be perfect to the extreme, even if the arrogant son of Huang Tianqing is her lord, so since she does not want to see Shi Hao, then others naturally respect him.

Only Huang Tianqing is an exception, because he feels that things have developed to this point and he has his responsibilities. Therefore, he stood in his face.

“Brother Shi, I am sorry,” he apologized.

Shi Hao laughed: “There is nothing to apologize, I have nothing to lose.”

Huang Tianqing knows that Shi Hao is comforting himself, but his heart is better than that. “Brother Shi, let me introduce you to the situation here.”

The entire Jade Immortal team, like the Gold Origin Immortal team, has gone through two rounds of elimination.

At the beginning, there were more than 1,700 Jade Immortals in the first year, and 90% were eliminated in the first year, but in the second year they only eliminated more than two-thirds. Therefore, the rest of the people here also It is fifty.

Young kings such as Wu Wuyue and Hong Tian still remain in the ranks, but they are not the best genius.

– Nine talents like Huang Tianqing and Zhuo Yu are.

Because they entered the forbidden area at Gold Origin Immortal even earlier, they increased their combat power to sixteen stars. After breaking Jade Immortal, they naturally have stronger fighting ability.

For example, there is no moon, he can now fight two stars, and he also represents the level of combat power of most people in the Jade Immortal group. However, if Huang Tianqing can have more than two-star combat capability, the most terrifying It’s Zhuo, and her leapfrogship has reached Samsung.

In the entire Jade Immortal group, she has the strongest power and no one can play it.


Because she got a big chance in the forbidden land, the original cultivation base was also broken through 13 stars, and the combat power reached 17 stars!

The limit of your own breakthrough, and the limit of the breakthrough by Immortal Venerable means that after moving into a new big realm, the combat power is not the same.

Like Zhuo Yu, although she is a thirteen-star breakthrough, she is completely comparable to the Immortal Venerable.

The strongest Martial Dao innate talent and potential, coupled with the outstanding looks, naturally makes her proud, that no one is worthy of her, it is a genius such as Huang Tianqing, and only listen to her orders.

“oh!” Shi Hao patted Huang Tianqing’s shoulder. “Yellow brother, chasing this arrogant woman, you were wrong at first.”

What, what!

Huang Tianqing suddenly became nervous: “I didn’t chase – you don’t guess!”

Shi Hao smiled and continued: “Like her like this, you just should show a tough side and break her pride, so that she will see you right away! Otherwise, the more you look, the more she will The more proud you are, the more you see you as nothing!”

“Remember a word, the dog will end up with nothing!”

Huang Tianqing’s Face is red: “I didn’t pursue her! I didn’t like her! You, you, me, me–”

Looking at his hands and feet, Shi Hao couldn’t help laughing.

It was another few days, and the people who went out to perform the mission returned one after another.

Moonless, Changfeng and the others After seeing Shi Hao, it is inevitable that it will be amazed, and Shi Hao will tell the story well.

Another few days later, there was an Immortal King.

He called Shi Hao alone and asked about the details of Han Yu’s death.

But according to Shi Hao, he naturally could not witness the death of Han Yu, so he easily fooled into the past.

– Han Yu blocked the king of the ghost, he took the opportunity to escape, very simple.

The Immortal King always stared at him and suddenly said: “You know, it is a big sin to bully Immortal Venerable, not only you, but your family and friends, you will be implicated!”

Is this threatening him?

Shi Hao raised his brow and said: “If Lord doesn’t believe me, why bother to ask me?”

That Immortal King laughed: “Dare to talk to this seat, you are really courageous! Well, I hope you are telling the truth, otherwise, hehe!”

After that, not waiting for Shi Hao to react, he waved his sleeve and went to the sky.

This should be the person of Han Yu lineage, it is really overbearing.

Shi Hao instinctively felt that this thing did not end so simply.

However, the days that followed were very calm and always flustered.

A few months later, all Jade Immortal who performed the task returned, some completed the task, some did not, and some even died on the road.

The original 51 people, now only 48 left.

This is only half a year, and it has lost three genius, who will almost become the immortal king. The rate of damage is really amazing.

Shi Hao Because he just joined this group, he still has one hundred basic points. The first round of tasks has nothing to do with him. There is no reward or penalty.

On this day, he was called to gather and waited for the second round of assignments.

“This mission needs to be completed in teams, every three people.” The instructor of the Jade Immortal group is of course an Immortal King, called Guanding. “Now, the grouping and tasks are decided by lottery.”

He began to draw lots and arranged the task by the way.

Shi Hao has never been called, and when the last second group is called, the last group is also logical.

Shi Hao and Zhuo Yu also have a person named Xiang Gaoji.

Their task is to go to the place 50,000 miles away from the camp and bring back the sea stone.

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